Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 20 Aug 1999, p. 25

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The Canadian Champion, Frlday, August 20, 1999-25 TECHNICIAN POSITION AVAILABLE Due fa our contînuing grosth wve are currentip seeking a fechni- cian to, instal our producta <Automatic lubrication sysfems and others) on tractor-fraîlers, heavy equipment and in-plant equip- ment at locations throughouf Ontario. 'Mechenical and technical experience on highway trucks and traitera le required *Miilwright & weiding exp a efrong asset *Techniciens with a 310 or 310T certifficafe GPL Systems provides excellent training and a benefit package. If pou would like f0 loin our technicaltfeam, in an organizafion that promnotes personal growtn as wattl as assisfing pou in the achievement of pour professional goals: Fax your resumne ta: A. Nagy 905-875-2125 Polywheels Manufacturing praduces a wide range of malded autamnative OFMl and aftermnarket parts ta clients which include the major auta inanufacturera and aftermnarket parts distributars. We are ISO 9001, IS0 14001, QS 9000, and QI registered and aur strang eimphasis an quality han helped us heo ane one of North America s largo st caînpasite fabricatars. Industrial Mechanicl Millwright *oakviiie Your responsibilities inctude performing general repairo on aur hydrautic and pnieumnasic machinory. As a troubleohooter, you have experience with wclding, electrical work. Ili-truck operation, and blueprint reading. In your daily work. you wil maintain good housekeeping standards and strive to comply with heat h, safety, and environmenial potîcios. You focus on fthe job as bond and psy attention ta dotait. Your Mitfwrighi Certificate plus 3-5 years' rot ated job experienco ensure you are knowliedgeabte of tifi-trueko, amaller botls, maintenance tool s hydraulie presses, lathnes, mitting and molding machines, wef ding equipmenî, and robots. You have every confidence thatl you can paso a company administered colour acuiîy test. Please appl y ta: Human Resources, Polywheeln Manufacturing Lfd., 1455 North Service Roued East, Oakvelle, ON L6H 1A7 Fax: (905) 815-1702 e-mail: decaires@hpolywheeLn.com I50 9001, 180 14001. 900 à 0i Aegisiered W, Ih,, i h,, I -A b Expanding building supply yard requires honeaf, hardworking and self-motivated individuafls for fthe fatlowing positions: " CLASS DZ DRIVERS " FORK LIFT OPERATOR " GENERAL LABOUR HELPERS Heavy lifting involved. Drivera must provide current drivers abstract wvith boom truck experience being a plus. Campatitive start- ing wages and campany benefifs. Appty in persan ta: PATIENE BUILDING SUPPLIES LTD. 7449 Trafalgar Road (South of 401) Hornby, Ontario Attn: Traffic Manager AUTOMO11111TIVE JOIN OUR TEAMI Automotive positons available immediately. Mississauga ares. Mjutobody Weîders Ijînstaîlers CiShop Supervisor/Scheduîer (Shauld have aufamaotive background and good computer akilîs.) FAX recases to: Personnel @ (905) 828-4772 Phoenix Controls Iocated in Mississauga relquires " Eloctricai Technician " Industriel Electrlcian Mia. 4 yrs experience. Must ha Lic. or certi- lied. Experience in convrois systees & PLCs Fax rosamo te (905)82111-1111M NURSES NEEDED for school year startîag ta Sept. for podtculosîs screentng ta Halton. FAX RESUME TO: (MS) 338-5616 PA-T0£M MESOA SUPPORT Kensington, a retire- ment residence in Oakvilie. Exp. mîth seniors and PCW oertificafe required. Fax resume to: Sylvia Scott (905)842-9229 when beuyn@ or- eIle al vehilie, reemer The CànadiIan Chamio. OFFICE HELP Pal lme secretaryIreceptionist requirmd mmnedtaleiy tv busy resi estato office in Milton. Rooporsibilitios snci/e anowerng tllphno, hnoking appto., poging massages, pmeparing ofinos, and processioL listings. Must be computer literate, meal notule noperionce pmefermed. 2 eneningo (5-tpe) sand altemnate Saturdopo (9om-5pm) & Sundays (il arn - 4pm). Pleose tas reoume to (905) M75709. ASSISTANT TO THE ACCOUNTANT Construction company requires competent, fulfy expenienced persan for a variefy of accoonting fonctions an a congenial 6 pemson office. Pnimary responsibility for compoterized accounts payable, accounts reoeivable and daily bankîng. Assist with payroll and oCher accounting fonctions as reqoired. Excellent opporfunity for quick-fhinking, conscientious poison. Immediafe opening. Please mail resumne to Box 4022 elo The mississauga News 3145 Woltedale Rd. Mississauga, On L5C 3A9 SEDI SBRIDGE ,9 Brde c, sa poung, dynamic internationalty active cn. whc pecializes in Electron ic Commerce for PC LAN accountîng packages. Our constant growth necessitates the need for the following: SALES SECRETARY /ICSR Tis position reqoîres an indivîdual with excellent commonication and organizational competencies wfro s able lu molli-tank and apply eoceptional lime man- agement okitîs. In addition, Lu succestul candidate wilI have a minimum of 2 peurs office espeuience, un- derstands the importance et customer service, be computer literale. and have a superior & professional command of the English language. Il you are a team orieated protessional with the ahane skilis, please fax pon resume, incloding cuver ltler and salarp enpectations to: Numan Rsoures, (905) 336-3414 Challenging career oppotunities .avaitable for Marketing >- AccouaI Managers. >- Techoical Support and Programmers Corne join oui feuen and cootnibute tai aur saccess. View our website atwwed-rde.o Customer Service Representative Culistream communications lac., a leader in tetepho- np software developirrent, has un opening for a qnaii- lied candidate t0 liaison with our eoisting sort ses cuistomers, gather enstomer information sort hetp bo devetop specificalions. This persan must pas- sess excellent communication skiffs. knowedge af Microsoft Word, Excel sort PowerPoint, sort ho good witb oushars. Ouaiitied candidates shoatd have a min. eftwo peurs experience destin g with customers eitber face ta face or nia lelephone. Other qualifications are inlerpersonal ukilîs, a pleasunt telephone noîce, set objectives and manage lime in a mulli-tusk environ- ment. Position is aalabie for a 6-mo. contract with un opportunitp for permunent fuîltime. Data Entry Clerks Pssitions avuitahie for part-fise Dafta Eatrp Clerks. Esrtp eveniogs and occasionai weekend bours. Accorule tpping sort spelling reqnirert. Great position for stadent, retiree or moms. Forward recases loi: Vichi Diltane, c/o CaIlStreamt Communications toc. 871 Equestrian Cd, Ste. t, Oubville, ON L6L 6L7 Fao: (15)847-3421 * Emait: nickid@cailslreas sos ADMINISTRATION! CUSTOMER SERVICE Required fuit-lime in a hosp freîght forwsrding office. Applîcanfs must ha computer lterate. Duties sit iectsde A/P., Costomer Service, Filiag sort Receplion. The candidafe must possess excellent communication and oiganizitional skilis sort ha capable of worhing mit h minimal supervisin. Fax resume: (905)842-6210 Gafeway.Freighf Systems 243 North Service Rd W., Ste. 302 Oakvifle, ON L6M 3E5 Whotesaln pharmaceulîcal cx. seeko an eoperiencert BILINGUAL ACCOUNTS RECEIVABLE CLERK Must have collection experience, communicatin and costomer services skîlts and the abilitp f0 work la a compoterized enviroament. This eafry tevel position offers a competitive compensation pakg. Reptp witIn resame to: Box 6186, c/o TIno Oakviile Bosser 467 Speers Rd., Oakn)llfe, ON L6J 3S4 Administrative Assistant Software Development Firm requires a 'take charge" person for administrative support, filing, data capture, client inter- action, database maintenance. Must be professional in apperance and manner. Must be computer lierte Fax resume to: (905) 569-2:286 (Only sefected prospects wifi tee contacted) ~SENdESAMipIEs. coM ADMINISTRATIVE CUORDINATOR to help tacillîste a fast grswing medicsl internet csmpanp. Qualifications: Bilingual (French/Engiish). Knowiedge ut computer/ internet is s must. Car required. Room for advancemesl wisi. Position slarlisg Sept. 71h. Cmli Robert Nyoii 905-33740545, or emnail: rohertd@sendmesampIes.com INA Canada lac., the Canadian division ot a moiti-national leader in the production of bear- ingo and precision components, is seeking can- didates for the position of: CUSTOMER SERVICE REPRESENTATIVE The position is availabte at our Canadian head office tocafed in Oakvilie. The succesoful appli- cant wilI bu responsibie for insida sales and order entrp for our Ontario customers and Canadian brsnch offices. Peroono with ftne following atf ribotes will bu considered for this position: *cornmunitp college degree os preferred, secondarp achoot diploma is a min. require- ment; " computer literate; " techaical apfitude; " feam player with excellenf interpersonal and communication okilîs; " customer service and/or bearing industry esperience is an asset INA Canada offers a competitive remoneration package, including extensive heath benef if con- orage and pension plan. Resumes for thia position should be sent, in complote confidenfiality, f0: INA Canada fic. 2871 Plymouth Drive Oakville, ON L6H 55 LAB TFCHNICIAN RESEARCH & DEVELOPMENT We are a weit-estsblished, leading manufacturer nf indostrial lubricants and corrosion preventives for the steel and mataI working industries. Dur laborafory in Mississauga is expaading sort requires a chemnical techoogiat who bas graduated from a comsaaity college or compa- rable institution, and who bas at toast 2 peurs ouperience an iadusfry. We offer a compefitine saiary, gnod benefits and profit sharing. Pieuse reply in wrltlng only fa: The Iluman Resource Manager H.i. Biachiord Ltd. 2323 Royal Windsor Drive Mississauga, Ontario 15J 1K5 PROGRAMMER ANALYST The ieadiog Canadian lessor nf speciolized rail cars sort services han an opening for an accomplishei protessional in ouf sputemo deveiopment group. The position sutl ha invoioed in ail aspects ot spstem deveiopment. The succesuful candidate wiii have broad techaica ahilities balanced with generai business sense and eoperience 1ha1 demonstrates strong communications, probles solvîng and project management shilis. Self-motivation and the abiiitp lu work eftectivelp bath indivi/ualip and as a project tea memhar are required. Eaperîence in une or more ut the foiiowing environ- ments is preterred: Client Server: Vîsual Age, Smalttatk, D62/2, Weh develupmrenl. Malnframe: PL/1, DL/i. SOL/OS, DOS/VSE, RPG , CSP sort CICS. Applicants shoatd send their resume outliing edacation, noperience sort saiarp reqairements to: PROCOR LIMITED Humme Resources Department 2001 Speers Rd., Oalcviile, On LOJ 5El E-mail: Iobs@procor.com Faix:(905)427-7735 CONTROLLER Working in a fasf-paced and deadfine-oriented envirooment, pou wili ho responsihie for heading up the tinancîi reporting sort anaipsis for the Jlack Aster's Division of SIR Corp. Your responsiblifies wif i inctude supervising sor tfraining s feaco of restaurant accountants, reviewing sort analpsing the resfaurant resuits, preparing divisionai finaciai statemeats sort consolidated financial resuits for tbf concept, coordinating the budigef process, anrt preparing cash f toms sort torecasts. Reportiag f0 the presictent, pou possess a professional accounting designation (minimum CGA or OMA) and pou have a minimum of fine years roIloyant work noperience. Expert knowfedge of Microsoft Excel, Word sort AccPac (or oCher compufenized accouating software) is required. You have excellent verbal sort wriften communication skilîs aort you possess the ability f0 prioritize, multi-task sort self mofivate. Ferward restitue te: Barbara Turcott, JACK ASTOR'S BAR & GRILL 5360 South Service Rd, Suite 200, Burlinglon, ON L7L 5L1 Fax (905) 681-0394 email: bturcott@sircorp.com M- I i NO TELEPHONE CALLS PLEASE. We thank everyone who applies for their interest, howe ver anIv candidates selécted for interviews will be contacted. CARING home environ- ment bas masm for pie- achoolers. Receipta. 876-4415 DAYCARE avaitabie. Fuît or part fiee. Indoor and outdoor activities, notritiaus mealsasnd iota of TLC. Cati 876-4560. EXPERIENCED DAY- CARE. Notrifloas snacks, structored & f ree plap activities, meelp outiaga, loving care. Carol, 876-0620. - FULLTIME dapsare availabie. Clean safe environeent. Nutrifiaus snacks and lunchea. Outinga, art and craffa +. 876-0257. LOOKING for affer achool care, preferabty in oui borne, tram 3- 6 P.M. meekdas. For 2 boys age 6 and 10. Dorset Park area. Please cuit 878-5202. RAINBOW VILLAGE DAYCARE accepting Septeeber darotiment. Fuiltime cbitdcare for children 18 montha - 5 pears. 878-7552. -m P R E GNA N T? Decisions f0 make? Caf AFTER achoo cure us mo're heme f0 tisten. manted. Martin Street 876-1245. schoal ares, for mp 9 peur aid daughter. (905)693-0974. AFTER achool daycare AUTO INSURIANCE. for 2 achool aged sis- Beat rates for mas date- fera.: Martin Street oc- era inctuding higher casionat mominga. dates. Cai Warren, 519- 693-9928, eveninga. 853-4284, 905-270- 1555. GoodLife Exciting Career Opparfunifies nom available with Canada's largest Fifness Company. Goadile Fitnes Club in Milon nom mquire s Fitness Traînera, Personat Traînera, bath Futt and Part-Time. Membership Ca-ardinators and Reception. Please farward resumne by Manday, Augusf 23, 1999. 855 Steeles Ave., Milton, ON L9T 5H3 876-FITT (3488) Attention: Diane Parry Fax No: (905) 876-0807

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