Th. Canadien Champion, Friday Auguet 6, 1999-19 Author Bill Mann spent close ta 10 years weav- lng disparate threads of religion, moral philaso- phy, adve1ture and mathemratice mbt hie problng i*leai ant eLaviUlnth of the Grail. K' the G NS EORGAGETWN] 0 BIGADY RD Ê Do you have an arts story people in town would like to hear? If so, please cali the paper news staff ai 878- 2341. i M rave with ,jLae;ýw ýVV_ Dancc Shloppe 775 Main St. E. Unit #3 878-1488 wjw-,JOKOGRYoeowt ROBERT DESROSERS of Toronto, and GEORGE SANFORD of Hamilton Teaching at our INTERISENIOR DANCE WORKSHOP Ages 13, and up Monday August i6th to, Friday August 2Oth 9 arn - 5 pmn Fee: '1500" plus GSI for thec week $4500 plus GST per day Don't miss this opportunily ta work with nwof tfhe workfs famous artistic directors. Other classes unclude jazz, Tap, Ballet, Highlansd, Acra-Jazz, etc.. 8:30 cm & 9M0 on M* *wv r lm oe m tiêItfi T Milton Youth Soccer Club l Competitive League StandingsV Girls Under 11 Gmes Played Wins Losses Ties Points Richardson Chev-OIds 9 7 1 1 22 Mîchaels Optecai 9 4 3 3 14 Linîco Industries 9 3 3 3 12 iTim ortons 9 0 7 7 2 Girls Undsr 13 Gmss Payed Wins Lsses Ties Points Milton Kinsmen 9 6 2 1 19 Milton Jsycess 9 6 3 0 18 C MMorris Design 9 4 4 1 13 VanDongen Land. 9 1 8 0 3 Girls Under 15 Gmes Played Wns Losses Ties Points Melketeel 6 6 0 O 18 New Automation 6 3 2 1 10 Johnson Contrais 6 1 5 1 4 Heiimark 6 1 5 0 3 Boys Under 11 Gmes Pyed Wns Lsses Ts Points Durs Building 12 9 2 1 28 WmysDnr12 7 3 2 23 Cecil M. Hunt il 5 4 2 17 C-nadian Champion 12 4 7 1 13 Primus Printing il 1 10 O 3 Boys Under 13 Gemies Plyed Wns Lases Tise Points Spokaî IN' Siopes 9 6 2 1 19 Tim ortons 9 5 1 3 1 La Rose Bakery 9 2 6 1 7 Look Communications 9 1 5 3 6 Boys Under 15 Gaies Played Wns Lsss Tis Points Bruei40d Traval 4 1 1 13 ITyson Tool 63 2 1 10 I roet Auomton 6 2 3 1 7 IDominos Pizza 4 1 4 1 4 A NEW 14-DAY CARIBBEAN CROISE!1 HOLLAND AMERICA CRUISE LINE is offering a first for the Caribbean - a 14-day cruise VISITINO ALL 0F THE BEST PORTS. The Canadian market is targeted - apparently we take more îwo-week vacations tban our neighboring Americans - something tu do with our winler wealher perhaps - or maybe we have more 'baby-boomners' who now have the lime and money 10 travel! Eleven ports are visited on the NEIUW AMSTERDAM, which carnies 1,214 passengers and sails out of Tampa. Many people currently book back-to- back cruises in order 10 gel two weeks on the waîer, reîurning t0 the port of departure afler the first week, and going again, cas now select this ship which keeps going! A GREAT CHANCE TO VISIT SOME EXCITINO ISLANDS to help decide where you migbl want 10 visit on your next 'land vacation'! RAMADA CANADA OPENS THREE MORE PROPERTIES - Ramnada Hotel Ambassadeur-Beauport is a 93-moom Quebec hotel. The 88- omr Ramada Inn and Suites-Stoney Plain is an Edmonton-arva bote]. The Ramada Limited-100 Mile House is a central B.C. botel. Ramada now bas more than 50 botels across the country. SUPERCLUBS IS PREPARING TO OPEN ITS NEWEST PROPERTY IN JAMAICA - its eîghtb! Hedonismn III Runaway Bay, an adults only resort is scheduled tu open Sept. 1 and will feature JAMAICAS FIRST 'SWIM-UP ROOMS,' wilh large marbie bathrvoms and "Roman Jacuzzi" bathtubs. Highligbls of the "waterscape-themed" property include a four-storey transparent waterslide, which weaves through the disco and mbt the main pool. DD YOU KNOW: In 1991 there were some 4.2 million Canadian car visits 10 the U.S. in July and August, wbile this year the number is expected lo be just 2.2 million - somelhing tu do with our low dollar value there, righî? TRAVEL TI?: Don't be gulîyof planning 10 drag too much 'stuif' on board your next flight- the carriers are frowning upon you! W74 4k 7. k"~1iravet 878S-2886 16 Martin St. (downtown) Also in Hait.,, His end OakvSIe