Julv 27. 1 OU What do you do when you no longer wear So instead of retiringtemsunny south, Betty anme of the clotbes in your closet, or you're look- openeti ber own ladies wear sanre 7 years ago on ing for anmetbing new but don't want an psy a for- Bronte Rond in Milton called"My Sisters Closet". mun an look gond? lise answer is simple .... you After s few years Betty decidet a move bier fasls- visit ion store an Main Street which gave bier more visibil- tty anti larger premines. When you walk tbrough the door of Belty's store you are immetiiately greeteti with a smile anti cheety helle! What you will notice first ta the huge seleclion of gently preowned clotbng. Racks anti racks of high endi ladies fashions are arrangeti by size anti category, freo skults anti blouses an dresses, slacks, wedtiing gowns anti more. 'There are aian display canes filleti witb jew- eflery, anti acceasones galore an compliment any outfit. There are even shoes anti purses in A-i1 con- dition dha may be purehaset a complete your look. MY SIS'TER'S CLOSEt! Aiter spending 27 years in tie banking busi- ness wotiting with people te Human Resource, anti assumning ie position of Humnan Resource Manager, Betty DeBoer decidet a relire But unlike moat people wbo retire anti begin spentiingw their winstes n warmer climates andi their summers on die beach Betty lmew abe bate a keep in contact witb the public tbat sbe loveti, ise way an acbieve dti seemeti simple an ber Betty bati spent most of bier life in Toronto, anti bati aboppet in Consigniment store for over 25 Betty is vesy patticular about whicb items sbe years. Sbe loveti tbe fact that you coulti not only accepta inan ber store. Every aasanmer wbo wisbes save money, but that yets hat sucb a variety of 10 bring in clotbing in requiret a make an appoint- clodsing anti accessosies an, choose fromt in eacb ment, an tbat Betty can spent i e lime anti go store. tbrougb eacb item with tbe customer, anti accept *11f BatsanI"I ta choose from Startlng et 1905 875-9999 only thos which meet ber standards of quality. By Fail anti winter take-ins will be starting again being an partscular, Betty bas generateti a regular soon. Betty suggeats thal if yoss have any gendty clientele that shopa often, anti always goes awsy useti clotbing you wish to bring in that you make an appoitet now, as il will soon start 10 gel vety vety husy anti she can only accept a certain number of appointments at a lime. To mnake room for tbe fail anti winter take-ins Betty has a terrnfic Summier Clearance on now anti wtth an much summer left now is the lime te take ativantage of even lower prtces on great summer n My Sister's Closet cames fashions fron size small 10 plus sizes, an theoe is sometbing for every- So wbether you'te looking for a way te look happy. Betty enjoys aIl ber customers ftom the young womien wbo want an look gooti but don't wan't an psy a fotune, te an 84 year old cunlomier who bas become a close frienti of Betty's. Thse fiiendly staff of My Sister's Cloaet now include Nancy and Alce wbo are not only there 10 help you ftnd juat tbe right items, but aflow Betty an finally be able te take die occasional day off! 'lis clotbing at My Sister's Closet changes daily wîtb new item always com-ing in, an you neyer know wbat mdgbt be waiting for you an tty on eacb day! Ant a make room for eacb seasonal change in clothing Betty bas great sales, anti clear- ances on ber alreatiy friendly priced clothing. gond anti ave a lot of money in the process, or Banwsers are always welcome an come anti you bave clothmng tn gond, cean conditton thal spentisortme lime in the store seeing wbst's new or you would love someone else an enjoy, caUl anti juat visiting witb Betty, gllbogb it's anugb an fmd a book an appoîntment witb Betty, or just go çn rime abe is net busy serving ber many customers down an tbe store anti ace for yourself wbat a few olti anti new. dollars can buy. ~hLL g*411* ENTIRE STOCK. NOW BOOKING APPOINTMVENTS FOR FALL CLOTHING we bd&afrMfoeimM dàm" lm d SIMSCOE NFFD 90MF R&R? RELA) & REL)UC Lot oui' tables o thre werk Visit our NEW location 42 Broute fît. Unit il (Previous location of My Sisters Cl'oset) hoMfTqt &IC) h M;YtO~~I ne Upt ou?" of Mà wTe put.hus e o Wpukqy 876-283 B3ODY CARIE, NATURAL HEALING c1Ih tc TT is a non-invasive, holistic approach t0 healing based on an energy reaction between people. Developeti in the Early 19'70's by Dolores Kejeger to reach and touch the individual at ail levels of experience (emotional. physical. mental and spiritual). A growîng body of research attests to its effectiveness in reducing pain and psychological tension, as it stimulates the clients own recuperative powers. *Select line of rare gemn & flower essences available * Advanced ear coning - Pedicure * Retlexology * Therapeutic Touch Laurie Vaughan-Sherman R.A.C., CAR 875-1342 OR 330-6825 RllOLOGY ASStsCtATo OF UCAA w -MILTON PffHARMACY 878-2000 497 LAURIER AVE. 4 ~ *NINTENDO4 Came Pricos M m, T me , Tim es . 8 . x S d 8 F WemhmSiays **1+ T *l omena" ue uiy SOq0 +u mx Extra yl Sm - Fr1 12:00 te 9:00 satidys 10.00 te 9:00 r