uesday, Auguet 3, 199 After years in the forefrontofcetn a new Halton, Mohammed packs it in tu fluff f4a By IRENE GENTLE tcaiI 8t78l The Champion After hammering out Halton's future 2341 through a series of major growth initia- Mondeay to tives, senior planner Rash Mohammed is poised to pursue a new vision: Fday Retirement. Mr. Mohammed is packing it in following 24 years .fronv 9 a.. with Halton Region to spend ime with bis wife of 35 years, Lucette, their two sons Adrian and Dana, and to 5,Jfl., their daughter Leah. He will officially retire August 3 1. Clssfid co tn e fr0 Pa e2 $ MDNEYACCESS $ *No credit Investigation eConfldentillty Reguired ta be aoroved: *$10,000 and Up Financi ng - RRSP or RIF, LIRA, LIF eMutual Funds ePension Fund tram ex-emrployer C.F.M. INC. Analyzed by our consultants and referred for rapld financlal exocutlonl CALL TOIL FREE: 1 -88-657- 1062 Fax: 1-888-703-1492 24 Hour Service 7 Days A Week MILTON I4YDRO-ELECTRIC COMMISSION has a STEP VAN FOR SALE Milton HEC has a 1986 GMC Step Van for sale by tender. The unit is equipped as follows: e 1986 GMC Step Van V8 gasoline pow- ered angine " Automalc Transmissiorn " Approximately 84,000 km. " 12' walk-throUgh body With bUlkhead " Left and riglit aide shelving & storage " Front passenger seat The truck wllI be sold on an «as la" basis. The hlghest or any tender wlll not neces- sarlly be accepted. Seeled tender clearly rnarked 1RIFT-99- 07 Stop Van" wli be recelved until 4:30 p.m. Frldy, Auguat 20, 1 99 and should be addreased ta: "The. Chair" Milton Hydro-EleOtric Commision RO. Box 109 55 Thompeon Rd. S. Milton, Ont L9T 4NO The vehicle may be vlewed at 55 Thompsoil Road South, Milton, Ont., between the hours of 8:00 a.m. and 3:00 p.m. monday thru Friday. For an appoint- ment to vlew, please contact. Richard Murray, SuperIntendant - Operatons and Enginlering et (905) 876-4811 ext. 240. Take notice that the Navy League of Canada (Ontario Diviion) and tha Na'vy League Cadets are not affifistad in any way with the organiza- lions known as «The Friands of Chaudiera. or the "Sea Rangera", and naithar assume any l- ability wtth respect ta the obligations or activitias af those arganizations nor endorse or support sny ai their activilies. Dat.d et Toronto on thîs 27th day of JuIy 1999 RihrdWIson, Secret.ry rn students need accoma- basement apartment. modatian I rom first Sap- $725/month. Avallable tember 1999, meai or ar- Septernber 1. Centrsly ound the Emnest C. located. No pets. 875- Drury ScIiool, 225 On- 4460, leae massage. tsno Street, South, Mii- ton. Contact Chahl, SEPTEMBER laI 3 phone (416)498-5107. bedrooni apartment, 2 levais, 2 balconies, 1 1/2 bathroams down- tw.$950.00 + utili- lia. 875-2488 sitar six. O NE B DM. Baclielor ACTON 2 bedroorn basament apt. $600 apartinent for rant inclusive. No smoking $700.Ooemonth plus hy- or pets. Phone 876- dro. Avallatile Saptef- 062M. ber lat. CalTony 416- 663-7756. ACTON, Large 2 bed- roora apertment w1basama<lt, $725 plus REASONABLE Indus- ulililies. 519-853-5080 tria Urats for rent. 1,200 or 519-853-5362- - 3,200 sq. t Loading docks & drive-in. 1-906- MILLSIDE 277 9347 or 1-905275- TOWERS DR., MILTON SMALL PRIVATE 0F- NOW LEASING FICE beauttuly ap- 2 Bedroom available polited, Hwy. 26 & 401. on bus route, freshly 1-905l-79347 o 906- decorated, 2 appli- 275-683 ances, on-site laun- dry, Indludes ail utili- ma(excapt phone & al.) Free parking, npets. Reterances pRIVAi!E SALE.- Se".i 905876124 detsched. 923 Laurier 9ff76-249 Avenue. Vey dea, ail Eappcetmeflt oety appliarices. $179,900. Then he'll begin planning a different sort of future- that of his fam-ily. "I'm divorcing the Region so I can re-marry my wife," he said. He will also help care for his 28-year-old son, Adrian, who is recuperating after being struck by a car. At age 55, Mr. Rash Mohammed Mohammed has crammed a lot into bis years. Up until 1995, he was the head of the Region's planning depas'tment. When the department merged with public works, he became Halton's chief planning officiai and director of planning and developruent services. Lt was in this capacity that he drew up the bluepnint for expansion through Halton's officiai plan and the Halton Urban Structure Plan (HUSP). The beauty of HUSP is that it gives something to every municipality, said Mr. Mohammed. "We created the structure that bas allowed every- body to gain anmething," he said. He alan listened to current residents, wbo stated that they did not want their neighborhood to tumn into an In response. Mr. Mohammed camne up witb a plan in which fully haîf the projected growtb will take Place in previously developed areas. ,hat means that green spaces, parka, farm lands and wetlands are largely left untouched. "It's my view that there are sufficient lands in Halton an we can still preserve the green space and the Niagara Escarpment," he said. The plan also travels in lockstep with a tinancial policy that will not banknipt the Halton, said Mr. Mohammed. When not re-jigging the region to incorporate 200,000 new residents, Mr. Mohammed taught at a number of Canadian universities. "I kept my hands in the academic community because it was clear to me that the people teacbing planning weren't practitioners," he said. He wanted students to learn from someone who was still embroiled in the day to day hustie of planning. With so much behind hlm, Mr. Mohammed jumped at the chance to take an early retirement. «'I'm 55. I've put a lot of years in. It's time for me to go." So far he has no concrete plan, other than to leani how to fit into the daily activity of home life. "You have to learn how to retire and I'm doing it while I'm stili relatively young," he said. WANTED FEMALE VOLUNTEER FOR A MOTIVATIONAL STUDY Wa naed 50 fematae votuntears ta participata in a fourteen day flînass improvainent study. You could quaîlfy with the tolîowing requirements: " Age 21 + " Do not currenly exarcisa on a regular basis " Willing ta follow a suparvisad tourtean day training progiamn of moderata exarcisa for 20 - 30 minutas three limes per waak " H-ave not partidipatad in a previaus study " Willing ta talce a supaivised fltnasa evalualion at tha stait and end ofthe 14 dayprograrn " Do not have any medical limitations that would inteifera ýwlth mioderate exercisa This fltness study fa baing sponsored by GoodLif e Fitness Clubs You do not need to ba a membar of Goodife Fitness Clubs and there la no coat to ba a votunteer. Cali 876-3488 IMi1AIIt'~I855 Steeles Ave. E. G ood ife isit the lubh or Cali Us Tndav iurtesyof hcare ca - Es 1. f F ý T N 1 ý -S 1 1 offer extended to August 15, 1 M