Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 13 Jul 1999, p. 6

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6 - The Canadian Champion. Tuesday, July 13, 1999 $ COMMENT Dangerous road sports More care needs to be taken in the planning of some athletic events that take place in Milton. t l TWNeM This criticism generally applies to sports organized for the rural area. The weekend triathlon featured elsewhere in today's paper formns a e> ILOUAI Ç case in point. (iI.*RO FIC4AL At the intersection of No. 5 Sideroad and Sixth Line, bicycle riders rushed down the steep incline of Sixth Line that ends in a 'T' intersec- tion with No. 5 Sideroad. A t the crossroads, one stressed-out police officier attempted to juggle two-way traffic and cyclists while his partner assiste It looked tricky. The officer urged motorists to get through the inter- section, often one at a time, in the short intervals between gaggles of cylists making the turn onto No. 5 Sideroad. One older and not too alert gentleman driving a pick-up truck had to make a couple of stabs at it, with police wisely holding him back wen he took too long to get moving. Another person was driving a tractor-trailer, and the officer urged hmto move it by making a hand motion to switch gears quickly. Wyshould this officer have been put in that position? For no dis- crnible reason. He was just doing his job as best he could, but race organizers shouldn't use that hilI, that intersection. It's just not safe enough. O QUR R FADER S WRITEr 5J-u. àis* ef jvI hi9tlY Blue zone' gives handicapped better access THE CANADI1N CHAMPION Box 248, 191 Main St. E., Tic. Cantaien Chanmpli, publlshed every Tuesday and Friday Milton, Ont. L9T 4N9 at 191 Main St. E., Mitton, Ont., L9T 4N9 (Box 248), ls one of Tht Metroland Puletlng, Publishieg & Dlstributing Ltd. group of sub- QP7Q~~~~urban campantes wbich includes: Ajax I Pickering News (905)878<>~-341 Advertiser; Alistan Heraid/Courier; Barrie Advance; Bramptan Guardian; Burtington Post; City Parent: Colltngwood 1 Waoaga Editorial Fax: 878-4943 Connectlon;- East York Mirror; Etobicoke titardian; Georgetown Independentl Acton Free Press; Kingston This Week; Llndsay ibis Advertising Fax: 876-2364 Week; Manlcham Economiot & Sun; Midlandl1 Penetangushene Çlassified: 875-3300 Mirror; Msissauga Nemo;.Newmarkei 1 Aurara Era Banner; Northumberland News; North Yorki Mirror Dabstille Beaner; Orillia Ian Oliver Publisher Today; Oshawa I Whitbyl1 Cfaringtoe / Port Perty This Week; Peterborough This Week; Richmond HIII I Thorahuli I Vaughan Neil Oliver A.nsociate PubiLOher Liberaf; Scarboraagh Mirror; Uxbridge I Stoafivif le Tribune; Bili Begin Gênerat Manager Taday's Seniors. Rob Kell Editor Adverfisieg is accapted os the condition tBat, in the evnt of a Rab Kellytypographical errar, that portion of tihe advertislng space accu- Steve Crozier Circulation Manager pied by the erroaees item, together wfth a reasanabl e allomeece Teal Cm Office Manager for signatue, wili flot be cfsarged for, bat the balance of thse adverloement miii be paid far at thse applicabte rate. Thse peblilher TienCOma Production Manager reserves thse ight fa categerize adverlisements or dactine. Dear Editor: im writing in responie to the let- ter 'Blue Zone unfair co others'. Yes, Use 'Blue Zone' parking spot accommodates transportation for Community Connections but it' s also available to oUsers with liandi- capped permits. Downtown park- ing availability for anyone wiUs this need lias been sorely lacking. Thie parking space in front of Use 'Blue Zone' sliould neyer have been designated a parking spot due to tlie nearby fire hydrant. This oversiglit lias just been corrected wiUs Use oe-aligniment of Use park- ing spot for the 'Blue Zone', which is actually one-and-a-lialf spots. This spot ensures thse safety of boili Use persons using il as well as tise bus drivers. Before thse 'Blue Zone' was painted, everyone's safety was at risk and congestion of traffic was an everyday occurrence. Parking lots to Use east, west and soutli of this block of stores are available to mobile customers, and now customers wlio're pliysically unable to walk that distance can bning their business to the core. Commuesity Connections enjoys acceptance by surrounding buai- nestes and benefits from being in the middle of life on Main Street. Drne Woodcock Communlty Connections Letter printed out of context, wmiter Dear Editor: In response to Tony Durrant' s letter to the editor in the June 29 issue, I wouid like to apologize to any or ail that I may have offended. This was certainiy not my inten- tion. As I explained to Mr. Durrant personally, my original letter to thse editor wasn't published in its fuli context. Had Ibis been Use case, my full intention of writing would have been understood witli tlie positive points I was trying to make. In speaking witli Mr. Durranît, lie appreciated Use clarification of the own, and responded to«my letter as it had been pubiislied. Again, my apologies to those offended. Tracy Bunvîlle Milton Editor's note: Due to space lim- itations, a portion of Ms Bunvitie 's original letter was deleted in edit- ing. However, tihe part unpublished represented only a mnanor point thse writer made near thse bottom of her letter. Ms Bunvilie questioned why it was acceptable for the parking control officer 10 park in thse 'Blue Zone' to give out tickets. Tiserefore, we don 't underntand why she dlaims tisat lier letter was printed out of context. Thse main points of tise letter - concern tisat tise 'Blue Zone' spots for the handicappedl took up three parking spaces ai storefront locations ai the expense of others, and tisat tise 'Blue Zone' was confu4sing to nwtorists - were publisised in tiseir entirety. K.S. Pud by Steve Nease

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