Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 20 Aug 1999, p. 24

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24-Tht Canadien Champion, Friday, August 20, 1999 PICK VOUR OWN TOMATOES, PICKLING CUCUMBERS J New patatoos avaflable AT "CHAS. GREG FARM" Bob & Mabel Devolln 15 sideood, 1 milt reta of Trafalgar Rd.. BAM. TO 8 P. M. Mon. - Fr!. a a.m. - 5 p.m. Set & Sun. 877-7484 MILTON Chamber ai Commerce, Farntr's Markt Assistant - Fridays, Safurdays, Il hourshwok, unti Octobor 30. Ta assisl in t1ht operation af tht Schol- amship Calle. Bring rosumoe ta, 251 Main St. E. Doadiint Auguat 25. Forjurthtr information, cati 878-058. PART TîME position. A iocal distribution companry roquires a flexible Indiviual io mork in an of- fice/wmrea envtonimont. Muat have computer knowftdgo and a vaffd driver's hicense. Fax or detiv- ery nmmure i confidence ta: Cardinal Maintenance Supplies, 533 Mi Sf. E., Milon. Fax 905-876- 1969. PRIVATE gtable roquie Pf T hef p Sept. 1. 20 -30 houms meely, homse expedience requimed. Fntendly people and homses. 877-7080. REUABLE labourera for fumber miii in Actn. Fast pace enrvironnent, sonte lifting invoivtd. Training providoni. Full Umno days andi attooons availabte. Fax ralsume fci: 519-853-4537. TORONTO Auto Auctions requie Custonor Serv- ice/Tolemarkieting. Fui iUtie position avaflabi e for an experlenced pemson mifh excellent inforpemsonat skills abdify fa learn quicfdy, gooni typing and sont computer expenience an assel. Pfeasos fax rosurne fa; Attentm iona on GImour. Fax 905-875-2910. WIMPY'S Diver in Mifton ta fooldng for 1 tufl tino cook Prenin houra. Monday-Friday, 11:OOan - 8:OOpn. Weolkevdt off. Top mages. Phono 875- Àcihudleigh 's PRODUCTION FACILITY Requireni by growving lacal companly. Dedicated individuells with a desire ta con- tribule lalils succeas. Muat posseas ail iof tht faiiowing altribules, feam piayor, abiify end màiiirgnesa fa ioam, good camprehen- sion akifla, bath writlen and verbal. Full filme pasitions avuliabie. Seasanai mesk- end more la invoived. Baidng experience fa en asseit. We provido a competitive mage, job stabi t-, ty ta cammittedi empioyees, apportunity tai advance. job variety and a grisat work envi- ranmertt. Resumes may be droppod aff by FiLAusJ2 ta aur Office ut 624 McGtachle Drive. (878-8781 for directions). Onmiy candidates with tht requirod skiffs mii bu conlactod for an Interview. pasivlu applicmnts need flot apply Tho Goodiffe Fitness Clubs requires a mature, responsibie individual who loves wri g withchiidren for a position in aur Junior Fitnees Room Pieuse forward resumes by Manday Auguat 23, 1999 ta 855 Steeles Avenue Milton ON LOT 5H3. Phono (905) 876-3488 Fux (905) 876-0807 Attention: Dîanu Purry SFFfl WHEEL TRUCK SM)P Are you an energetic persan manting tai mark in a fat paced environnent? We are currenly accopling appficaian. fo the foiiowing FIT, P/T Short Order Cooke F/l; 11-7 Sunday thru Friduy Dishwusher F/l; P/T Waiter/Waitr«es Apply in persan: Fifth Wheei Truck Stop 40 Chishoirn Dr., Milaon NO Phono Catis Pieuse - - COMII5INITY LIVING NORTH IIALTON EMPLOYMENT OPPORTUNITY Regular part-terne and casual relief work avaifabie- supporting people with speciaf needs in Milton and Haf ton His ta become invofved in their corn munities. We are looking for entbusiastic indi- viduats who are invofved in commun- ity groups and enjoy meeting people and trying new things. Experience in aupporting peopl e in their own homes through other agencies would be an as- set. Security clearance wif I be required. Succesaful applicants wili be requireni to work evenings. Weekend and over- night shifts. Please &end i-osons - lmmedautY vo: Shelley Wolf - Slunan Rosources Comnnunluy Living North Haon, 725 Main Street Eesu Miieu, Ontario, L9T 3z3 (905)878-2337, Exil. 62 Excell en irV or re-entry oppotnte FundRPausïng Coordinators he-olajneru are reqwired throughoel Ontario tram Sepleinher 7th lu Murch 151 oni oa contnaci husn Iu impiemeniaanna undraisna prograrns. We are ioking for ouiîgoing individuals who have expenence monfciag wids vofuafeens, are orpanized, aad have escellent consmeaicabasn sif. leaue app.liin mrinlgi: Onlairlo Atuect et Dîmes, rio Tcf (MIW), 250 Thse Esplanadle, Suite 204, Torotto, ON' M5A 1J2 CA OTJIA LMARHE MARCH DES DIX SOU bOF DVIM DE LVNTARI Sites in Oakvilfe, Mifllon, Burfinglon, Hamilton. Candidate MUST have amy transportation. miiiing ta mark eveningu and meekenda, avatiabf e on an on cal bis- ais. Wie affer $7.O0/hr & excellent benefit package. Fax resumne fa: Or cati fa arrange interview mith: R. Dennis 800-613-9458 LANDFORM CONTRACTINS presenfty accepfing applications for futt-fimt Landscape Construction Labourers- Lead hand Drîvers lIcomn requîrui. interested persans should cail 905-840-0547, fax 905-840-3697 Garnent rentai company requires a Futitîime Customer Service Representatîve ta service and nake detiverits fa enisfiug customners. Must have good drivîug record and ctass 'G ticense. Neat appearance and excellent communications skitts required.Good mages & henefifs provided. Mail/fax resune: Canadian Lintn & Unifonri Service i O akviif e, ON L6L 6Ki Fax: (905) 847-9182 Attention: in Voipini FULL TIME We are lookîng for energetic, enthusiastic persons to wýork dlay s beginnin mmediateiy and through the fa in the Beot Gourmet Burger Resturant. PLEASE APPLY IN PERSON AFTER 2 PM AT OUR LIC KS LOCATIONS AT: -270 North Service Rd. (Qakvilie Tonentre 1) - 2420 Lakeshore Rd. West (Broute) - 3315 Fsirview St., Buriingn - S4a Trafalgar Rd., Oakvitte Fuli-time Laborers Training 10 stant ASAP for printero for a plastic dis- tribuIl i lit. AIl days- Mon-Ffi Startinq wage $8.75/Ar. Must be fluent in the Englisli langeage (read/writn), unergntic reorli in a tnam almosphere. Order Desk/Customner Serice Fuîltfmn permanent person required immediatey. Must lhane pleasant tetephone manner. Must he fluent in the English language, keyhoardîng experieece required. Witting lu do various tashs. RESUMES TO: Master Iliilsilowify Iamoit Servies 202-2222 South Sheridan Way, Mississauga Fax:lte (ur9ng5n Ham23-36a97 to QWHO HAS THE JOBS] eYOU WANT? *e Staffîng Soulons Emplocyment Opportunities A vailable NowI!1 INOUSTRIAL & OFFICE POSITIONS To apply Cali Georgette at (905) 336-6664 or Fax your resume to: (905) 336-3377 Aimco Staffing Solutions 3060 Mainway Dr, Unit 104 Burlington, Ont. It Doesn't Get Any Better Than This! 114E BODYO (SHOP Experienced Fuil & ParI-time RE AIL SALES ADVISORS Vou're dynamic. Vou're a feam player. Vou're bright and enthusiaslic. You're renowned as a leader on sales and for providing excellent customer service. Best ot ail ~ae a fasl-leaming individual thal craves a tast pace environmevt. Yoa deserve lu work for an organization mhat cao use your qualifies as moul as your outstanding peuple and communication skills. We are the repufable, quality retait compavy 1ha1 you are looking for. To gef the wtsole story and fo sue if you would like f0 reorli for. a progressive, peuple oni- ented, value driven retail compavy, please drop by The Body Shop lu Galivilfe Place with your resumne and references, or Cati Befh Meehan ai (905) 849-7353 Ask about out CHRIS13IA9SEASON JOB FAIM diursa coenn on Sept. 1 4(99, 4mPtn SUMMO STEEL CORP. 1200 Burloak Drive, Burlingfon, On L7L 6B3 Assemblyl Machine Operators Summo is a young, aggressive parts manufacfaring company. Min. grad 12, good English communication skiffs and strong morh efhîc requîred. Dut res nct ode producing/ asstmhling 100% qaalify parts toi pro- duction standards, part inspections and accorat record keeping. Future growth opportunifies. Suhmif remumes afin: Prodect ion Manager. Fax (9f5)-336-ff63 or email roh@summo.com urEenHAWI seehirng o ahn positions u Mfssissaua storie. Custo er servicennc and knowiede ai homses lis requireef. Resunus ca be faxod fa962893.Ateto:Jni Mamgan. The Oakvio Beavor, A Division ai Mofrofand Printing, Pubfisfsing & Disfribufing Ltd. ta accept- ing rosumes for the position of Special Foulures Writer. Roporting ta the Director of Advortising, the Speciat Postures Wrifor la responsibie for edinoniaf content and tayaut of in-paper foulures as vieil as publications croat- od by Tht Oakvif te Beaver. The idoat candidate wili have strong mriting and oditoriat skiffs and a proficioncy in Microsoft Word and QUARK. Famiiarity wifh a Macintosh- basod ptatform is preferrod. Tho position roquiros somoocne with escofient organizationa skiffs who works moti on doadiino. A flair for cor- palrait communications and famifiarity with prnf Part-lime Day Cashiers Mon.- Fri, 15-20 hrs/ week Schooi holiday & sunimtm soff if derodl Apply in persan tai: 4135 Fairviti St Buriington Shunt Driver CL/MS AZ DRIVER required foi mork ai our Oakvitte cuufract locat ion. Some uv-road work is rtquired. We offer fuItirue mage of $15.tf/fr mifh an toc. hevef if package. Please appty in person: 5990 ludion Line Mississauga, ON Wafted for Oakviif t pubtîshiof company. Experienctd in Quark, Phofoshop and tIfusirafor. Plusse fax beuirr te: Human fesources (905) 842-6843 - WOMENI Men rtquired for varîous geinera t lahour positions. PERSONNEL 460 Brant Sf., Unit 9 Burîtuffon htm Baîu-3pm P- Required for major applianco store. Muet have cf tan appearance and be people orienled Fax resumie fa: 905-8442 oncouagied. Tht ablity ta mark mith nimal esupervision as moi t as in a toan environnment is Resumes send ta tht attention af: WAN EDKelly Moniague, Diroctar of Advorhising MEDICAL office in Ml- MANAGER c/TE ro The Oakvitfe Beaver ton roquires a Penmu- For 241 PizzasI Mms. Powtil'sO 487 Speers Rd., Oakvf le, Ou., L6K 3S4 vent Pari Tino Recep- in tht semes Buriinglon lacationI haiont for fate affenoon 3-5 yeara managemvent shift 4 days a meek. oxperienco necossary. SALES! Tht succesfuf an Fax yaur resumo ta: (905) 637-7745 -J SERVICE ASSISTANT chdatt must possesa ef- Burtioffon Financial Planning offtce ix bastic coter skiffs.n presentty seeking an assitant to service and Praficeco miiiter give - admînîster client accounts.Peenc i bgvn A professional appearance, attitude & stroof f0 candidates that have Mut have A-i Drîving Record înferpersonat/ communications skitls are Medicat Transcription necessary. tndustry experience & compltfion txPtfenet. Pieus fax and be self motîvated. of Canadian Securîfies course is required. resurne avd 2 roferenc- Appiy în persan ta: Please formard resume fo: osto: 905-731503i. ÀMFORTUNE FINANCIAL MILTON Lare office re a oCORPORATION quires experionced le Plymnouth. Chrysîer. Jeep li Eagie 5420 North Service Rd. furtinglon, ON L7L 6C7 gai stcrtary. Thmea 5w Um sor< my- 87 - Mg teaepbae cois plani practice. Send eunes fa: Box 2326 clo Tht Cana- dian Champion, Box % P o= NPUT speciatist required for 40 houras tta 8124 ta 24lto, 191nMai 9tt 5 ,,iI~ / V 4 f~ 9115). Woite in your home, on your PC iv o0 Ta-4NLT Coli* 87*3 0 oB bits. $12 par hour. Speed/accuracy ess1nPet-.4Pot Cd 37 4300 1 Y er Budan, Photo Journal Syndicale, 878-8621. %ÀbL Community Living S Oakville HIrlngl Weakemfd Contruci Positions Affernoon & Overniglit Positions Avaitabte (Extra skifts avaitahle f0 40 hours/week) Qualifications: D.S.W; D..W Experience murking wifh aduifs mitti a devetopmanfat disahilify: Valid driver's ticeuse. Submif resumne Iu: 11 08 Speera Rd, Oakvif le, L6L 2X4 Fax: (905) 844-1832 Attn: Staff & Services Coordinalor 1

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