8 - The Canadien Champion, Tuesday, Juiy 13, 1999 ~Cbrnutet r F 01 e 487 Laurier Ave., I . .II . . 878-2881 i i "Fauuiowndf«oooe3oya" 'Job a long distance love afarfor Wright By WILMA BLOKHUIS Special ta The Champion M arion Wright doe a lot of commuting to cottage country these days - it's part of ber job. Since the end of Februaoy, sbe's been the executive director of flot only the Canadian Mental Health Association - CMHA Halton in Milton, but also the Grey-Bruce branch in Owen Sound. She je at ejîher location on alternating weeks. Each trip takes ber threc hours - one. way. It's ail part of a restructuring to merge CMHA branches, with Hlton and Grey-Bruce Ieading the way. "I love it," she says, "I have a cabin in God'a country." Ma Wright says she can combine the beut of what an urban and rural CMHA branch can offer. "On Grey-Brucei transportation je the key issue." While CMHA-Halton has regional offices in Oakville, Burlington and Acton, Grey-Bruce bas set up regional teamo with four partner agencico in Wiarton, Walkerton, Markdale and Owen Sound. Cottage country bonus 'The programos at both branches benelit ftom a shared execu- tive director," explains Ms Wright, adding she isn't the only one making regular tripe to Owen Sound. "We also have staff exchanges, and they just love it." The Halton staff get a chance to enjoy cottage country; the Grey-Bruce staff have the opportunity 60 experience urban set- lings. "We'll be holding a joint retreat for ail of our staff in July." CMHA-Halton employs 21 staff while Grey-Bruce bas 14. The restructuring of the CMHA branches is in uine with the Ontaio Ministry of Social Services' deccntralizatioii of services into regions. -The CMHA bas already been partnering services with local agencies," said Ms Wright. "The spiritual partnership bas been helpful 10 many of our par- ticipants. We found that the evening meal program was bei.ng attended by people who could benefit from our Oasis drop-in pro- gram!, CMHA-Halton is also partinering services with ADAPT, STRIDE (formerly Halton Wosic Programme), Oakvîlle Re-Entry Homes, Father's House, the North Halton Mental Health Clinic and the John Howard Society. The Grey-Bruce partrners, include thc Grey-Bruce Health Corps, .,, h.il.,-' DPninuula Hiusinar crisis team in Wiarton, which Phroto by GRAHAM PAINE Marlon Wright commutes more than most as executîve dîrector for two branches of the Canadien Mental Health Associationl. She works both out of Miltion and Owen Sound. who dic consumners are." Ms Wright has always been part of the team, carrying a case- On 1998, CMHA-Haltori was launched as a central agency with Ioad and providing face-to-face service delivery. regional storefront offices. A similar merger exists between the Wellington and Waterloo "We have to 'work smarler,"'. says Ms Wright. "With a shared branches, however they are located side by side. executive director, Uic agencies can communicate better." Both 'I expect to see more joint provision of services among local Halton and Grey-Bruce have separate boards. CMHAs in the future," concludes Ms Wright. operates a seven-day a week distress line. Semesservice 'Steam Era broadens its offerings Ms Wright's new role is "reflective of the direction non-profit agencies are moving to provide services on a regional level, t0 effect consistetlcy of services, and administrative efficiencies, On response to the changing profile of and grandparents with young chiîdren for Fair Grounds. versus having many small agencies each with their own adminis- visitors 10 Steam-Era, this year'e show will games and conteste like kido' tractor pulls, Tractor pull conteets roar on Satur tration and fundraising. offer more entertaifiment ail day, every day fashion shows, musical performances, craft and Monday mornings of Labour] "We aim 10 provide seamiese services, with bridges inetead of 10, appeal 10 young families, say organiz- demonstratlons and more appeai to ail weekend. Demonstrations of threshing gaps, with sentinels at each bridge so people don't fallinmb the ers. ages." a working sawmill and shingle miii cor gap.' The focus on attracting younger audi- The new focus augments the busy daiiy ue throughout the day. One of her goals is to integrate people with a mental ilinees into ences that began last year has proven suc- entertainment echedule that bas drawn vis- Ail the whiie, visitors young and oic the mainstream. Ms Wright bas already implemented this at ceseful, said Brad Clements, director of the itors from hundredo of miles away for the to examine hundreds of working ant CMHA-Halton. Ontario Sleam and Antique Preservers past 38 annuai Steam-Era shows. tractors up t0 90 ycars oid, gas enginer "About 41 per cent of our staff are people with mental heaith Association, which runs Steam-Era. Twice daiiy parades of antique tractoro dozens of ciassic cars. problems. We started this integration since our reorganizatiofi last "The 'Second Stage' was added last year chug their way paut the grandstand and This year, the annual Labour Day w year. They work in teams and there's no way you can figure out and proved very popular, drawing parents around the quartcr-mile îrack at the Milton - seeVYOUNGER on page 9 day Day and latin- I gel ique sand ,eek- Cableworks 14 Programmlflg SChedUle - JuIy I3th -JuIy l9th, 11999 (f e fW R I30,6:30, 73Opm PluggedIn! 5:30, 6:30, 30pm flugged ln! 5:30, 6:30, 7:30pm PluggedIn 5:30, 6:30, 730p Pugged ln! 6pro The Garden Tour 1600p SportoZONE Gamne of 6:QOpro Tire Issue lu 660p Cahie In Tire W I O M :0m Thre Issue Is the ahe 77 Opr Ioternet 10 Classrouom 800P<rr HaioeoCut 7:00p0r ThreardenTour 8:00po Hafton Re0oeCouncl 7ý»SportsZ0NEGareof Ieîy i2t BOOçrn Mion sdunil JuIy iuîy 141h tr lu Acton Feature of the week: Jr. B Lacrosse Milton vs Wailaceburg -Wed. 6 p.m. 12 Main Street Northr, Actoo, ON L7J 1.V9 519-8531270,or 853-4700 T ak 1 n g yo 0 ur c abi1 e f u r th e r