If you have any questions these professionals can answer, please write to: "Ask The Professionals" do The Canadian Champion 191 Main Street E. Milton, Ontario L9T 4N9 - - é_a las 7n-AQ&% VFMONEY .Fnaiii lmn IlCONC EMRR...U. *G.IC.'s .R i.F. s Lot uandcusita Tel. (905) 876-0940 . ,r Fax: (905) 876-2934 L AcCP 420 Main Street East, Milton, Ontario LOT iP9 0: Wbat 1. a Fiane lan aand wby sbould 1 bave. one? :Mou people spenti more timte planning dIrir vacation titan tbey apenti planning tireir future. Tbey pisue arositt for rond soupa, botl tistings, tourt inforation, etc. or tbey coatuil a travel agent for antsisance. Otisers, gel a vague idma of wbere dsey seant to go anti jant getla ndi car anti go! Somelimea tbey gel In tarir diestinatios. Sonsetimea, tbey take wrong turms, meet tietouet, rondit bockrs etc. anti saste a lot of vacation lime. Financial planning isnt alws aus exciting us vacation planning, bot it is more imaportant. Thse ups anti tiowse of inflation anti internat rales, taxation, ntock markset rotatility anti anexpecteti expenes are tire "roatibloclcs anti dtieoust". Tirese make yotar planning ail tbo more dif- ticuît anti necctay. Your financial plan heomes yoer mati map to yoar fututre. Yotsr peetonal fsnsncial plan belpo you sel smail amossats of moaey usie 00W 10 protect tirose neam anti dear Iu you. anti ta nover major ftusre eventa surir as: - a niriltis etiucalion - yossr tiatgirles weetiing - sIsal openial vacation yourve tireameti about - busying a bome or cottage - planning for your nomfoetuble retirement Your financial plan bolpo set yatsr goals anti priorities, strir as boa 0 niaise spctv s ui oucnRiema Blue S rings Cal MoeyConept, isto ea IestM faemlntco tre 0:u rcttining sehwfncillnig ur hoe andwe no thna Cnts hre a al fewp thnds that.S nne tom lac oc. amy cance f re Salren whemwcseiltat shul A: Yoro ealy on(hanceton mae ood ft Prst ipesin Th 8scettagttn44 e4 ot4o youerhe hn o sel i s ta hopend soe time Inuthr insier ae releseaFRrpt that ne ob ue detls re anidEafxp that weI pnmoyvill' heyo to seanc yor hoeror then e stpic. WAI you ed A invst some timo ye an c o e elow grkeae!o Dioer hoewh you nsily ast nd uickl "wow andcessfot oef yre hoe-sing e t erinc. Len at ins haer realsee whRE eor thae Boeyou hise yor thoe, es ure tat you cmli tioay and o el yur cmply f tisl specia proeotiave ho urs/7it dayse bas8ic475-864 andth ws o e ID# l 4008. S e tanmkn agen. htcssotpof//oral e-s emltln xprcOm F~1 HALTON HILLS SPEECH CENTRE M Tel: (9f5) 873-8400 Fax: (905) 873-7291 0: My 17 snonth old son babbles a lot but de. flot talle as of yet. 1 take hi. te a Parent-Child Centre and sSc other toddlers his age talkng, some of them even using Nwo-word sentences. Should we worry?9 AIbTis is a difficuit question ta answer. In general, as long as you eliminate the serious tbings that might be wrong - deafness for instance - and as long as there is comprehension and sociability, flot talking at 17 montbs or even 20 montbs is flot as big a deal as parents often fear. By age two, however, if your child doesn't have a vocabulary of about 50 words and cloesn't put them into simple sentences, it's reasonable to begin to ask why. There are a number of reasons why an otherwise normally developing child might not talk, from extreme shyness to slow physiological develop- ment that makes articulation diff'icult. Ruling out these possibilities requires an evaluation. It is also important to note that of the 10% of young chil- dren with language difficulty, for 3% of them there is no obvious reason why. If you have concemns or would like more informa- tion, contact our Centre. GRG 5 AWENE . c.mD ý FOOT SPECIALIST / CHIROPODIST 350 Main St E., Milton, Ontario, LIT 1P6 (905) 878-479 1 A Princea» Anne Dr., Georgetown,. Ontarlo L7G 4W4 Grog J.Lewene , (905) 702-1611Chpoaf adThre Ontario Collage of chlropodlata Q:Do you have foot or knec pain? Have yoa had stsrgery on your feet or kneea? Do you wear a brace on your knee or orthotica In your shoca? Do you have trouable playlmg sports? A: Wtt have lire righl thing for you. Many people suffer from acule and chronin Ieg and feet pain. There are many causes for tis, wilh only o few trealments. Tire majority of musculoskelelal problems con be successfülly îreated witir tire use of an arch sup- port (ortirotics) or a ktsee brace. Alîh 'ougir anîi-inflammolorieo are necessary in some cases, matt problems con bre trealed conservatively. Tirere are many isidividuals who have surgery done on iheir feet and knees ta address lthe problem aitie presenit lime. Hoorever, post-surgery, tire original cause of tire problem sirould ire largeted. Many limes 1 wilI see mndi- viduals wiro irave irad fo surgery in lire past and lire problero (iLe. a bunion) iras reoccurred. 'Ibis is because a pair of ortirolics sirould have been prescribed after tire surgery ta prevent tire bone growtir., Likewise, oîtir cer- loin knee surgeries an individual sirould ire wearing a broce during weigirl-bearing aclivities. Braces range from a tInn sîceve wiricir aides over lire knee ta a cus- tomo-made device wiricir gives tire mast support. If you fil one of these categaries or have questions regarding ortirolica or braces, give my office a caîl ai 878-6479. Most ortirolico and braces are covered lirrougir extended irealh care insurance. ln -Don.y 86 Main St., Militon Connie Francoz PWISIO11IERAPISTS 876-1515 Q:s b ave rotator cuf tendonîtis tbal developed this aummer wben pttsng. Coutd yen comment about tbla type oftinjury? A:Basebai is a gmai. popular saunmer sport. Whetirer you are a profesaloosi or an amateur, sirronting as a pitcher or second iraseman caa aomellntes resait an sirouiier injuries. lie lti1i veiecîty andi accuacy tirai s requed In tksrow. ressuas in a unique anti cesapicatd set of moreens. Your type of injury, a reter cuf! isjary os comamun. lajuey toe sirhiouider is most oflen tiresuit of overssse. teîcr causs a repetitive aicrotauma to tie mascles, ligamnents or tire sirouider cupsule. Titese sofi lissue truc- trns make ap tire caser "siceve" of tire siraniter wiricir ireip to keep ie iraneras (ana huone) aro tire sirositer seckei. Wiren microtrsaoaccorsto te t oit tissue aroanti tire sirottier, tiny fibres break, mne ut a tint to cause ntini-beaisissg at a cellular level. As more anti more fibres break away. h tisrsue esters a stuite of inflammation airere tite as pain. awrliig, seartt anti iota of moventent. T1is rpetitive trausta can Icati te joint chrangen, rolator caff tentianitis or tendon tests, injary to tire capsule of tire joint tati ira iroey sociset. lThe pirases of iirrowing inciatie: *Wintiop to organior tire brody to conte a stabie irase *Cockiag. wirere tire tirrowing liat raves tire giore tif ire aeconti ant is positioseti pntartia anti ireinti tire bodiy. *Acceleration, tire qoicis action to more thc arm anti ball fortearti to get ratiy In ree it. F oiiow tirroagir. beginstng miren tire hratlis reicaseti front the bunti anti eatiing airen tise ana movesnent is finisreti U asi - s estestial. ta caeste an tecarate anti igr veloeity douroe. Dorisg eaui pirate different muscles seorr or tes ti tidifeérent stractures are sirceti or tigirt versas reittei, lettiing te, tiifferent petentiat injturies te tie tisaitier. Different staues sirow that wite tihe pitrir of an atateur anti peofesaiosal may lookr sementiat different, the musclen anti capsale are asetina veey aintitar ntays. Pitcet ntay reqaire abairilitation tati sontetimes surgety Io recover front an iajaey. Conservaiive abhabilitotion as performeti by a pirysîotbcrapist ira ntonti tasean lire isjsry anti tieveop a plan for treaurat. You anti yoar pryssotiteapiot may finti that yan bave pain. retioret moveornt. strengtir. endtiasce anti stabiiity of tire sroattier girtie. Treatasent eotiti isciatie motiatities to retiace pain anti inlammation, mantal tiseeapy. atreicires anti novcornt exercies to assist beaiing of the injareti tendion anti tu iatprove rage of motion. Ysa wouiti thn progreta te streati anti tabiinatioo etcociaes wicir aiso inctaties an essentini tirroning prograin ta assist gratiuai retare to tbntntisg anti sport. Cartiioratealar contiitianing is atao an importent part of retrainiag. To prevent fise- tiser injry a maintenance prognin inciutiing stretching, strengt r aining, cartiiovascuar cantiitioning anti a ptolpor seanr up andi cool doseR seit aitont yan nany yeart of tfsn in th son piaying busebaii. Pie aU is: orCnir id 7-115 bstMi at orcomornregadsynaadet ± Dr. Tong Want'g Toothla 1k Towne Dental Group oyH.enMilton, Mail - 55 Ontario St. B.Sc., D.D.S. (905) 86188 Do yaatauffer fana pafal jasr or elpersenca ireaiacbeu an the tomng? Daeu yoar apouse contpltsn that you krep bit or bier up ait nigbt? Have yor tbt beoone anae senstive te coltti. ase or aber tintuli? If sa you ntuy brasoe of tise miltions of people aba unkon- ingiy suffer fean beuxsa <taotb grinting). Brsa, caamntasy isartn as îaotb eriadioe. os the clencbing rogetiter of the bomoe anti upejntacmpaiti iry tie grindits of tihe tanter set af teetb airir the ripper set. Bsatian s aeocencc bebavior s0 mntay people do toi reala they are tioing il' Aitimagir il cas occr ting tire seakiof bours, brutran atat freqorntiy occurs ntbiir me alorp. Dsoisg slorp the biting farce car hi sp ta tit tines greater tiraat tise prsure tisring waking barts. Cansequentiy, signiicut dantage ts mor iieiy ta occur aitr tbis aigirtmnor brrian. lise ltsttof rimios? Brutin cao Icati to pain anti cause tiantage to ganta anti otirer orsi structeres. Iis inclatiet: Sont Faciai Muscesa, heacbes, oui flaraces. Mie Muscesa ui te citent food tnt tie rame unes espontible for brttiam. Canseqaentiy. dies muscles ofren fort tant or teoder ta the ntoming it moy maire the jan fort tigirror ntay cause pain se the aides of die most r e touchei. obtet titis musrcle pain is orféet maning thit it manifests itarifas abeiadache, carach., or teck pait. Connetie Damsage: Brtîsm can cause tbc tcetb ta hi groanti don becoming sigortrcustiy siarteneti anti croting cosntetic diamage. Senitive tertir: As tise entaie of tise toolis nars away by brsin the atteriying dentit layer osf the tootis cîporeti. Tihis couses th tootit ta becanse sensitive ta coiti. pretsse, ant other sitiui. Facured Terri and Filhongs: Tis hîf b pressure crrated front beuxiin cao frscture tett anti crack filings. Bnsionta intires: Tootir grdrg is abter seen in cbitdrer. Ciitret gri their teetb in respoose to the pait aod ditcnafort of ather udorents sucir as cottis. est infections adrenvi- ronitntat sllergies. Srtant in cbîldrnt is usustiy a pausing phartsenao ta ntbicb tbey gant ast of witb o adverse effects te thtir tecth. Has e aTrst Breasin? If you suspect thit yoa suffer frora brxsste yose tientis. Tttey car teil yor if yoar synytonts at inact tise ta besxitnt. In ntast cases, thep cas create a custom ntO guard for pou ta near sebite pou sterp. %h ntoat guard taises dt pusisbntent diar yosr teetii noati nororstty endure dsring pour broisor. Tbis eiti oriiniie th damtage ussaciateti witt brsisa. It istn oeil iron tisai sore anti assiety play the major ote in cassing bestisa. If you tuffer fron brsir tp ta mrore rffectioety mranage tire srssit yaar lîfe. By cafuiiy mntaitoring and controtliio tise stera yos cas oftet tiraoaticsiiy retice brtian.