Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 20 Aug 1999, p. 9

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TheM Canadien Champion. Friday. Au"la 20,19W - 9 This Nashville trip was almost a pilgrimage By IRENE GENTLE The Champion A itnman who used 10 sing lieteKing bas retumed from A a convention honouring a man wbo could play guitar like a god. Jim and Diane Miller are back in town after theiir second pilgrimage 10 the annual Chet Atkins Appreciation Society Convention. Mr. Atkins, also known as Mr. Guitar, is considered by many 10 be the premier fin- ger style guitar picker. The event was held in early July aI the Sheraton Music City Hotel in Nashville. More than a reunion with 1,200 or îo, of the musically inclined, the yearly conven- lion iî also a working session for some of the world's top guitar pickers. At a los Aclor-muaician Jerry Reed and guilariat DaeEddy atlended fthc 1999 convention, where gia lyr ohgreat and hum- becould rub elbowi with Mr. Atkins and bis wife, Leona. That left some people a litîle ls for words, noted Ma Miller. "The firsI lime Jim got 10 shake banda and talk 10 bim, lie said lie acîed hike a bah- bling idiot. That hand has toucbed Elvis' hand and the hands of presidents." And despite being plagucd by iii health, Mr. Atkina ia every bit a good natured gen- tleman, reported Ma Miller. "He's really a great guy. Kind of shy, really," she îaid. "Afterwards I'd alwayî see bim in a crowd. I'd give him a littie wave and he'd wink at me." The four day event closed with a perfor- mance by Mr. Guitar himseif. Health an issue Il waa an emotional event, aince ili health had almoat forced the guitar greal to pack in hia picking forever. "After his third bout of cancer he put (his guitar) down and he wasn't going 10, pick it up again," shte aaid. "He'a recov- ered a lot, lhough he stili bai 10 move slowly and carefully." The event brought tears to the eyeî of Mr. Reed, himself no itranger to troubled times and unfavorable health. "Jerry Reed introduced him and he juil had a quadruple bypasi," said Ma Miller. "He itarted 10 cry and he couldn't gel con- trol of himscif." Lait year Mr. Miller, a former automo- live leacher at Milton District High School, was so awed by the tlent aI the - ee GURU on pope 12 Jim and Diane Miller show off a dent cherry with gold f rlm 1976 Gretsch gultair, almflar bo one mede famous by guitar groat Choef Aficins. 123 MAIN ST., MILTON, ONT. c N uDirectoir of Mualo Jud HunIer SUNDAVI AUG. 22 1999 10:30 a.m. WORSI4IP sermon Titi.: A MOTHERS MAITH Nurms> care Avs0ie F&cUlre sftly wheelchslr accesile VIait aur Weblts: htp:thwww.globalaresv.nail-apauseifa OPEN HOUSE sel. Sept, il - 9:30-11:30 Free Cotise & Mufite Exclt" New Churcit School Pragrom baons Soemrber 12 Id bud slf.etee fiat, ad th beu ter. I'd fluer-palut moe, asd peli tht lunge lms. I weuld de lcm cerretfng udi moet coeacflag. I'd take my eyts eff my watela, sud watcb wlth mny eyes. i weatd cmr te kaew lex sud kuew te oce mere. I'd take moet hikes udi k mair kilts. I'd step playtag mireux, sud serlouàdy play. I weeld rua threagb mere M&e a" sudgz et more stars. I'd de moe ubgglag snd lus tugglng. I'd ste the eak fret Iu the score moe odIeu. I weald lie luss lirm efttn, sud affrn mucb moet. I'd medel luss about the love eftpewer, Aad more about tht pewer ef love. -Diène Loomans It's neyer tee late ta atart having a spIriua aenm e on ceaiet. Ton cma: "help the niânistry of a local cbureh atay dlive and supperted m neuler and train tht next generaien lu stroul nierai principals " make church atteudauce, and familly wership a priorty. " mienter dalldre, perbaps iu ways we didu't or coldu't with eer childreu. m nake the spiritual frainieg ef yeer eblldrea, as mnuch a pslerlty, as their academie, athletc outi seda develepuett - pray dally for your own cbildren and their friends Yeu eau malte a différence! Taluita the nmluistry of a local church today! Grae AglcanChuch St. George's Angican Church Milton Alliance Church HOYRSAYP RISH Grc ngia CurhLowville 2850 DERET RD. OYRS YPAM 317 Main St. E., Milton 7051 Guelph Line (iust north of Derry Raad) (between te Fire Hall and Hospital) httplwwwsgolde.netl-t/iaillop-hlyreay-.htl thse Chuirch on the HiU 878-2411 Rector: The Rev. Canon Charles F. Mautors Phone 878-5664 e Fax 878-6676 8784W35 (T.T.Y. 8784044>) Bey. Dir. Mark McDermestt SCIIEDULE 0F SERVICES FOR JULY & AUGUST Pastor Greg McCombs - Senior Pastor J.HOLY ROSARY CHURCH SUNAYSEVIES9:30 arn - Alternating Moming Prayer and HoIy Pastor Steve MeLean - Associate Pastor 139 Marin Street SN A SEVC SCommunion. Nurser Sehool provided Service time: (new summer Isours) 10:00 amt Mass at 5:30 pm Saturda>' 8:00 a.m. - 11oiy Communion 9:30 arn - Youth Service in the auditorium Guest Speaker: 9:00 amn, 10:30 arn Sunday 10:00 a.m. - Sung Eucharist (Nurseryj Programn, SERVICE 0F PRAYER FOR HEAUNG Rev. Bud Downey OUR LADY 0F VICTORY MSSION Church School & Pra pers for Healing> 7:00 pm - Juiy 25 and Auguat 22 SUNDAY NIGHT 7 PM - College sgt group meetsaet Milton Heights - No Mass TH RDYRegular Service Hours resurne the church for a study lu 1 Peter. ST. PETER'S CHIURCH TH BSA Sunday, September 5 **We also have sunnuser actlvites for Jr. High 9th Lia. & Britaunia 10:00 arn. - Holy Communion 8:30 & 10:30 amn (grades 7 & 8) as weil as Senior Hfh No Mass FUFor additional information cail the church office (grades 9-OAC). Pleese cail church office for more L! Rev. Earl Talbot, PP 93WIIEEICIIAIE ACCESS TItIitiGII PARKING ilÀT tlt)ilt at 878-1363 info, ou these programa -Offlid/n -m MS.ul o*faîet Roace Worship -Mrs. Esther Kastler Vouth -Roy. QBard Clarit 10:.45 a.m. Pastor Rogue A PHANTOM MENACE Childrsn's Church (3-10) 1 Nursery Cor. (0-2) 6:-30 p.m. Gord Clark OUT OF THE SALT SHAKER Kid's Club (3-5) Nursery' Cure (0-2) BI0 CLUBS FOR CHILORENl FAU. REGI8TRATION - S11l" 10 Every wedriesdey nfght, for kid asged S3-11, titis exctlng. high energy prograiff ha second fo none in a ebt eimp"rt praclicai *ldb & moral prfnltMe lOto paricipants livesi WebaWw Wfmtfitf.u ILe.* Has churcb juil been a wasle of lime for you in tbe paît? Has church ever anîwered the real issues and questions of life sucb as jobs, marriage, fam- ilies or finance? VBC is a churcb whcre you can not only know how 10 gel 10 heaven, but wbere you can alîo know how 10 handle tbe issues of life here on eartb. Check ouI Pastor Charles Boyce Wednesday evenings on Cableworks 14 in bis "Wisdom for thse Week" segment on the cable lv show "Plugged In!" (5:30, 6:30, 7:30) 10:00 A.M. - MORNING WORSHIP MIL'TON LEISURE CENTRE (BOARD ROOM) (separsie services for childreî 9 years and aider) "Living A Victorious Life By The Word 0f God'» Pastor Charles Boyce (905) 875.2162 Email: cfxsyce@linterhop.nei fKNOX PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH 878-6066 '1V inisters: - The Rev. Rod Lewis - Coileen Smithî Director of Music Minlafries - Chria Fisher MONDAY, AUG. 9 - FRIDAY, AUG. 13 9:00 -11:30 AN UNXER CONSTRUCTION A Habitait for Humsnity Vacation Bible Schooi #efOwabtat for lfesimay lm( IaternaUosual For ail (chiidren agea 4 - 11) To register Cai Amy at 878-9873 BAHN1 0 SON 0F EART Wouldst thou have Me, souk none other fhan Me; and wouldst dou gaze upon My beaufy, close thine eyes fo the world and aIl that is therein; for My will and the wll of another thon Me, even as fire and %voler, cannaI dwel lotgeiher in one heart.- - from lte Baho'i wrfings LOCAL:......................................... 878-0011 REGIONAL:...........................1-800-433-3284 ýGLOBAL .........................www.bahbyi.org MILTON GOSPEL HALL 306 Ontario St. N. e 878-2022 10:00 arn. - The Lord's Supper 11:45 arn. - Sunday School 6:30 p.m. - Gospel Service Wednesday 7:30 p.m. Prayer and Bible Study 1 give unto my aheep elernal f ife; they shall neyer periah, neither shall any man pluck them out of my hand. John 10.28 Th. Salvation Anmy Church Milton 100 Nipissîng Rond, Unit 3 Captalos Dan sud Wendy Brre We are curreîfly undergoing renovations aI our Nipissiîg Road location. Please join us for Worahip in lte auditorium af E.C. Drury Secondary Schooi Sundey Morninge 11:00 em Caftée & lighf refreshments following Weekiy programmiîg will recommence in September For more information please call 876-2420 CAPT10,11AU EVERY SUNDAY AT 10:45 A.M.

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