The Canadian Champion, Tuesday, Auguat 17, 1999- Take time to choose brands, stores for supplements - from ADVICE on page 8 min0 lods to hav'Oe the' saine acti ve ingoectoeot,- said Ms Minoa. "What's different is the way it's processed." In the case of foistes. the synthetie version is naturally absorbed more easily by the body. But the opposite is tmue with vitamin E, she said. In many cases, there's no difference, said Mr. Patel. "It's a different key that opens the same door," he said. The choice may have a higger impact on the pocketbook than the body, said Ms Mina. "Naturai couid be higher priced because it's a seiling point," she said. "People like the word." With the dizzying number of supplements to chooise from, ieaming how to shop smart is key. That means taking the time to seareh out reputahie brand names and stores. Look for chidproof packaging and directions written in hoth French and Engish. Whither- ion?. . from PUSHES on page 3 wamed Mr. Chudieigh. "Intemnational capital bas wings. It can go anywhere in the worid. If Canada bas very high tax levels, which we do, we'Il start to lose out on that kind of invest- ment," he said. "It's a slow transition. It is insidious. It begins to sap your strength 10 years down the moad." But preparing for fiscal downtums is why federai tax cuts haven't come sooner, said Mr. Reed. "There's a feeling in caucus that we shouid neyer shlow ourseives to get int the financiai situation we inherited in 1993," he said. -I would say I won't be forgetting 1993 as long as I have the hon- our to serve the riding." A safety net for bad tin-tes is the number one priority of the govemrment, said Mr. Reed. "There bas heen a big controversy over this so-cailed surplus in employment insurance," he said. "The fact is it's a rainy day fund. It is there, thank God, because it wasn't in 1993." Today, the govemment is able to work with money it aiready bas, added Mr. Reed. "When you see spending commitments heing made now, the money is already in the account," he said. Fax your sports reports to Steve LeBlanc ait 8 78-4943. toBit- SA es'eative, edueatiosai -fis -9~ l4697 1t0 ipLusixg R&. # 10 gr Il Also, alssays check the expiry date, produicts tohal make health classois sIould he os ootid.d sod NMs Mina. "There shouldn't he a health dlaim," she said. "If it sounds too good to he true, it probahly is." Another good ides is to scan the package for a Drug Identification Number (DIN). Currently, vitamins and minerais are regulated by Canada' s Food and Drug Act. That means they have heen assigned a DIN by the govemment. Though herbai products are headed in that direction, they're not ail there yet. That seems appropriate to Ms Vaughan-Shernan, who said that herbai supplements are not drogo. Attaching a DIN to herbai produets could feed misconceptions that they are, she worried. "A lot of people are scared off. They think they're dangerous," said Ms Vaughan-Sherman. "It's in a bottie, it is pis and they think they arc drugs." bt~u Ms 1Moul and Mr. Ptjel ,eC a~IcI~ o o f o a healthy standardization. Then the consumer could be Sure the product is consistent regardiess of the brand, said Mr. Patel. Unregulated pmoducts may vary in dosage or even content. Some herbai suppiiers have already gone that moute, slappiflg a DIN on as many products, as possible. But the move towards regulation may be propelled hy those womred that herbai supplements are biting into the pharmaceutical share of the heaith market, said Ms Vaughan-Shermal. "They're upset hecause (herbai products) work with none of the side effects," she said. Il guess that's why they're pushing this." Stili, regulation wili prohabiy not harm the herbai industry, said Ms Vaughan-Sherman. "It's a way, it's not a trend," she said. "People are more heaith conscious.", '99 TAURUS OR SABLE '99 CONTOUR OR MYSTIQUE '99 EXPLORER '99 WINDSTAR '99 ESCORT O1 REMEMBER TE SUMNER SELL-OFF CRI OLY LAS! AS LUIS AS THE SELECTION OIS, S0 HURRY I. viist reft.1 fdéD E ILERS e WISE BUYE BEAU THE LEGAL COPY: *% puhase financing on instock es 1999 Ford EscriX2OosssIauslsWindstar/ 8.plorerî 150 ssder 8500 Os GVW & Meocy Mystique/Sable foracsmaximums $0 dose paymnNs ss à1,, sapIe Isatson or,. oosccay5sent or equaie555ad ay be reqied. Fnancnqsffe dos noiapplyto licecead iscsasse fes Dealer'scay sl for ISs Otfestsay change thou notice. Lmited stim offes Off.. cannot b. conbIad viUi aasy ~ offe. Sose conditos say apply to the Graduae Cash Back Proqans Ose dealer for detais tThe highet frontal impact fatisg fs. bth the doses and frontpassscsge inU.S. Governmenes National Highssay TratffSafy Admnstrsation tsstg fso vhics sshin 227 kg (500 15). $The highes frontal impact ratinsgforhoth the drivrad frotpassegeoin U.S. Gosscssss5 National Highsay Tsaffic Safety Adminsisation tstssg forssehsises rhin 227 kg <500 lbs) and sassh a case MSRP codes S30,005 Ostario FM5A, P0 Bo> 2000 Oakvlle. Onstario Lk 5E4.