20 -Mhe Cahàdian Choniplori; TôùésUay July 27; 1999 8...sd Ietmea vITrainer learns valuable lesson from adversil y By STEVE LeBLANC e The Champion V teve Lidstone knows only too welI of the dan- Jgers associated with improper exercise. Years ago he was a gifted football player withÀ hopes of taking his game to the college level. Unfortunately that dreamn didn't pan out - flot because of a vicious tackle, or for that matter any- thing else that happens on the gridiron. "I began using the bench press and was doing too much, too often. I wound up blowing out my shoulder," recalled the 23-year-old Miltonian. "I missed my window because of that injury and the fact is it shouldn't have happoned." Rather than wallow in self- pity over an opportunity bast, hoe re-focused bis attention on> making sure others won't have to go through what ho did. Sbortly after rehabilitation, the once aspiring athlete hogan working toward bis newfound goal - embarking on a patb that would eventually corne full circle and bring him back to town as a bigbly talented and sougbt after personal traer at Milton's GoodLife Fitness Club. Long hours Said Lidstone, "I'm still part of the team, juat now as a coach instead of a player." The George Brown College graduate works up to 12 hours a day, with a client base that includes both elite level ath- lotos and novice exercisers. Ho said dealing witb such a broad spectnlm bas helpod him fine tune bis people akilîs, wbich are just as essential to the job as anything else. "Communication is the koy. Over the course of a day you're dealing with 10 to 12 different people wbo ail have différent personalities. "Unless you really get te know what they're like, you'rc not going to work well togeth- or. Sometimos we have to place clients witb a different trainet because personalities don', mix. fliat's how important thu one-on-one oelationship is." Client Terry Swynarcbucl cati certainly attest to that. A mothor of two who's look her last pregnancy, she said she works extremeIy well with the local traîner and describes him as " just awesome. He makes you want to corne in and exor- cise.", Added local hockey player Bryan Gent, 1I started training with Steve about two years ago and have put on about 20 pounds. He's really helped out a lot. 1 couldn't have dono it without him." Short termn goals Beyond compatibility, moti- vation continues to ho the chief ingredient to succoas in the physical fitness field, according to Lidstone. Ho said setting short terni goals, for evory four to six woeks, holpa keop clients inspired and willing to push tbomselves. -Meo ability to motivate peo- ple is roally the biggest chal- lenge for a personal tramner. If you're able to do that, this job can ho extremely rewarding," explained Lidstone. "t worked with one woman who bast 80 pottnds and totally changod her life. At the end she was crying and hugging me. Lt foît great to have helped ber." Does homnework Away from the club- where ho works with several other tramnera, who ail spocial- ize in different areas - ho spends up to two hours; a night ifamiliarizing himself with the latest information on fitnoss *equîpmoknt and techniques. Ho also attends industry con- r ventions twice a year and has t contacts witb sport-specific -tramnera in order to offor the best possible service to bis ath- c lete clients. ..It' s a job wbere you're con- - stantly learning. The worst Goodife Fitness Ciub's Ste personai traîner works wlth a assume you know evorytbing." Unfortunately, ho said, that happons quite often - even at established health clubs, where among other things somo instmuctors bave a 'one workout regimen fits ail' pbilosophy. Lots of mistakes "An ex-girlfriend of mine is a triathiete and when she went to one particular gym this train- or started bier on a programn more suited to a bodybuildor," Lidatone said. "Tramnera need to ho well certitiod and this guy wasn't." And while ho praises bis own gym for hiring only qualified instnictors, ho admits to seeing improper techniques being usod ail the time. Ho said, "I walk from one end of the omr to another and on any given day cati spot tive people doing something wrong. IL mav ho something very veLidistone shows client Tonry Swynrchuck proper techniques (above and below). The broad base of clients, fromn epectant mothers to asplrlng athletes. minor, but propor techniques are essential to getting the full honofits of a workout as well as prevonting injury. "0f course there's always a risk of that anyway, whenever you put resistance against your muscles. But if an exorcise is done the right way, that risk should ho quite low." Not too pricey And while taking on a per- sonal tramner is an effective way of maximizing your workout, it doosn't bave to wear you out financially, according to Lidstone. "A half-hour session cati start around $29. People who're really interested in getting into botter shape look at it as an investment," ho explained. "We've got teenagers bore that psy for it themselves. That's how motivated thoy are."__________________ in oiose a tew pouI.u in .. 'Ib'-~- '99 TOYVOTA TERCEL CE SUNNY DAYS Sýw SALIESEVENT!1 e 50 To Choose From a Demos Availab le Flnandqu as lm. as Litsse for $ 87 u VALUE PACKAGE INCLUDES: 8--l - 1 85 Speed Manual TranIon j9 -V/ 8 apot 60W40 1<old Dowa Rear Seat UM MRI4t~s *WT AIR CONDITIONN tu5 IntenmIttent Wlper a AM/FM Cassette Steve. vo.ne~u ~E Body SideMNouldilg ONLY 11000. down AIRl CONDITIONING th, - - do in thsfed Nicely equipped for $14,025 MSRP *Based on a 48 mos. walkaway eas. Pirst paymsot & secunity deposh due on delrvery. Baud on 96,000 kms. 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