Question of cop staffing major concern at meeting 1h~,tSnagimn flNirannn TUÀatIBV. Juiv 27.1~99 -3 By KAREN SMITH The Champion Are Miltonians getting enough bang for their buck when it cornes to policing? Is the town adequately policed, period? Those were the main bones of contention Wednesday nigbt at a Halton Regional Police-hosted meeting to get the public's feedback on a recently- completed consultant's report. The report, Bringing into Focus - Policing in Halton Region' - looka at staffing, rank structure and the overail efficiency and effectiveness of the force. "I don't tbink we're getting enough bang for our buck," said Bell Scbool Une resident BiH Bousfield of the police service's $43.5 million budget. The two-bour meeting, led by consulting firm Perivale and Taylor, saw Mr. Bousfield and other citi- zens latrnch concerns that Milton needa more police officers in order to keep on top of crime as welI as traffic problema, such as aggressive driving on major roadways. Among the consulting firm's 54 recommendations made in ils report is a cali for police to hire 36 or 37 officers in addition to the cunent 411. However, the consultants don't say in what geo- graphical area they should be assigned, leaving that determination up to management. Citing a concem that he rarely sees patrol officers on major roadways where "crazies" abound during rush hour, Mr. Bousfield said he doesn't think Miltonians are getting their money's worth out of the Halton Regional Police Service. But Keith Taylor of Perivale and Taylor said the fig- ures show tbe price per taxpayer is reasonable. "It works out to he $124 or $125 eacb, wbich isn't bad," said the consultant and former English police officer. "Time magazine costs $30 a year." A total of 43 oftlcers are currently assîgned topatrol Milton, with five on eacb 12-hour sbift, said Inspector Keitb Gregory, head of District 1, who was on hand at the meeting. go? Wbile Milton's 43 front-line officers represent the lesat amount of manpower among Halton's four municipalities, the town bas tbe moat officers based on ils population. Halton police civilian employee Keith Moore said Milton bas 103 officers pur 100,000 citizens wbile the regional average is 63 officers pur 100,000 citizens. However, Milton bas the largest land mass for police to cover in tbe region, be said. Referring to problems in ber Hayward Crescent neighbourhood, Milton newcomer JilI Rogers com- mented tbat abe "can't believe tbe (extent ot) crime here." Her concem may he justified. Wbile Milton bas the amalleat population of tbe four Halton municipalities, it bas a crime rate 30 per cent higber pur capita, excluding criminal activity at Mapleburst Correctional Centre. A resident of Milton since tbe early '70s, Gord Barton said be likes teenagers but feels youtb crime is a big problem in town. He called for more police pres- ence te help combat it. "I don't feel secure in Milton at aIl," he noted. However, biring more officers meana abigger bud- get and Milton regional Councillor Rîck Malhoeuf said k doesn't think most taxpayers are prepared to put up tbe casb. He said the majority of people haven't needed the immediate services of police and don't want to pay - PEOPLE on page 19 eG<4aet4~~ 4x4 2 tone maroofllsîNor u boartis poWOr evorYth"~ rufl~1~9 Km one owfler ~31 ,950 ~-~leathOr CD 4x4 2 tone blUO/5IlVO~ root 51 Kfll runrlIfl9 boardsl~~or si, QSO î994 ~es'~inerPW PL 2 tons grOenISîîver 103Km on8 owner $18,950 ~oad8d, PW/PL,4~4' BroWflP/sea 48Km $27.950 1998 ACPw, r'-, - tchdOO~ rnaQS 38 Km Ofli ~.xt cab, c~P~ black, V6, ~ pa loaded, 69 Km, OflB O blue, DU ownor slg.950 I $23.950 1998 powrzAC B pa55~ 1< su 1996 ,utchdOorsonîY 12 >w, Ofle owner .950 AC TRIl 'sPW/PL CamP0 NO luke nOW OflO owner 34V6 casa ~ Km sî6.950 4 SWREA -n '~3doOrpow8rewI~~ ~ Ext t5t~5~wner57LV84X4 16 Kit' $28~95O LeasifiVrax o.a.c. P5T/G5TiU 409 MAIN ST. E. MILTON F~oe~1 I Fa. & SAT. I 19:tOAu-6:OOPMI i