Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 13 Aug 1999, p. 27

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kàeIpOfSK Help Desk Technology Corporation ta North Amenicas fastest growing developer off help desk software applications. Our clients Include Fortune 500 companies, hospitaîs, financial institutions, communi- cation giants, aIl branches of the armed forces and The Executive Office of the President of the United States. Located in Oakvilîe, we require: " Visuel Basic Programmera (/Anaiysts) " Hebrew VB Programmer (Eng. Fiuency) " Technisai Support Representafives *Receptlonlet *Cuatomer Service Representatlves For details on position requirements and application procedure, please visit: WWW.helpdesk-i.com C/uv ~ Positions PREP & la IUE COUKS We're Iooking for bright, mature and energetic people ta join aur winning teaml Full/ prt-time hrs available for ail positions. Please drap off resumres in persan ta: 950OWYalkers Line (beside theTraveadge>. 639-40OS BOYSIM! wanted. Near E.W Fasta Schaol. Aga 5 and 2. 3 daya a wisai 693-09. Jan. CARINO haone environmeent has main for pro- echoolers. Receipta. 876-4415 DAYOARE avallable, before and aller school. Mother off trea taddlers. Available f0 cars for your chlldren, iacated basida Our Lady Vlctory Schaol. For datai caIl 878-6348. DAYCAAE avallable, mother of two, lunch, snacks. and Iota of play. Cal Tard, 693-8627. RJLLDM daycare avallablie. Clean sale environ- ment. Nulsillous snacks and lunches. Outinga, ait *and crafa +. 876-0257. PRIAE daycra pmovlded by mothar 0f 2 year aId bo.Hwy 2 lpeyside, minutas frm Milaon; Actan adGeorgetaown. Clean, sale country enviraninent. Lots of fr008 and grass to play. CPR, police clear- ance and Children s Aid certilicales availablo. Uim- ted spaes. Ail agos wolcome. Mlase cal Ann 875-3112._ RAINBOW VILLAGE DAYCARE acceptingSep- tember anrolimont. FulItime childcare for cildren 18 manths - 5 yars. 878-7552. NEED Halp? 1 work lrom hanme, have irnosierige in MS Ward/Excel/Simpl Aca VýAccess and more! Gian 878-7446. PREGNANT? Decsosta maire? Ca1 us we're haro ta listoni 875-1245. A PRAYER TO ST. JUDE: May the sacrod Heari af Jesus be adored, glorliod, laved and preservod thraughout the worid now and forev- oir. Our Sacrod hoart of Jesus, pray for us. St. Judo, woriror of miracles, pray for us. St. Jude, helper fai the hapetoaSS pray for us. Say this prayer nine timos a dey. By the olghth day your prayor wlU b. anawored. R has nover befn knawn ta fail. Publication muet bo promlsed. Thank you for favor rocolvod. Slgnod. CR. AUOIN-UAC.Rs ratos for most drivers in- cluclng hlghor risais. Cal Warren 519-53-4284, 905-270-1555. -CARS tram $500. Govemmnrt seized and surplus. SoId Iocaîly, caîl for lstings. 1 -80- 297-0727 Ext. 30. TECHNICALt SERVICE REPRESENTATIVE Technical Services Representative with good interpersonal and communication skîlis ta act as technical support for the Marketing Department. Investigate and suggest solutions to problems and opportunities relating to the cernent supplied by SLC and the concrete produced by our customers. Maintain high industry profile through direct customer con- tact, active membership in industry associations, presentations and educational seminars. Promote specialty cements and concretes to contractors and specifiers. Registered Professional Engineer or Engineer in Training with a minimum of 3 years experience in concrete and/or masonry construction. Sales and Marketing experience and familiarity with Windows based software; Excel, Word, Power Point an asset. If you are interested in this opportunity, please forward your resume to: St. Lawrence Cernent Inc., Manager Technical Services, 2391 Lakeshore Road West, Mississauge, Ontario, L5J 1iKi FAX: (905>822-7445 IWe wish to thank in advance ai respondents, howsver, only those chosen for. an interview raili b. contacted. I$ MDNEY ACCESS $1,000 Sq. Ft. Mal * No credlt Investlgetion IStroet store front lac e Confidentality dn Ak Roquired toi be approved: $10.000 and Up Financing *RRSP or RIF, LIRA, LIF eMutual Funda ePension Fund tram ex-employer CAFM. INC. Aneiyzed by our consultants and relerred for rapid linanclal executloni CALL TOIL FREE: 1-888-657-1062 Fax: 1-888-703-1492 24 Hour Service 7 Days A Wsek SPACUOUS 1 bodroani uppor levai of ronovatod duplex in oldor Milaon. $850.00+utilities. Sep- tomber 1. 875-0935. TWO bedraom luxury condo, suite. Top floor view of Toronto. Twa storege units, two park- ing unis. 6 Appliancos. Immodiate accupancy $1250.00 plus condo tees, or will consider sale. 906-693-3667. TIIREE bodraain town- hous. No pots. rirst and aest month ront. $950.00 +. utilities. Avaflable Septombor 1. 878-4327. 2 BEDROOM Base- mont apartinent, $900/manth Inclusive. 2 Bodroom, main floor, $875 + hydro. Soptember 1. 878- 3m3. ACTON, Large 2 bed- roam apartinent w/baseinant, $726 plus utilitios. 519-853-5080 or 519-853-5352. APARTMENT for rent 2 bodmoin baseinont. Country dlose ta Mikan and Georgetowan. Avail- ableSoptomborl1. Rirst and aest roferencos - 906-876465l2. MILLSIDE TOWERS - 82 MULLSIOE DR., MîLTOffN NOW LEASING 2 Bodmain avail- able on bus route, frashly deoated, 2 appliancos, on-site laundry, Includes ail utilis (oxcopt phare & cablo.) Frae parking, no pots. Reforonces required. 905476-1249 By appalnmelt only ONE bedroomn, nol renovated, downtawn Actan. Available imme- dlatoly. $500lmanth + utilities. Reforonces. 906-616-3831. SPACIOUS 1,2 & 3 bedrooma. Froshly paintod, bright. Com- potitvo rant. Ourlingtan high ris. Wall main- tsinod. Convoniont lo- cation. (905>333-9848. Noon - 8 p.m. PRIVATE boIraOM In quiet home. Sharesi kitchen, bath and living- roare. Non-amoker. $385.00/month. 875- 3720. n $75inamnth. cal Yvanno ef Chistie and Waads Reai Estato Ud. 878-2M9. REASONAI.! Indus trial Unis for rent 1,200 - 3,200 sq. fi. Loading docks & drive-in. 1-905- 277-9347 or 1-905-275- 6834. SMALL PRIVATE OF- FICE beautifually ap- paintod, Hwy. 25 & 401. 1-906-277-9347 or 905- 275-6834. SMALL Store for rani In hig trfcloufit area of Cmpbellvîlle. $400 inclusive. 905-854- 1884. Private Sale 3 bdrm. brick bunga- low on trood ravine lot wîthin walking dis- tance la mail & down- town. Finished base- ment, gas F.P., cen- tral air, 2 washraams, slkding glass doars off master onto large deci. Situated on a quiet court. $193.700.1 For mare information or appainitinnt to vlow Cal 878-6677 INa agents plosse fLCOME% AGON -NewkIn taran? *@M Ofiimarrfe mIn monsa or masu? *Havlng s baby? -EsiabHshing s new business? PLEAS cALa . L commaesty Weîsoma Lusda.. 54-1563 Marily ... 875-0519 aridai Shirley..87-7046 saby Tracy L..I. 876-4330 Patf... 87-4040 fit.ý Canadian Charrpion, Frlday,' AuOs i3,'f99b--ý97 GARAGE SALE 569 JOYCE BLVD. SATURDAY, AUGUST 14TH 8:00A.M. - 12 NOON Men's and boys new clothing and other household Items. MO1GSALE SAT., AUGUST 14 SUN., AUGUST 15 8:00 A.M. - 2:00 P.M. 945 FIRST LUNE CAMPBELLVILLE APPUIANCES, COMPUTER, FURNrTURE, ETC. GARAGE SALE 584 AND 578 ROSEHEATII DR. SAT., AUGUST 14TH 8:0 A.M. - 4:00 P.M. (rein date Sunday 1Sth) j Household litems, toys, clothlng, some- di thlnqfor everyohe. CndeTiemoney welom" -GA=RAGE SAL SAT., AUGUST 14 8:00 A.M. - NOON 713 WOODWARD AVE. Men's clothlng, household item, gamesltys, etc, etol GARAGE SALE SAT., AUGUST 14 SUN., AUGUST 15 8:0 A.M. - 4:00 P. 2733 LOWER BASE UNME RD. (North EnSOUSI15r of Fîret Une) Misflne , nerlynew chester- fiolds and shears, etc. GARAGE SALE SATURDAY, AUGUST 14 SUINDAY, AUGIJST 15 6.30 A.M. - NOON 288 EWMWOOD CRESCENT Many baby Mom, mew bain taS5 dothes & shoos. Crib, change tal plus boddng, hlgh chairs, car sets. Computer deslt NoattIo new C.D.'s etc. MULTU FAMILY GARAGE SALE SAT., AUGUST 14 8:30 A.M. - 2:OOP.M. Fumiture, ton, baby hite, dnd much 10776 FIRST LUNE, MOFFAT. South wiest corner of lst Une and lSth sideroad. Noerw lia de kW bain se groil! Aaey ksyu larp. Hordqmrfrser ayo terlfkWsu Needl Mam cu "pd Sem lima uh us amsas just hM yu puy f«r qjlf..uî cou anbu yowkFoia" Sisral, yu gai # etMOY GModIL T-Shirts and vests, only... 991, Jackets, ponts, shirts, sidrIs, blouses arad sweaters 0nlY.. $2.99 Jeans, sweat suitos, ai and idirisses ortiey $3.99 0Oo~~~icse0 GOWs 9toeGan HUGE GARAGE SALE 235 BRONTE ST. SOUTH UNIT 99 SAT., AUGUST 14 7:30 A.M. - 4:30 .M. JMy sis and 1 have moved Un together and vie can't fit it .11. HELP GARAGE SALE 117 ANNE BLVD. SAT., AUGUST 14199 7:OOA.M. - 11:30 A.M. Household items, kids clothing and toys. MOVING SALE SATURDAY, AUGUST 14TH 8:00A.M. - NOON 2201 ILBRIDE STREET-CL8RIDE <north aide, second houe »Ms of fis hall) Piano, matching bunk beds, drera deeli, antique osir writlng deali, pins aide cup- board, Lv. trunk. MULTI FAMILY GARAGE SALE RAIN OR SIIINE SAT. AND SUN. AUGUST 14-15 j 9:00 AM. - 5:00 P.M. alothlng, wood aratte, U-pelnt plestr pleques and tons off nAt MtM for N.W. corner of baron and Bell GARAGE SALE 2 FAMIUES J SAT, AUGUST 14 8:00 A.M. - NOON j 250 SATOK CNES. aAir condlNSr, ds 9ol clubs, ropMI tanik, -oo MUM@rdder, -eéi haod Mnu GARAGE SALE 3 FAMIUES 25 VICTORIA ST. SATURDAY, AUGUST 14 8:00A.M. - 11:00P.M. Seatlmirrorlcoat rackt, tops, bikes, bIke traiter, computer, computer desk, + LOOK[NG TO SELL OR LOOING TO BUYI ALWAYS LOOK TO TH1E CHAMPION FURSIl CLA4SSIFIEDS DO PAY PHONE 875-3300 OR FAX 876-2364 1550 Ontario St. et Derry Rd. Milton Are you planning a special avent that would b. of Interest to those In the community? Advertlae if Un The Canadien Champion "Your Homefow CommnDy Newspaper" Phone 875-3300 i

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