EI I g 16. fi I I ~ MOHR - GihadCreare praud ta an- nounce the barth of "hir seadson, Matthe Johin, bam an JuIy 201h, 1999, at 6:42 P.M., weigiuing 7 ibs. 13 oza. et Joseph Brant HoSpi- tai. A brother far Jeffrey. Prauti grandparenls ara Gary and Carmeon Franklin, and Bey and Art Cocraft, and John and Olive Mahr. Thanka ta Dr. Wu, Cindy, Jodle and ail labour and matem- Ky staff. MIJEU.ER Rabert, Susan grnd big brother Maix are proud fa annaunce the arrivai aI tiee sWser, Einn Barbera Cornie. Eutn was bars at 9:11 A.M. on Monday July 26th, 1999 at O.T.M.H and weigiied in at 8 Mb. 4 aza. Thnilled grandparents are Larry and Jeanette Mualler af Coldwater and Barbera Postalf OsIrville. Spa- dael thanka fai Dr. Tam. DAL BELLO, Adelino (Nino) - At his resi dance hn Mradon on Manday, July 201h, 1999, tino Dol Bello beloveti husband of Camilla Dai Balla. Laving thar af Luciano and his wifa Laurie, Dito and trs wife Filornena, Uida and her fiance Geoff and Eddy. Alan loved by 7 Grndhtran. Dser brother af Livia Dal Beo of Milan. Funemi Mass was held on Thuraday July 29f frars Haly Roeary Roman Catholic Churdi follwed by Enfomiimont hn Glaen Oaks Marnwa Gardoens OeaU«. AraQngmnt lirugi lie-J. Scott lady Fun"ra Home, 21 Jaemes SL Milan. DOWNS, Jannet - Il la with heartfaît: thanka we convey ta lie many people who expressed thaîr sympathies wlth flo- ral tributes, worts of sympathy, donations ta the Cancer Society, benevolent funts, palliative cars, telephone coils, cards and lattera of contaI onces on the recent deali of aur dmughter Jannet Downs. Spacial Thmnks Io the toctors, nurses ont staff et Hamilton Hendersan Cancer Hospital mnd Milton District Hospital. Our sad loss was more comforting, by such caring persans. Jannet wlll be sadly missed by har Momn and Dat, Don and Donaltla Grahams (Cmmpboellort). Brothers, Sisters mnd Famnaies: Jlm ant Lynin Graham (Madoc), Robert ant Lois Graham (Miltorn), Sussn and Jan Christiansen (Mmdoc), Peggy Jasuins (Kngston), Bnian adn Delfina Graham (Hamilton), Brantas ant Paul Garner (Matoc), Debble ant Kevîn preaton (Pontypool), Angle Bowlaa and Rab Goulette (Keswlck), ant Jamers grmntfmther Donald MacDonald (Wellingtonl) along with mmny Aunta, Uncles oint Cousins. WORDS cannot express aur sincere thanks to ail aI ou for the lovely cards, phn aivisifs and best wlshes we received fo=urSt onnive- sary. Aspecial thank you tc)our famy Mildred & lim, Jo Ann & Philip, Jane & Jim & grandchldren Jessica & Joal for the lovely luncheon; ta Rev. Rod & Olive Lewis and Coleen Smth, Rev. Fa- ther Mark Curtis, Knox Presbyterian Church, the Birthday Graup an the mountain. Alan aur friands aiebt = Place. We Ml cherish the memaries, aOaf 51 Annlveraory braver. Archie à Ruth MacKinnon Vis would lice ta thank family and friands tari frelping ta celebrate aur 50M Weddlng Anti- vereary, and for etl the flawers, gifla, carda, etc. Alan a spedialtfhank yau fa Mayor Krantz and Father Earf. "W. wlI noer forget tha dey" Hanry end Mary Buckley STAG & DOE Ior S DALE ISNOR & LORRAINE CAMPBELL August 7, 1999 8Pm tol1am * For Tickets ca11 878-9199 (jr avanlahle at the door LOST - car kay, opti- ANTIQUE mirrors, mist Centre July 25th. tabla, stools, cauch, If found pleasa caîl. freezer, stave, antertain- 878-5037. ment unit, 14" wira wheal cavera, steel lina fishing rad and reel, 6 pc. badroors set, king- size alactnic blanket. FOUND - Black mnd 878-1316. brown temmile tog. Bar- CARPET Carpat. I der Collie Cross? Mi- hava saveat thousand burough Lina. 336- yards of new Stainmas- 2894. ter mnd 100% nylon car- - pet. I wilI carpet yaur liv- ing roomn mnd hall for $39. Prie includas carpet, pat and inatalle- USED pool table in lion. (30 sq. yards). goat canditian. Original Steve, 905-639-2902. Ghost Buster laysamnd WWF wrastling laya. FREE Estimmtes..Got 876-0128. wobbly chairs wak - apringa tîred lcaklnp wood finishes? We do il ait. Custom woad rafin-. ishing and fumitura re- CIvIcHolia p ira. Fields Custars Cii Hld Fumiue9- daily. 875- MON. AUG.z 427. EVG. AUCTION SAVE UP TO $1000,16 SALE: 6Sfl~ Il a 4li.0d. ractmngu- IMM:~ ~~~c 4211 e bv round Kayak At. Vallty Comrsunily Pools. Incuding decca, Centra, 287 Old Guelph en*ngIlitr 2 lattera, Rd, Dund-as 628-6116 ssnd flter, pump &rmo- Bîyon Martin Auctions for etc. $5,995. 1-800- Lots of Fursilure, Bric- 668-7564. a-Brac & urtusual BIT ON IT - Don't Sit In ftems! f1 Replacement toars mi. lai. S of Clappi- for cushions. sot's Crnrs, (#5), Rasdantial/cormercial. lai N of #403, 1/4iii Fleits Upholstery, 9-9.7 W of#6, via York Rd _ tmdysweel 875-4427. SMMER Price Breal NoGSTI Want a rai ie ook an yaur Zuri. 2 GIRLS bikes $10.00 ture? Giv Rad m-1 cal emch; 2 mdulf lO-speada Salas f rom $598. Love $10.00 emch; cuib and seata hror $487. Chahn maItress; and exira rmt- tror $198. Senior Dis mes $25.00; baby car- courita. Fi"ld Cuatanr dage $40.00; alfe Upholstaning. 875-4427 gaf $10.00; unter- 9-9 daly. erub $10,00 ba$00.i tol hle fans of dotimlons tubs lli eg f The Milin District Plemme cai 519-833- Hospital Foundalo are 0774 affer 6:00 R. P8:1111. MoV SATJRI 9: 6M5 AI (112 IMLE S LNI. end R.H.gol table, household I Iý - NG SALECUSTOM slaughter, ING SALEgovemrsenf inapected, DAY., JULY 31 beepili, gats and .00 A.M. ismb. Taggart Farma, PPLEBY UNE Steales Ave. mnd UIn- 0 F DERRY RD.) afon Churchill BIvt. f clubs, woodot picio 906-826-1408, f011 fIres mm, books, C.D.', etc.. 1-877-218-2448. IMOVINGIGARAGE SALE I SATURDAY , JULY 31 I 8:00 A.M. - NOON 83 YRDRIVE YARD SALE 12352 GUELPH UNE BETWEEN 20 & 25 SIDEROAD SAT., JULY 31 9:00 ANM. - 3:00 R. Antique and other fumiture, pool table, mîsceneous.. YARD SALE IA UTILE 0F EVERYTHING STARTING I SAT. JULY 31 9: 0A.M. 4:W0P.M ITIIROUGH AUG. 12,3,4, 5 OR UNTL 72 COMMERCIAL ST MILTON [ SATURDAY JULY 31 9:00 A.M. - 1:00 R. Gof583 MAIN STREET EAST Golf equipment, 11 pc. set unter $70.it Baga end canas also avalmble. 14 BARTON ST. FR1. JULY 30 2 P.N. - 8 P.M. BAT. JULY 31 8 A.M. - 12 P.M. Tools, ornamienta, dishes, etc. SOMETIIING FOR EVERVONE GARAGE SALE FR1., JULY 30 & SAT., JULY 31 2439 1071H SIDEROAD CAMPBELLVILLE LANDSCAPE TRAILER AND LOTS OTiIER STUFF. SATURDAY, JULY 31 9 A.M. - 1 P.M. 740 BRIAR CRESCENT MOV1NG SALE BAT., JULY 31 8:00 A.M. - NOON 595 MOORELANDS ORES. Enfertairnment unit antique a*ool*a o table, che«oll, freeze, atmv, 6p bedroom met, crotta, aeWng, etc. - MOVING SALE SATURDAY, JULY 31 9:00 A.M. - 2:00 P.M. 31188#5 SIDEROAD WEST 0F HWY. #25 Golf clubs, X country skis, hock equipment an I ota more. MLA nI WaE IN CAMPBELLVILLE AREA CAU. GARY OR LORI (905 31-7128 J 2-3 fours par day. Mandmy - Friday. Uight clemning. Sullable for retlred persan. $12.00 per hour. Cal 826- 9038. I CASI4AY Distribution ICentre requiras 1 Mate- rial H-andier for ioading &Pickaing messetn J o-ceding raitera.in 1 orders for shipmant. Vautd Forktilt Carifica- doan prefarrat. Fax re- I ame tai 905-876-2875, Attn: Jaff Kigour. CIUDLEIGH'S accept- JE ing applications for surs- mer and laul positions in Retail and Foot Service assas. Appl in persan ta, Retail tra, 9528 IHighway 25, Milton, bat- waen il arn. & 5 p.m. ICOFFEETIME Donuts, Trafalgar and Steeles raquires counter help. JExperience prelarred. Pleasa cal 878-0323. COUNTER MELP Irequired, full time, IManday - Fniday, 7 m.m. 3p.M. & 3P.nl. -11 p.rs Also part lime Weekends. Aply inepr- son ta Cofe lime JDonuts, 405 Martin Street, Miltan. DOMINO'S PIZZA is Inow hiring Drivers. Ail new aplications wttl ba considarad. Apply in 0F person any day sItar 4 Ip.m. ta 17 Wilson Drive at the camer of Main St. nd Wilson Dr.) FULL TIN Retail Cleit Iwmntad for Postal Zona, Miltan rmail. Bning resumae in persan or fax Ita, 878-2525. Praviaus cash experience and f riendty & caurteous unature an asset. IGENERAL LABOUR- ERS wmntet - local mmnufmcturiulg opn id requires halpers mt $9.00/HR mnd m rma- I chine opeator et $10.0OIHR. 12 hour shifts, anme hemvy lift- ing requiret, afety shoas required, training * providat. Apply in per- san ta 570 McGachie Driva. SMALL Mmnufmcturing sy Warfshop in Homby (401 and Trafalgar) re- q uires fuît time wortcer. 0you enjoy woruing wflh yaur hmnds, mre raspan- sible and wmnt ta lem, luis couid b. lie lob for yau. 878-888. ]SWIMMING Instructor - wmnted for September. Must be qualdle. Cali Carcle Murray Swim Acadany 878-9747. ptadng a nappy sbtsdy sUis la Thse CaMmads oemmpse « i Il L_ -