People wani t ram QUESTION an page 3 mare for thern. "If we (I-lton regional counicil) bit tbemn with a 10 per cent increase, we' re going ta need the police protection," be quipped. At the same time, he said, people want ta see more officers on the road and if tbey did require their services, would expeet prompt respanse. -Wbat we're hearing here is what we've been bearing for years," Mr. Malbaeuf said of the caîl for more police manpower. "But how much is the public willing ta pay? The majority of citizens feel safe. The biggest complaint we get is about tax increases.", Region sets development charges atrom DEVELOPMENT on page 4 trutb about develapment charges via let- ters sent ta ail Halton housebolds, he said. jHe accuaed the Regian of keeping resi- dents in the dark by scheduling public meetings at tîmes when many people are unable ta attend. -How can you caîl a public meeting that is held at -1:30 p.m. an a weekday s0 no one can came?" be asked. Halton residents sbauld understand that there is no ecanamie basis for council's development charges, maintained Mr. Muir. "If you are ta be beld accounitable, tell tbem," be said. "Tell tbemn that you don't realiy know wbat yau're daing because you don't have the ecanamie arguments down." There may be proaf backing up coun- cil's decision that Mr. Muir has flot seen, suggested Oakville Councillor Liz Bebrens. If tbere is, be isn't aware of it, Mr. Muir responded. "'Right naw it's virtual evidence," be said. -Maybe it's out tbere samewbere but in 10 montbs on the cammittee, I baven't seen it." Discounts ta business develapment are necessary ta, keep Halton grawing, said Haltan Hilîs Mayor Marilyn Serjeantsan. -I really believe we have ta be campeti tive in the world around us," site said. Discounts will pay off 'Me discounted charges will psy back iî other ways, promnised Oakville Mayor Ani Mulvale. "We tax mucb bigber for nan-residen tial," she noted. "Equally important I young people we talk ta, are employmen opportunities." Under the new bylaw, residential rate are $6, 171 per single family dwelling. A 50 per cent discount has been bande ta industrial growtb, lowering that charg from $4.77 per square foot ta $2.39 pi square foot. A 25 per cent discount for cammercit growtb. brings that fee down ta $3.58 PI square foot. A transitional palicy that will cost th Regian about $1.2 million in bast revenuî bas alsa been approved. Witbin that policy, building perni applications must be in by September 3 witb permits issued by the end November, in order ta be subject ta tI aId, cbeaper charges. The bylaw alan includes exemptionsf non-profit sebools. gel Pr re' wi d e t or The Canadian Champion, Tuesay July 27,1999 -19 more police but will they pay?, o a hot laiton regional councit annually tunds 200-page document assessing current includes input from bath officers and civil- police force. Conccrncd the police hud- police performance and planning 1lor the ian menibers of the fiircec t would double as a rsult of the regiafl's future. Overali, the consultant said, Halton with your ojected growth, counicil initiated the Among the recommendations, the report Regional Police is ahead of other foites in news view. states police need-to develop a different community policing and seems ta spend i t i a After months of research, interviews rank structure for better management, Monley wisely. tpsa th police personnel and public meetings, implement a specialized computer system "Halton works fairly well as far as keep- 878-2341. _: 1 A 'T.Ir-.1 rv .rtsd copnmleP and continue ta, nursue a strategic plan that ing a tight ship," Mr. Taylor said. x CANADA-WIE iEV 199 Cherolet alibupItyou mn Com plot. ControlWlth Up-Front s0 1 9 herle m iluFull Dlsclosure Prlcng Wlth NoMehol A OUAUTY, AFFORDABLE. 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