Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 30 Jul 1999, p. 23

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m - - -- Advertising Sales Coordinator I Manager Metroland Printing, Publishing and Distributing We are currently seeking resumes I rom applicants for the position of Advertilsîng Sales CoordinatorlManger This position wiII require someane seeking ta prove themseif in a highIy competitive and growing market. The Indivdual wlll be a stron g motiva- for and at the samre Urne lead b yexample by maintaining and growing ttiei r own account 1sf. You shauld be an fndivdual strMvng ta take con- trai and ownership of situations and challenges, and not accet mediocre performances t rom either yourself or other sales people work ing wlth you. A great deal ot time, effort and flexibility entît be required between Monday maming and Friday evening, howaver, you wilf enjoy the weekends as yaur own. Base salary, commissions, car atlowance and bonuses for hitting aggressive targets are at part of mhis package. T h position includes acceas ta a campany benefits package, pen- sion plan ater two yaars and 4 weeks paid vacation. Advertising, management experience and/or an exceptional sales track record are a must. Apply ta: Box 2188 co The OakvlIe Beaver 467S Spers Rd. Oakviiie, Ont., L6K 3S4 Customer Service/ Telemarketing Position Tetephona experfence and a pleasant outgoing persanaity required. Excellent intarpersonal akitîs, good typîng akilîs and an ability ta leamn quickly. Soma comput- er axpenience an asset. Fax resumne ta: 1.905475-2910 Toronto Auto Auction cia Joan Gilmour 8277 Lawson Road, Milton, ON L9T 507 MEMBERSHIP SERVICES& PUBUC RELATIONS Fluwers Canada - National Trade Association Manage ast spects sf membemship retention snd recrsit- ment cuerdnste daveispment sel eoecutisn of peblic ra- tises ateuiss snd scfivities to enhsnce the ssocion and the tlonal industry. Requires: diplume in marketing or peblic relatios, experi- oec in a service sector, excellent wnhtng sel crestive abili. ty; slrong deskinp publafning, excellent interpersunal, entre- preneenial, organizstional silis, hîtingual trench un ssset; $27,090 plus benefts. AJsu saadable: 2-days par week SUPPORT PERSON to shoos positon. Membership contact sel telemaxketng ot intormaion aud services induding educaieal pnograms. Fax letter sel aesume lx: Resoers Cana*a 90475.3494, 7856 F111 U4» S., AR #4, Miltn ON LIT 2XIL GECORGE.TOWN ]LICIENSE OPPCE Requitea 2 S loes One. pairt tinte- 7 te 20 heurs- aoud car Oae fulltiase - vehici. lcmIng expedence aecessar3 Ceatact Darne 877-1049 Milton Landscape Compas y reqeires a motvaled and highly shilleci individual 106'Il1te flt-lime position of Olico Assistant. Accounlisg esposore is as asset. (3-5 Yrs. eoperieoco) Off ice procedores & equipaunt, Organization, Com- paters (Word/Excel), good communication and PR, neel license and own transportation, neage dependent on esperiexce. Fax Resumnes to: (416) 614-1116 (Miltas) Attention: Human Resources ON CALL CO-ORDINATOR Reqaîre i mmedialely 10 respond 1o al colts receîved ater off ice hours. qsaIloafIus "1 Exceplional organizational/ prohtemn solving skills " Expenienco in communily healîth cae " Exceplionat communication skills " Esfremuty customner tocaseri " Wortts well in pressure sitations " Availabte week-ends and evesings " Requimed 10 worh la affiles sdon st of - hma, must ha able 10 pick-up & deliver books os a daily basis. Fax resame 10 (905)-847-1038, on cali <905-847-1025 for as interview. OnIy Clisse sekdced i eb confscCed. m sa allisippltsfew pIsys USC Education Savings Plans requires ambitious salespersons with a proven track record. Current Representatives are earning in excess of $12,OO0/montbly. Exceptional income opportunities await those seeking management. Fax your resume immediately to: (905) 812-2511 or cati 1-888-649-RESP (7377) for. a tele-interview with Mrs. Kay The Canadien Champion, Fnlday. July 30, 1999--23 Invesiment Advisor roquires an assistant lu implemrent marketing and tuiemanketing programs and periorrco administrative tasks. The succussiai candidate shoutd bu sett-starting with stnong inlerpersonat, communication and onganizationat skiits. Advanced PC skitts are needeci inctading Microsoft Office, Excet, asd Contact Management Pnognams. tnvestmext ixdasîry or nuIsit banking expenience desinabte. Comptetion of Canadian Seconities Course nequined neithin two yeans. ADMINISTRATIVE ASSISTANT tnvestment Advison requines an assistant 10 service and administun existing ctient investirent accounts. Position invoives opexing accoonts, isitiating Iransters, recosciling accoants, racking investments, and procussing transactions. Client service is key. lndustny espeniencu and compietion oftChu Canadian Seconities Course is reqoireci. Advanced PC skiiis are necessary. Plusse Corward nesomes outiining expenience and salary expectations 10: 6i11 flobillard, TU EVEROREEN 5515 North Service Road., 2nd Floor, Burlington, On, L7N 3M6S or Fax: 905-331-7523 CHALLENGER MOTOR FREIGNI 01C., a-welt uslablishei Motor Trassportalion Camrer, is lookisg for an eoperinced LOGISTICS COi-ORDINATOR to wsrk in the Oulsoorosng Department. Applicanîs must posseso stroug ongusîcatîssal ahililies, good communication and isterpersosal skills and must bu computer lituralu in Microsoft Office. Candidates mont have gosd negstiuîisg skilîs, the ahility Io worh with misimal supervision and ho sbIe Io make quick ducisioss. The ideal candidate must have eotensive isad sdnon6ing, dispaldi managemnt nd exnenet work- isg with l and air carniers. Ooalitiud casdidates wilt have tise yesrs noperiesce sn s comparable positios with strssg Coondalios sn espediisg and otsourcisg treight withis Northi Amrseics.- Ofurisg a compelitive mage package. Please ruply in writisg by Aogosî 6,1999 to: NUMAN RESOURCES 50 Greh Avenus Cambridge, MN N3C 1Y9 Fax (519) 6589112, , Ne phono caiis pisasa Os/y Chose individus/s benng connsidered W/Il Ce conntacted GPPORTUNITY HIrs: t3G-43paut, Mma.-Thaur. :Excellent computer shîlîs & internet exp. sExperience wîîh Financial transactions, data processing. Make It RICHARDSON CHEVROLET OLDSMOBILE Ta lease or purchase your car or truck Hwy 25 S. et Derr Rd. 878-2393 7RUDfO SALES & LEASING NEW & USED 410 STEELES AVE. A FAMILY BUSINESS WITH FAMILY VALUES WE - BUY - SEIL - LEASE SPACE FOR RENT 20,000 SQ. FT. 1-905-294-4527 AND MILTON REQUIRES: Fil P. D.A. This position s tar a matunnity lusse possihly leadisg In a permanent placement. Ffr DENTAL ASSISTANT Plusse sesd resamus Io: Dr. B. Hurd 720 Guelph Lins, Suite 203 Burlngton, Ontario L7R 4E3 No phone catis please! COORDINATOR a Part-tîme (Requîred for a Grass RanIs Association) Halton Parent Mentorîng Association pros dus Iraisud volunleuns whs are matchuol with parents sh nuud assistance in strengîhuning Ihu n parentisg sk Ils. HPMA but uses strsngly that parnting is a costinaoss tusming procuss Rssjealbiles, A highly usurgutic asd enthusias- tic individual is nequireol 10 coordinste the day 10 day opunalions sf the asseciation. Now in ils second tan of pnoviding service, nuspossihililies includu: lussd raising, markuting, volusteun recruitment, lisaincial management and coordination of ail client service retateol aclinities. Evnisg and week und wsnk reqaired. Gualiîications:Oegee, Diptoma on social service field, and/or pnevious eopeniusce worhing wilh a volanleer ted orgsnizalion. Au usderstanding of and tamiliarity with the Education, Mentl Heallh and Criminat Justice Systems isa dulisile asset. Inleresleri applicants aoe invileri 10 Iorwurd a detailed resume hy Fnl., Aug. 13/99, Io: Haiton Parent Mantorinil Association cieo Cammunlty Resource Services (Ont.) 3365 Harvestor Road Buringian, Ontario UiN 3N2 Attn: Chair Advlsory Board huIpOi$SK Halp Dask Technalogy Corporation is North Americas fasteat growing daveloper of help deak software à1pplications. Dur clients include Fortune 500 compasies, hospitals, financial institutions, communi- cation giants, ail branches af the armed force and Tha Execulive, Office of mhe President of the United Ststes. Located in Oakvitle, we require: " Visual Basic Programmers (IAnaiystu) * Hsbrew VB Programmer (Eng. Fiuency) *Techniscai Support Representatives *Recoptionist For dataits on position requirements and application procedure, pleasa viait: WWW.helpdesk-i.com SUPPOR ANALYST Bartioglon haseci Syslems Istegrutor carruntly sueking a Support Analyst Inn lalîtime. permanuent position within our Techsical Support DupI. Succussfal candi- date will possess excellent communication. ansltical and Castomer service skills. University degrue or College dipioma in Gompuler! elecîroics rulaleci pro- grams a must. Two years suppsr/nulp desit experience as asset . Fonoord resinse with coerer lro: AtIn: Support Manager, FAX (905) 332-9113 TOWNHOUSE Ion rel. Milton. 3 badroores avaitable Saptember 1. Relerences 854-3815. LISTORAGE 0Q. FT. N DOOR 7-6311i 2-BEOROOM base- ment apartment, sapa- rate entrance. Fuit bamh, air conditionlng, lire- place S700.00/masth. Utitities includef. Avait- able immediatey. 878- 8806. ACTON, Large 2 beci- room apartmest re/basemient, $725 plus utilities. 519-853-5080 ori 59-853-5352. LARGE brigkl 2 beci- room apartmext sn house 1/2 mile north af the 401. $875.00/mosth. Final ssnd aest. titiles isdlud- eci. Releences. Pleasa cati aller 6:00 P.M. 875-4886. MILLSIDE TOWERS - 82 MILLSIDE DR., MILTON NOW LEASING 2 Bedroore avait- able on bua moute, freshly decorated, 2 appliancea, on-site Iaundry, indludes ail utilities (axcept phone & cable.) Frea parking, no pets. Relerences reqaire. 905-76-1249 By appointrnent only, MODERN ana hadrooso busemenî apartosent, $725/month. Available Saptember 1. Centrally locateci. No pets. 875- 4460, lase message. SEPTEMBER lut 3 bedroam apartosesl, 2 levaIs, 2 balconies, 1 1/2 bathrooms dlowns- town. $950.00 + atili- lies. 875-2468 alter six. SPACIOUS 1,2 & 3 bedroarex. Freshiy paînteci, hnighl. Com- petitfve rest. Baifinglon high rixe. Wel main- taineci. Convenient lo- cation. (905)3339846. Noan - 8 p.m. ROOM sean Milaon Malt, saitabte Ion woring maie. No skiff workers pleasa. $110/week. 87M-882. detacrlec. 9m1 Launar Avenue. Véry dlean, aIl apptiasces. $179,900. 876-2709. ~TAGON - New In town ? " Gettng married more? " Ha ving a baby? " Estabilathing a new busi- ness? PI.EASE CALL USC Cammnnt Wetcaom Uinda ...854-1563 Marilyn..875-0519 Bria Shirley ...878-7046 Baby Tracy L.... 876-4330 BusinessjrofuIusonal Pst .....076-4040 Fu asuse te INDUSTRIA 1000S DRIVE-Il (905)87 as Oubvitte Learnnng Centre thal pravîdes Pro- ACTON - 3 bedroona, 2 fessionat educatioand s ulorng services 10 store semi, students in Gr. 1 ta OAC. Appron. 20 hns/mk. $975/mosth + utilities. Applicants musI have teachens cerltication. Avaltabte August 1. Fax esum to:Final, lest, relerences ne- Grade Expeclations quireci. Evenings caI Leanning Centre 906-854-3228 or louve (905 2780012message for Ai. (905 2780012EXECUTIVE country pnoperty 12+ pnivate acres, suitable for hans- as, 5 car garage, 3+ bedraom/2BA FR. 6 Looking for a Cameer mites ta 401 via Guelph Une. $2,l00permonth. that will always b. in demand? Dsys (905) 712-2271 PERSONAL SUPPORT WORKERS Ext. 308, Evesinga are neded hy medicat! acate cane professions. The (519) 856-2389. a 6-mo. PSW Course sîsrting in Sept. iuciudisg 3 monîhs on-ihe-job training that gels you in 1he door to weli paying johs. COURSE LOCATION: Milton. El recipients may bu eligibie for tinascisi assistance. Cali Isabel Webb aI 333-3499 / 878-1240. Est. 121 Ion dates/ limes of information sessions.

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