24-Tbe-Canadian Charaln Fday,.August 6, U99,~ Classified HOURS MONDAY'TO FRIDAY 9:00 AMt - 5:00 PM DESTEYN - Stepiren and Tre("M- SCAIANO - Gus and Risonda are pleased f0 Carthy) ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ I ydhgaae Rca r announce fthe anivat of their daugilter = ).,nd g iserRa a e wasVtd o Florence, af 3:53 a.m. on SaturaJy b ha o Tfrusay ouf Bmh, 1999 ca brie3PM 3rd, 1999. Proud grsndparents are Etda & Tito wagng n thusa 9 l 0 M, at 9 Mc et :3 MoPlta, Scaiano of Ottawa, Marilyn Mot of Million and mion 6ru gran9 o en eter HsiandHa Hanry Mafhaws of Cambridge. Even prouder Susan Duivestayn of Brodn nd Richard and gresf-grandparents: Claude nd Florence Mot Stiaon Crthyai isarssug.of Barrie, Ricarda Mafhews of Toronto nd Ell- Sharn Mcarty ofMisisswa._de and Domingo Scalano of Buenos Aires. Spediat thanka f0 Dr. Pserais, Midwtves Mina, j ~ Wendy and Diane and fthe nurses at O.T.M.H. MACKINLAY -Creig and Uisa (Brown) are thritted f0, announce the safe arrvai of their son, Jacob Michael. Jacob was bom July 27fh 1999 at 1:47 A.M. weighinq8 hae, 8 oz. Praud firet lime grandparenta are Cameran and Moira .aK ty o uton, 2nd grandchitd for Ron an aiBonof Miton, and 2nd greaf grand- chitd for Agnes Ferguson of Dursharton So- fland. An extra spediat wetcorae t rom Jacobas many aunta, undles and cousin Kyte. Thanks f0 ait tue greaf nursing staff af Josephi Brant Memnoriat Moapitat. _______ NITA BULLOCK AND MARTY HUMPtIRIES, Autumn and Cody are happ f0 announce fihe saearrivai of Angoiqus ;C toria on Juiy 2, 1999 weipliing 7 Is. 2 os. at Oakvtiie Traat gr Meniortat Htospitat. Thntled Grsndparet Atand Janeffe Faffore, Bilt and Penny tHumph ries, Murray and Lois Butock. PERKIN - David and Sarahl (nue Sdiau-Glass> 'are pteaaed f0 announce the hirfh of flair deugister, Oitvia Bemnice, ai Womens Coleg t-ospitat on Juiy 3Oth, 1999. Proud grsndpar- enta are John and Bonnie Glass of George- towni and Bruce and Wendy Schau of Milton. Oltvia ta atil fondty wetcomed hy her gresi grsndfather, Douglas Powell of Mifton Heighfs and greaf grsndmofhar, Bemnice O'Grady of ta- lington, Ontario. - LOST -key heween Steetes and Bronfe. e bal kLeychain 69944. WALKER, Lucy Anne <nue Fashion - At fhe age of 39 on Monday, August 2rid 1999. Peacefstly at home- sunrounded hy her faIly after lma than a year's faf- tie wii cancer. Student oi Waterloo Lulheran Seinil CARPET Carpef. i have eee huadyrso -Beloved wife of Mal, drerise mother oi Shawn new Stainmasfer nd 100% nylon carpef. t wttl car- aaL'aniel. Loving daugiter of Joe aid Grace Fash- pet your living mors and hait for $349. Price indicudes ion iSshru dai4rfer-i-t of Venea Of Efo- carpet, pad and instaltation. (30 sq. yards). Steve, bia:, berfTdd and fss site Jane of Toronto, sis- 905-630,2902. fer-in-aw of Gary nd Ma Lou Walker, spedasn ai yteni Brrly. aZ missed hy seita, ondles FREE Estimates..Got wohhly chairs weak apringa. nd cousins espeoialy aunt Joan, ondle Frank nd tired looldng wood linishes? We do if att. Customn cousin Robin. Relatives and friandswritAl greceivedat wood reflnlshing nd fumniture repairs. Filds Oua- the McKersie-Koche Fuserai Home 114 Mai Ste tom Fumiture. 9-9 daiiy. 875-4427. Mitton trois 2 - 4 and 7 - 9 P.M. Thursday. Fonerat FRIDGE 18 eu. If., stove 30', new in 1997. Four service Frlday, Auguat Mt 1999 af 1:00 P.M. frais yar extended transferahte full warranty. Aul white. Meadowvate Lothersn Church 6945 Meadoaae $8000 O.BO. 693-9284. TOwn CenterCuide9, Misssuga (906-821-2751). s- tannent fa foltow st Evergnien Ceisetery an Mlton. In OLDER hard top traiter, steepa 6 - 8, ice hox, fur- lieu of flowera donation ta the VON. sn Lucys Mau. nace, AM/FM radio. Good Condition. 854-328. ary woutd ha appreostad hy tM farsily. " SAVE UP TO $1000, 16 fi. X 24 fi. o.d. rectangutar ahove.. grun Kayak Pools. tnctuding decka, fenc- n, mier, 2 laddrs, Sand flter, pump & mofor etc. $5 1-800-68-7564. St ON tT - Don't Sn In t i Replacement foamn for custiions. Residenfîatlcomriercia. Fietds UIpiolsfery, 9-9. 7'days/weeki 875-4427. SUMMER Price Breakt! No GSTI Wanf a gresf new took on your fumifure? Give Fietds a caii. Sofas t ram $598. Loveseats tram $487. Chairs tram $198. Sen- ior Discounts. Rids Customs Uphotstering. 875- Fktvmfr aU ocaswîm 4427, 9-9 dalty. FLO STN or sU OCOJtSIS WALL unit ch6efrifd, fnidge, stove, 6 steper 487 aurer Ae.,878.881 tant, plants, hedroomn set and creffa. 878-1316. BARKER - tn ioving memory of our boys - GARAGE SALE Jack who ehit us May 12,1978. Carf (Rocky) STRA ,A G S -Auguaf 7, 1976 and Don Shea - June 26, 9:00DA A.M. S 7 :0PM 1996.772 CABOT TRAIL LOVED BY ALL THE FMILYMOVINGIGARAGE SALE REMEMBANCES9:00 A.M. - NOON n the formi of donations to 449 GOWLAND CRES. The Milton District Hospital FURNITURE, BIKES, SKIS, BOOKS, Foundation are appreciated. ETC. ETC. MOVING SALE SAT., AUGUST 7 9:00 A.M. - 4:00 P.M. NASSAGAWAYA 4T1I UNE AND 20TH SIDEROAD (Il UNE EAST 0F GUELPHI UNE) Gaad~ hies, 2V soveafui Iot ofh tille afuf GARAGE SALE Prom office daste, h*irs, T.M, Jaguarflrsa, COti phoo, sw trctr, x4 iuter-8 Ptanid 1112 Pt cmmrcalsia lgt> Ptntnateps boksa fo mshssl. 11450 STEELES AVENUE Oufailde Milton et Mf Une S. 1 mitle ouat of James Snow. SATURDAY AUGUST 7111 8-00 A.M. -2-00 PM. MULil FAMILY GARAGE SALE SUNDAY, AUGUST 8 9:OOA.M. 8767 TWISS RD., CAMPBELLVILLE (SOUTH EAST CORNER 0F CAMPBEI.LVILLE RD. AND TWISS) GARAGE SALE SAT., AUGUST 7 7:30 A.M. - 12:30 R.M. 617 CHURCHILL AVE. GARAGE SALE SAT., AUGUST 7 9:00 A.M. - 4:00P.M. 11289 GUELPH LINE CHAIN SAW, WEEDEATER, STROLLER, BABY SWING AND LOTS MORE. SOMETIIING FOR EVERYONE. GARAGE SALE SATURDAY AUGUST 7 8:00 A.M. - NOON 411 SATOK CRES. Chiîdren'a cîothing (girl), toya, Peregc high chair, fireplace screen. GARAGE SALE SATURDAY AUGUST 7 8:00 A.M. 423 OAK STREET (CORNER 0F OAK AND BRUCE) EVERYTHING GOING FOR 50 CENTS A COUNTRY MILE GARAGE SALE SATURDAY, AUGUST 7 8:30 A.M. - NOON 265 MAIN STREET All priced f0 ctear - siightiy dsmaged and end tine goods. MOVING SALE 7145 APPLEBY UNE SAT., AUGUST 7 9:00 A.M. - NOON RAIN OR SHINE TOYS, CLOTHES, AND EVERYTHING ELSE. CLEAN FILL WANTED IN CAMPBELLVILLE AREA CALL 1GAMRY LR I M 9 aNT year oi 3M or 519-863-2998 Centre requtrea 1 Mate- riat Mandler for toading & off-toading tranis Ptcktng & assembung orders for slmn Valid FordlftCeffca ilton preferred. Fax re- sume f0 906-876-2875, Affn: Jeff Kttgour. CHUDLEIGHWs accepf- ing applications for aum- mer and fait positions in Refait and Food Service ameas. App yIn pereon tof Refai Sl fore, 9528 IHigtwa 25, Milfon, bat- ween 11 arn. & 5 p.m. ICOUNTRY Sfyte Do- Jnuts requires couniter heip for mominga, afler- noons and weekends. 1Fuittime and parftme. Phione 878-4441. IDOMINO'S PIZZA ts now hiring Drivers. Att Inew applications witt ha Jconstdered. Appt in person any day aner 4 7p.m. f0 17 Witson Drive j af the corer of Main Sf. nd Witson Dr.) IENJOY meefing new C pepe? Growing serv- ic company seeks driver for our van. Vos shoutd have minimum 1of 1 yeara driving as- Iperience, dlean record. IJoin a greaf feam. Cati Skip 876-4510. ESTABLISIIED food processing plant ta ax- J anding. Currenfty we have 5 futt-time produc- tion positions avaitabte. ITo loin our feam pleas forward your resumne in person to Proveal Co Road , Mltfon,&rtario. JBefween 9:00 A.M. and 4:00 RM. or fax resume f0 (906693-8980. EXPERIENCED Horse Groomer of jumpers and huniers for «A" show hemn. Must be able f0 frayaI and hours must ha flexihle. Ac- Of commodaion coutd ha arranged. Non-smoking -. enironrent.Catt 905- 7827-2234 or fax resumne f0: 90-827-633. LOCAL ctassic car I deaersiip requires, rei- able and hardworking ing and other shop du- fies. 905-875-4700. Im VOP M I 19 331-7128