OFFICE MANACMER Small Oakoille business requires a person experienced inl Accounis Payable, Aucoun(s Receivable, Gerieral Ledger, Payrol, Spread Sheets & Word Processirsg.A cembinatien et hands-on responsibilitp and the supervision et a part-time clerical will be required. Apply wvith resumne to: Box 6185, c/o Qatevitie Beaver 467 Speers Romd Qatevitte, ON L6K 3S4 Junior Marketing Speciaiist IReperting te the Directer et Oevelopment, this posi- tion witl assist the Marketing and Sureey depart- Imente ie repart generatien, material devetepment, ad- Ivertising, trade show and seminar executien. Applic- jante must possess good typing and compter skilts & knowledge et the intemet. Seme administrative werk le invotved. This sua tutttime entry tevet position tor ae individual with a drive te succeed in an entrepreneur- lai envireement. Ptease tax reseme: (905) 319-2528 identity position seught. ENTRY LEVEL- FUILL-TIME POSITION Oakvitie Company Are peu tutty hi-lingual Fr! English? Are you custemner service oriented? Are peu leekieg tor advancemneet ina tast paced envireement? tf peu answered YES te ail the et the obove ptease repty by Auguet 25, 1999 tei Box 6183, c/o OakvitIe Beaver, 467 Speers Rd., Oakville, L6K 3S4 dat etyaCustomer service &xet Dae.Tae Engt ersnati hvea Torkn k00 owame peee o eunce that ter hae 3rtpurh e ittob huirigterk thea Comuit offieiuationtOk and te akvigetsl RA Weaeloigr2 e30 Custemer Service Rere setae Etor p prea. t enthu heînn A3Tb@ WC oaury us pleday wt ceniete ta ore- ta ery.ea mas hil e tte o rbt the ok vr ingher phane anr xetetcmuiation skittsill and the Okil RA ailiyoin ta pertor dtet rdeb Mcuatetpfa and kp Telis ixe ass wondrfu otuick aet prsinvolnd copuer you ek.Te rcomm hfts 8ar -pm a re*cause Pni. o ese fa woir oumhv o t e phone manner management commuiain pklsadth taltyI prodes a intrte disnurtin seics. This-ter at soervi vehrtic el lig, trckrctl mainena c & toist Gr akvlte tca ien. curentp sen fa... esie Assistant e Acutantto The uccsett upli anthavema et condry eduat ie hecurntlerted nisthebutird servtcerth ou il oopterm fuitervie he se tuMireett Windtse5,WoandEcel&lgitc. le' ddition ebin surn maeent ktsn swl abigata TAhspsit aniletdietpth Account ng Manerces andin wilt manain a tost sook, a eain e cuirntnil semlenî n a hr crurte uerof ccoenting sem, awth or admianstrave Iw treeshiiteso rcia coutn xein Weu ottle cmpue ite ae & grthe ne Mcoot package, god wakng Ecol ndition aed caeer adounicel ment havertunities in a growing ofp tned mapticnt sks are ivited, ten sumi teir 'ilresme n.. tiîc e hepstnDET, Hupor n dRestoec ntn 336a Hveser Rd., Bilmit ullto bo, 3N2 ord bylui faxc ta 90)elt on-3499trie -contn sytm ln ihohramnsrtv -W CARE PLUS requires the ffoîîowlig: ScheduiIfg Coordînater Nurses - Pedliatric/ Adule cliente Phyhiotherapists - Pediatric/Adlult clients Occupiofl Therapisis Educafiafl and et repreetir OPPa'lulhiex av8ilal. Specialfy training for new grads. Fax resume ta: (905) 306-1709 'i -~- - j - '-u -THORBURN PENNY Consulting Engineers Thorbr Penny, an aggressive mult-disciplirîary consulting enirng f 9irm, in the fici of wauer and wastewater engmeer- ing, and automation, jes seeking a SENIOR CONSRUMON INSPECTOR to add to ils ranks. Applicants should ponsesu ut toast 5 years experience in construction management of municipal type infrastructure p uects. Denig experience will be an asset. Att candidates wiI hae telsncadiptoma or degree and be capableo retocation for both short term and tong term assigomrrento. THORBURN PENNY Limited, is a progressive equal opportun- ity employer offering a competitive salary and a fuît range of company benefien. Ait applications will be held in strict confidence. Please eend your resumne to: Thorburn Penny, 5045 South Service Rd, Suite 300, Burlinglon, Ontario, L7L 5Y7 Fax: (905) 634-4634 IBurlington, ON L7L 6A6 (905) 331-6339 Fax 0 ISO 9001 Registered Automation Systema http;// Set ing die pace for Computer Integratled Manutacturlng <CIM) technoogy Our team et 80 emplopees is tooking te share in the encitement and challenges et hpper growtb prejected over the neot 5 peurs. We are ewner managed and have a proven track record et double-digit grewth. Our pro ected growth is teeled hp strong customer demand and the tinancial hiackîng et ýcotia Merchunt Capital and the Orchard Capital Groop. CIMTEK is IS09001 registered and a leuding supplier et aotomated test solutions prîmaritp tes the autometive industrp. We presenty sup- port the global operations et Fortune 100 compunies trem offices in Canada and the UJS. with lice plans te eopand into other regians. Engineering Administrator: Repertîng ta the Vice- P esTet et Operatiens, this kep individoal is respensihie tor planning, progress reporting and decumentation standards on 40 or more concurrent preduct develop- ment preîects. An enthusiastîc, teum orientud seIt-starter, pou will use pour proti- ciency with spreadsheets and reporting tools (MS Ottice and MS Access & Pro- lecd) along with un epe tor detail, streng erganizationul/ anaîptical okitîs and un un- derstunding et project methodologies te implument anp necessary proceso changes. You will aIse muintuin and enihance documentation and administration manouls ta support the engineering project-related elementsof etur ISO procees. Your two-pear college diplema suppedted hp ut lenot tow peurs et pro ect-related eoperience in technical environmente prepares pou tor this positin YoZr excellent wri8ien and oral communication skitls as well as pour uhilitp ta liaise with techeicat personnet and the customer are kep ingredients tor success. Familiaritp with IS0 900 concepts and Enterprises Resource Planning epsteme and tluencp in Spunish are cansidered assets. Software Systemrs Integrators (4) (BSEE er MSEE or CET desigeution required). Oppertoities tor hethiaunior and senior en- gineurs (inctading those interested in a more mentoring, leuding rote) ta create nere touts, applications and libruries, as well as custamizatian et our standard sottware pluttorme. Emphasis le on contrat softree test & meusurements techniques und equipment, data coltection, computers, SPC, electronic intertaces, etc. Voue coneci- entiaus, quulity-minded approach ta werk, talented in the delivery et custamer oni- ented spstemrs atong with proven communication and customer liaison skitîs are cnit- cal ta success. Strong C/Ci-i in Windows environment, engerience in reut-time and multithreuding envirenmirent. Det acquisition and electrical meusurement principles are a must, ulong with knowtedge et digital signal prucessing, anulog electronic cir- cuit principtes and vannaus levets et Visual Ci-i, Bertand C++ enviroments or Lub- Windows/CVt. -We look torward ta heuring tram pou via E-mait; or tue (905) 331- 6339. Visit aur website ta leum mare about CIMTEK and diem n complete list et career appertunities. We thunk ail appticants ter their interest, however, onlp these under censideratien will be contacted. FINANCIAL ACCOUNTANT THE MISSISSAUGA CEMENT PLANT IS SEEKING APPLICANTS FOR THE POSITION 0F FINANCIAL ACCOUINTANT. DUTIES. *Assistance in preparatien et Month-end, Quarterp, and Year-end financial statemnents, Budgets, Fecus repenting and similar reports as required, with increasing responsibiiities in Month-end. *Maintenance et Fioed Asset Sub-iedger and repenting requirements. *Assist Acceunts Papable in dap-teday probiem resolutien. *Assist Accounting Manager mith ceci system reperting and documentation. QUALIFICATIONS: 0 Coliege or University degrea or near-compietion. é Enroiiment in designated Acceunting pregram, 1lst or 2nd peur. * Work experience ut near-similar level. # Strong interpersona experience, team worker. è Computer literate indluding EXCEL, WORD. e SAP experienoe preferred. lnterested applicants shouid reply with a resume and cever lettes, if applicable, Wednesdlay, Augusi 18, 1999 ta: Linda Jellett St. Lawrence Cernent Inc. 2391 Lakeshore RoadWest Mississauga, Ontario, L5J 1iKi Fax: (905) 822-7445 Wheni L'uyino or oeilii a vehicie, rememLer The Canactian Championi. 1 communicatons( tor lande renatedeign,) maenatr Eand iasallehastoo immdiato topingand oread Accuigt Dearen Bast tavlhs sto reietat hpe/s n m ust haveeounstr e arhih evel Bot potes onaitonb selt-motivated wvith an ability to meet deadltnes. Excellent written and oral akilîs are required. ACCOUNTING MANAGER This positon, reporling to the Assistent Controlter, wiii be responsible for monthly & year end tinanciel reportinq, Accounts Receivable, Accounts Payable, Workers' Compensation reporting and insurence requirements. The successtut candidate witl have recentiy completed e proteasional designation or be et leent in the tourth year of e OMA / CGA program. In addithon, the requirementu aresa minimum off six years ot general accounting experlence in a mid sized organization with responsibility for a vanety ot accounting and administrative tunctions, and supervisory experience. PC literecy inctuding spreadsheets & word procenuing wvith advanced seitto is desirabte. FINANCIAL ANALYST This position reporting to the Assistant Controtter, reiti be responsible tor developing ail the tinanciat information required for the ptanning/ budgeting and torecasting procesa. Responsibiities wll entait coordinating wvith ait levais ot management ta, gather, anal yse, summarize and prepare tinancia plans, operation resut and variance analysis. The succesotul candidate witi be enrolled in the CMA/CGA program au third or ffourth level. Qualifications should aiea include at teast three to tive yeers af tinanciat forecastin9/budgeting mvith a strong accounting knowtedge ot consolidation principien. The candidate ohoutd posseso strong enaytica/probemT solMng skitis 80 analyse financiat reporta and provide variance analysin. PC titeracy inctuding advanced Excel skilin is a prerequinite. Please send resumes ta: Humen Resources Depariment LeBîenc Ltd., P.O. Box 880, OakviIIe, ON, L6J 55 Fax (905)-844-8837 LeBîanc le an equal opportunîty employer On/y those applicants that are granted interviews wIli be contacted. Looklng for a Career S that wii always be in demand? PERSONAL SUPPORT WORKERS are needed by medical acute care professions. The SPORTS INJURY MANAGEM N Centre fer Skills Oeve(opment and Training le oflering MASSAGE THERAPY a 6-mo. PSW Course starting in Sept. including 3 Eno fo .e tnb rCass menthe on-the-îob training thlat gets you )n the door ta we(l paying jobs. COURSE LOCATION: Milton. Fer Fros Information Brochure Cali Us At: Et recipients map be etigible for tinancia) assistance. (905) 632-3200 Caf) Isabel Webb ut 333-3499 /878-1240, Ext. 121 1 - 760 Brant St. Uurllngten, ON 1711 487 for dates! times ai information sessions. Financial Aid MayBDe Avalable M -Wf-Tta Ca*nadien Chamffion. Fridav. Auaoust 13. 1999 Maic -R c sie -at AtedTes uu oe aerSmnr IeoaLt. a woldle ad ern e i gn, anufcturlnhisalaIno