Phot by GRAI4M FAINE Thrilis and chilis Three-yew-old Serai Bons shrllls with excitement as thse cool wsIter lets corne on et tise splssi zone et Rothay Pwai. Tise popular play ares laean effective way to bout tise summer'. exts.sded hseW ave By KAREN SMITH The Champion While crime is down overail across the region, cniminal acts in Milton have increased, according to police statistics releascd last week. The numbers show crimmnal offences in Halton decreased by 369 during the first six months of 1999, but the tally for Milton rose, in some cases significantly. The biggest jump came in break-ina, according bo the statistics. While 78 break- mns were reported to police fromn January to June last year, 113 are on record during the firaI half of 1999. nesses is partly due to an increase in the number of thieves targeting complexes ho using numerous offices, said Det. Sgt. Gordon of Halton Regional Police. If five businesses were broken into on one property at the same time, each would cotant as one break-in, she said. But tisat only accotants for a smail por- tion of the increase. Det. Sgt. Gardon, head of criminal investigations in Milton and Halton HIIs, said she believes a variety of other factors are involved. Because Milton is so close to major highways, especially Hwy. 401, thieves can make a quick escape, she said. That alone makes tihe town an attractive spot for crime. And populations in the surrounding Greater Toronto Area communities are increasing, she said. '"We've started to get the overtlow from the otiser regions." Anothet factor is that Milton is sptead out, sa thieves can target isolated rural homes and more lîkely make their get- away without being caught. In other crimes, Milton bas seen eight robberies so fat this year comparcd to thtee Iast year and car thefts are up from 39 ta 50. Occurrences of people possessing illegal weapons have increased by four - from 12 ta 16. Domestic assataits show a rise from 14 ta 18 and frauds are up ftrm 19 ta 22. The positive news is tisai statistics mndi- cale sexual assaults are dawn. "lThat's gaod," Det. Sgt. Gordon said. "*We needed a reprieve because last year they vere up." >eriodontal "guan" disease is one of the most common aliments seeni )y Veterinarians. "Plaque" a colourless film, is campased mostly ai sacteria and forms continuously on the teeth and gums; eventually -esu1ting in Calculus, the bard visible "tartar". Plaque accumulatior s the first step in a cbain of events that can result in bad breath nflammation, pain, infection, tootb loss, and ma) montribute ta beart, liver and kidney disease. If you bave noticed an3 )f tbese signs, schedule a consultation for yaur pet. RRMEMBER PETS HAVE TEETH TOO! fr8>,.'L- A Metroland Community Newspaper Vol. 140 No. 40 Tuesday, August 3, 1999 40 Pages 75 0 (GsT included) 4YVI1ton crime rate bucking the trend of proper ty damage, m a in 1y vandalism, bave so fat declined from 151 to 111 and thefts are dawn t'rom 259 to 247. Of aIl Dot- Sgt. Jacide Gordon the crimes reported in Milton froro January ta June, almast haîf have been cleared - meaning police have deter- mined the perpetrators. Overali across the region, crime is down 7 per cent - fmom 7,701 occurrencs dur- ing the first haif of 1998 to 7,332 in 1999, according to the statistics. The statistics coincîdentally came just days after several citizens complained about crime at a police-hosted meeting. teachers andi educatars tramn the sur- raunding ares an Thursday, Aug. 19. The open bouse - which is f ree and runs tram il arn. ta 3 p.m. - includes infarmatian an new educa- tianal pragrams currently being affered at the lacal canservatian site. A taur af the park and its facilities wiII pravide instructars with details an haw ta plan a succesatui and comrer- hensive class excursion. A lunchean wiII be pravîded. Branle Creek Pravincial Park is located north af the QEW between Oakville and Builington. Im WMi *Zhllers .30ulm aiMa