4 -lTlib Canodiaen Cnamion, Ttresday- Jtgy 27, 199 _____YOU BE N 1H18 SOMM? e wee It may be trne for a cooling system check-up! TIE BYTH EC Development bylaw is passed despite lobbying AIR CONDITIGNING1 SERVICE Have your air conditionîng systemn inspected and serviced today by a icensed C.F.C. facility. Licensed Technician on duty for both R 12 and the new R 134A Freon HAVE YOUR COOLINO SYSTEM lnspected & flushed - -before heading out on that long -TREKI! Environmentally conscientious. Our used anti-freeze is taken Laway to be recycled. By IRENE GENTLE The Champion A contentious develop- ment charges bylaw was approved at Halton council recently, despite an eleventh hour stali attempt by some members of the develop- ment community. It passed amid cliarges from botli sides on tlie issue tliat tlie bylaw wasn't good enougli. Halton's cliarges couid still be tweaked in order to be as fair as possible, said Steplien Kaiser, pres- ident of tlie Urban Development Institute. UDI represents development interests in tlie Greater Toronto Ares. "I'm not a guru on Halton devel- opment cliarges but I think tliat we need a htale bit more time," lie said. "Tliere are concems on tlie non- residential side." Hammering out a better bylaw would benefit bolli tlie Region and developers, said Mr. Kaiser. "You, like us, liave an interest in growing tlie region," lie said. "There is a tremnendous amount of goodwill between tlis council and tlie development community. I'm not saying tliis wouid jeopardize the goodwii, but I would certanly like to fortify thse goodwill." F 1 l a qi A à 4 'a Doyou have concemns about ... Your ChiUd's Speech? ... Or Your Own? [~] We Provide Services to CfiJren and Aduits HALTON HILLS SPEECH CENTRE 328 Guelph Street, Georgetown, Ontanio, L7G 4 5 Tel: (905) 873-8400 Fax: (905) 873-7291 CVO Accredited Companion Animal Hospital 327 BrMte St. S, LiýJ Dr. Jo-Ann McKinnon 875-1322 6Beauftfu(W[ai(s ... §Plus a UV Gel Nail Extensions a Fiberglass Nail extensions eAir Brushing *Manicures e Pedicures Sugaring a Eyebrow & Eyelash Tînting *Natural Nail Gel System eWedding Packages *Gtft Cenftfcates Available 875-BRB (2272) Ann Mulvale Thse request for a delay appeared to, confuse Burlington Councillor John Taylor. He noted that a member of UDI lias sat on tlie region's Development Cliarges Advisory Committee (DCAC) for almost a year. "You bave liad ail tliis time- 10 montlis - to, give input," lie said. "Then you corne at tlie eleventli hour and ask for a defer- raI?" UDI lias been in a race for time since the Province made clianges to thie Development Charges Act, said Mr. Kaiser. That created the need for ail Ontario municipalities to draft new bylaws by thse end of August. "We're kind of cauglit running from municipality to municipality looking to give input," he said. Council should reject the request for a delay, said Mr. Taylor. "They hadt plenty of time to make their concemrs known," he said. "Ail the information the dele- gation passed on lias been in their hands since February." Mr. Taylor called for an immedi- ate vote on the issue despite voic- ing a strenuous objection to both the process that led to the new bylaw and its resuit. It has neyer been thie intent of tihe Region that ail growth pay for itself, lie charged. Instead, gnly residential growtli is meant to proceed on a full cost recovery baais. "That is a new position," said Mr. Taylor. "At least we're being up front now." Tom Muir, a long-time critic of Halton's growtli policies, also seized the opportunity to make a last stand before council. Mr. Muir appeared as a represen- tative of the Halton Planning Oversight Group. Tliey are a Burlington citizen's crew that opposes new growth if it is paid for on the backs of current taxpayers. Mr. Muir is also a member of the DCAC. Taxpayers shouid be told tlie ese. REGION on page 19 1It