8 - The Canadian Champion, Tuesclay, August 3,1999 *Cba 487 Laurier Ave., 878-2881 "FudcwndfS omfr30yan I «lis saws rip and whir, but blind carpenter creates quality hand-crafted furniture by feel By KAREN SMITH The Champion Like a magician, a question Milton's Roger Moore often bears is, .L.ïHow'd you do that?" But bis magic isn't a trick. It cornes in bis very real talent as a car- penter - a trade Mr. Moore bas mastered despite being blind. "My hands are better tban people's eyes," said tbe 33-year-old, who lost bis sight 10 years ago as a resuit of diabetes. Feeling bis way, lie builds custom-made dressers, entertainment centres, night stands and dining room tables and seils ¶tlkJm uz them wholesale to fumiture stores. "I think I'm crazy sometimes," he said, so etm I us have to be recalling liow one day last week lie cut 160 r«nJy csre«t.» piecea af wood on a bladed machine that .......... ............ could easily injure him, even if he wasn't blind._______________ 'I just have ta be really careful." Rias backlog He worked as a teaching assistant help- Mr. Moore, who moved ta Milton from ing students leamn the trade. In tumn, he Speyside tliree years ago, worics an aver- eanied higli achool credits. age 10 hours a day in Nis 1,200-square-foot Henoedibtnwolngriate workshop building pine and oak fumniture time. as ordered. At the age of 15, Mr. Moore was more He only makes quality pieces that interested in lielping out on lis family's require workmanship, lie said. horse farm and lie dmopped out of achool. While a fuil-time employee helpa out Raced horses with some of the construction tasks, Mr. Moore does most of the wark himself. Befare the disease lie had since the age Currently lie's backlogged wtn ores ai 2 claimed lis siglit, lie raced quarter- "He's an excellent craftsman," said Ria liarses and lias numerous trophies on lis Dabom, an empioyee of Scott's Oak snd shelf ta prove it. Pine in Rockwaod, wliere Mr. Moore's Mr. Moore also liad a way with liandi- fumniture is sld. work, but neyer explored the carpentry "I've got a couple ai Nis pieces at home. trade before becaming blind. I find the quality reaily good." He lias overcome difficuities sucli as RoeMor Norug posmessurement by develaping Nis own tools Un erp place No rough SPOtS Since lie cannot see a ruler, lie created a lncu lc She said Mr. Maore's keen sense of faur-foot sliding block ruler that clicks of lumbar and tuhmksfor an extra smaatli finish. every 16tli ai an incli, allawing him ta sande a' pin. tauci mkesend table at his, "Yau don't have any raugli spots on any of caunt the clicks ta determine a measure- ochp bis work." ment. Mr. Moore, wlia toak an independent Patented ruler living course witli the Canadian National "Fr$0001cngtaie lkg Phosb Institute for the Blind in Taronto, firat con- "o 3,0 a e ietlig ~ b sidered a career in small engine repair after ane," lie told The Champion as his guide GRAHAM becoming blind in bis early twentiea. dag Cliarlie quietly sat at Nis aide. PAINE But lie ended up aigning an for an adult Mr. Moore liolda a patent for bis creatian waodworking class. ai an electranic ruler and hopes ta put it on Soon after graduating witli flying the market for blind people in the future. - colours, lie took up another challenge. Far naw, Mr. Moore is content in bis Witli the lielp of a former middle achoal worksliop busy delving into bis trade. teaclier, Mr. Maore began instructing "It's a lot of liard work but tliere's samie- Georgetown higli scliool studenta. thing there in the end," lie said. ~ ableworks 14 Programming SChedule - August 3rd -JAugust 9th, 1999 5:30,6:30,7:3Oçmn PkgedlIn! 530,630,:30prn PluggedIn! 5:30,6:30, 7:30çr PRgdh! 530,630,7:3On PIuein! 6:00cm The Garden Touir 6:p S«sZONE Garne of 6:0pe TheIssueIs 6:00pn Codlein the Classaoni C OMM i CATO NSM 7:OOpm The Issue Is teWeek 7 OOpm Internet 101 7:OOpm SportsZONE Game uf ACton Feature of the week: SportsZONE Gamne of the Week: Town Council Softball: Milton vs. Halton His -Wed, 6pmn 12 Main Street North, Actari. ON L7J 1V9 5l9.53270, or85-700 T a klng yo0u r ca bl1e fu rt h erJ