Classified ANNIVERSARY VOU I I M I CONNELLY -Joe and Michele (rnes Engefle are pleased ta announice the borth 0f thair daughtr Amy Micthele wemgfsng 7 oa n A- st17,1999. Proud lgranidpaents Stdandj nrneledand D Eee Enetl'. Joe and Deansrt Coatnet . Proud Aunts Jenny En- gelfleld and Connie ~nelIy. JAJIIESON, Rebeccm - Paaceftily at Alendale Nursing Home on Thursday, Auguat 12, 1999, in her S7th year. Predeceased by her lovilg husband Rev. Dr. Graham Jamieson. Sadfy misaed by tsar brother Dr. Ronald Mackay and is wife Fae, and by his niece Fae and nephews; Fraser, Sandy, Wally and Angus Mackay. A privale Memonal Service wttl be held et the J. Soit Eatly Funeral Home, 21 James St., Mitan. If dosired, mamnonai dona- dana may bu mede ta Old Stone Church (Ba- veston, ON.> *Speda lhaniks ta Mie staff at AI- lendate Nursing Home for flair fovng and sup- portive care. 4Sl Lanier Ave. .7-28 John & Lois Richardson Married August 20, 1949 in Nelson United Church. - Love frsm theirftîmily EVERETT, Corisat- 1941-1995. In blovng memory of a dear husband and lather. Ifa been four yoars since you went aiea. But w. aflf taik ta you and we know you alili walk baide us evasyday. Forever Love. Pet, Mike, Dan and Tracey SCHIJYLER, Nellys Mmet - In memafry of a dear mother wha pasaad away on Auguat 22nd, 1989. And Gad ahall wipe away ail tears tram their eyea; and flore shail be noa mare death, nelth- or sorrow, rtor crytng, neither ahall there be any more pain; for the former thinga are passed away. FondIy remnembered by daeughter, Janice SHADOW - Smying Good-B Love knowa flot fat own dpth luni the hour of aeparstlon. Taoaur beat friand and companiors aho gava ua many years of layalty, trust, enthusiasm and unconditional love. Vou are deeply missed and wit I aliesys be in arhearta. From your FamIly Shaien, Putrie and J.0 --- STOVER - In Ioving memory af Betty Jo who aaed away August 20,1996. Many a day your name la spoken. Man an hour youarelin ur thoughta A In onur famly chaintlisbroken Yau are garte tram aur home, but not Fromt aur hearta As you were, you suit alsuys be, treaaured for- ever ln aur menmoly. CL4IlFfiED HOUES MQNDAY TO FRIDAY 9:00 AM i- 5:00 PM TASKER, Ron - In loving memory of my doar husband who passad sway August 21, 19M8 To somo yau mey bu forgottan To othaers s part of the past Eacfi passang day I ramembur yau with lova in myheart, tsrs tn my ayas and s Wfsh ]of you ded me. Your lovlng wif e EIly. ERZY-The famity of tha lato David Ertzty wist fa fank ail fia friands and naighbours during aur rocetit bureavomerit for flair support and axprassions of sympaf. The outpouring af support has beon ovarwhaiming and wo re- auza that David's lif has touchad not only the M Milti Featurin usairai chintz, tives, ai FURTIf Na tes fax or phomu: iON MEDI.EY AUCIONEER 905- 878-2647 ïiZ arsiaknoWfedge wiil b ring comfort and MOVING sale - Childa lAigh-bed $150. Malctling I yor support wili bu evar remembured aI fia coudi and chair $100. Sactiona cauch $100. Podficut timo. I Washing machina $100. 6 Foot by 8 Foot alumi- Thunk you ail so much. j num shed 1 year aid $300. Pleasa cati 876-1788. Linde, Steve mnd Paul Ertzly SAVE UP TO $1000, 16 fi. X 24 Il. o.d. rectangular above ground Kayak Pools. lncluding dacca, fanc- We wsli o apres aursinere hank duing ngý, linar, 2 Iadders, sand fiiter, pump & motar etc. fia losa of a wondarful huaband and fafier 18066754 Ricir Todd. Our gresiesl fianka fa our familles SUMMER Prias Break!l Na GSTI Want a great new for such great support, aur friands and neigh- look on your fumîture? Give Fielda a oeIl. Sofas boums for flair acta aI kindneas. AISO fianka la f rom $598. Loveseata f rom $487. Chairs from $198. fie paremedica, Dr. Schachter and fie staff at 1 Senior Discounts. Fields Customn Uphalstering. 875- Milton District Hospital. Our thanks ta Michelle 4427, 9-9 daiiy. and Sue ai J. Scott Earfy'a and Rov. Bath for......... her words of kindniesa. Thank you aIl fram the batto aour hearta. Lova Helena, Julie and Krlse. MULTI FAMILY GARAGE SALE SATURDAY, AUGUST 21 ST - - 8:00 A.M. VILLAGE 0F MOFFAT (FROM GUELPH UNE, GO WEST * BUCK & DOE APPROXIMATELY TWO KM ON 15 - PARTY SIDEROAD) For 1 * M,1k- ckuckmuack ~ COME ONE AND ALL TO THE... <owner of Wingu ~UPI) Milton Seir'ciiyCentre - & 500 Childe Drive IDoti'. iiue $cJ'e11eibe.rq Saturday, August 21et SAT., AUGUST 28, 1999. Aeeorted Items including bookse, diesh- 7:00 PM es, fumniturs and morel ~FREE ADMISSIONI Lwith$5.00Oraffle ticket purchaseîI 71fickets available at WMngsUp! l an 1 h do BARBARA M. STARR LAW OFFICE la pleaaad ta announas fiat Meredithi Cox has joinod fie f lrm s an Aasoate and ihat fie office has movad ta: 13 Charles Sreet Sufte 104, Milton, Ontario L9T 205 Telephone: 878-463. i aquestriasi trait competition. CARPET CutI M hava svral fiausand yards of noe Statnmastor and 100% nylon cerpel. i ai car- pet your living mars and hall for $349. Prias includes carpet, pad and instatlation. (30 sq. yards). Steva, 905-639-2902. FREE Estimatea.Gat wobbly chairs weac apringa fired looldng wood finlahea? We do R aIl. Cuatoma waod refinishing and fumilture repaire. Flel Cus- tom Fumiture. 9-9 dally 875-4427. SIT ON lT - Donl SR in fi Replacent foamn for cushians. Residentlel/cammercial. Fields Upliolstery, 9-9.7 dayasesId 875-4427 GARAGE SALE 552 WHITE DRIVE SAT., AUGUST 21 8:0GAM - NOON Sida, househod Item, clothes, sktng oufis, books. Something for everyone. GARAGE SALE SATURDAVI AUGUST 21 274 WOODWARD AVE. Sewlng supplies, material and pat- terne, crafi supplies, lots of Christmas stuff, household Rtems and miscella neous Items. Owner movlng. GARAGE SALE SATIJRDAY, AUGUST 21 8:OOAM -NOON 615 MOORELANDS CRES. Computer, bike, futon. Somethlng for everyone. HUGE GARAGE SALE SATURDAY, AUGUST 21 8:OOAM - NOON 788 GRAHAM BELL COURT SOMEflIING FOR EVERVONE MOVING SALE COUNTRY PROPERTY SAT. - SUN. AUGUST 21 - 22 9:OOAM - 5:0013M 5433 6TH UNE BETWEEN BRII1TANIA AND LOWER BASE UNE. da requires full time days and nights. Please apply in persan with resume ta: 235 Steelea Ave. BUSY tree servis Com- pany needa a hardwork- ing employee, experi- ence preforable. Caîl 878-6444. CAFETERIA hel p wanl- od, fulli and part lime for Mohawk Raceway. Phono 854-0441. CARPENTERS Helpars roquirad for noe resi- dontial axtarlar trim. Fulitimo houtly posi- tions. Wage dapending on oxpariance. Vahidoe a must. Woilc la in th1e q roator Toronto ares. Cai (905)335-0337, loavo messag. ONTARIOI DEUVERIESI AZ Driver want ta start nmaedaloyi tionad eqtuipment CAIL CHAIS 416-484-M0. now hiring Drivers. Ail noe applications ahil bu consldored. App1yin person any day aItr 4 p.m. 10 17 Wilson Dnive at the car of Main Land Wisont Dr'.) E.C.E for Daycaro in Georgetown. Befora/af- tor achoal. 8 hrs. par day. (905)877-9314. GARDEN CENTRE, fli or part Ume. Expari- anas in nursery sales and maintenanas. Physical worc requirod. Apply in persan with re- sume to: Langholm Nursories 6711 Hwy. 25 Milton. HEPWANTED fraVkiea Store. iApply in persan an lMonday August 23rdl tramn 12.00pm - South Super A Video - COUNTE HELP REQUIREDI 12 -3Eveningseandi miLTON PNOTO MILTON MALL The Cantadian Champion. Frlday, August 20,1999-23 See Todav's Champion for our new «Milestones" section. To announce your specil event, call l7se Championsk ClassiWr Department ai 875-3300. SOR NOTE MOVINO SALE UC INS L Saturday & NDAY, AUG. 23 AT 10:30 AM Sunday, Auget Preview (rom 9:00 arnm. 21 & 22 af th. Agricufural Hall, 5 Sideroad, ~n iFoirgrounds, Robert St., Millfon ew n8t& g a large selection af antique lumniture in osig- finished, and as faund condition ind. pins cor- 9th fine. hoard, pie sole, ook desk, wuinut ten wqngo Satelite dish, beds, dresses, taibles, chairs, etc. sterling sik« beddi sofabed & art patter, lim' lss, coke taens, psimm- carsteo dtoys, pictu=,res, s etc. car tro R US11NG AVAILABLE microwavo stand, Cash, Choqte vrth 2 pieces ai ID. bar aboils and crves, No Buyers Premniurn. muofi more. 1 -