flhamn&lfl adsv. Jmiv 13. 1990-25 Trailer Manutacturiflg Plant in Milton requires experienced MIG welders, welderlfltters. Minimum 2 year experience. Please send your resumne tai: Thru-Way Trallere 140 Market Drive, Miton, Ont LOT 3H5 or F«x 9054754887 MAINENANCE MECHANIC Llcmnsed Ontario Millwright required by a leadlng corrugated container manufactur- or for machine and f acility maintenance. Prior industiy or related work experience, fiexibility ta work weekend overtimne and full shitt rotation las required. Attractive compensation and full benefit package. Pieuse send resume toi: Attention: Humain Resources ST. LAURENT PAPERBOARD INC. 747 Appleby Lise, Burlinglon. ON. L7L 2Y6 Fax (906>4344985 Email: wltykm@stlaurent.com Collection Officer $35,600 - $39,400 An opportunity exists wvith the Ministry of Finance, regional tax office, collections section, ta conduct collection activities. Youi will: identify/ collect arrears; enforce compliance; investi R te and resolve default/ delinquency problems; contact appropriate officiais; advise of legislative requrements and sanctions; negotiate payment arrangements; initiate legal action recoveries; prepare correspondence. Location: Mississauga. Qulifications: demonstrated experience wvith/knowledge of collection techniques, relevant legisiation, policies and procedures; knowledge of bankruptcy administration, dbt security instruments, practices, accounting methods, automated collection systems and online ele ronic- data systems; research, analytical, negotiating, communication and interpersonal skills. Area of search: open to individuals working or living within 40 km of 1290 Central Parkay W., Mississauga. Please send resume, quotinhi file FIN-355, b;y July, 23, 1999, toi: Minîstry of Finance, Human Resources Branch, P.0. Box 627, 33 King Streetest, Oshawa, ON L1 H 8H5. 1 sdav. Julv 13. 11999--W - Il An equal ~L -opportuunîty employer ( O)uuirlo www.gojobs.gov.on.ca ciChudleigh 's Chudeigh's operates a food processlng 1AVAILABLE in my 19M Vamaha DT soi Plant located in Milton. We produce frozen hoeco=ucesad1whushamti ero apatet WATERFRONT Geor- dessert producta, focusing malnly on nutnios snacks. Oui- cluded, cali anytîme imau !tonditon, gian Bey, westemn expo- appt. dessertis. We currently require an door activitles, arts and 905-878-543. futy equipped indludng sure, dock, sandyl crafts +. Caîl 876-0257. àaolitie No beach, screened room, enthusiastic individual that embraces laundry ces technology, ta 0il the position of: DAVOARE needed P/T pets. Cai 854-9U5S ptrg irjck en n cln- ADMINISTRATIVE ASSISTANT fr7mnhid tat2+ ixlrm apt. country ;;; 2 -bemm and Temporary, Full lime Position: fl9 October. 871247. 3 BEDROOM houa. In dlose ta toin, $900.00 loft3 eebtCls July ta Decembeir 19990(6 monthe) DAYCARE provrded in sons vlSpea pro m et oki hlis 1-1/2 hours mhoeSummer and ber 1. FirstAàst. 1-905- apM2lNo dog, tel. &- Imam Toronto. Move in Requrements: cotn= S PoÊsitions 685-0147 leave mes- quired avaîlabl Aigust condition. Very dlean. " strong interpersonal skiffs: takes pride aalbe E. E irst sage. 15. Cai 854-2994. Must be seen. Only In customner service aid. 876-4473. 3com BERO tr bedr=n Vicive $121,000. Cali 705-538- famtialt wth oraartetphne nd RAINBOW VILLAGE bnick home, double car ~d $7 ~ 216 voco [mil systemn DAYCARE acospting garage. Provate beck -Ummi. 519453-50110 or " complete tamlliarlty with office produc- September enroliment. yard. Central location. s1ee5-535u tivil technology (Windows95, Intemet Fulitime chlldcare for Available Aug.1/99. applications and Ofle97) chltdren 18 months - 5 $1250/month +. For MILLSIDE " report writing and network administra- years. 878-7552. inIa or appt. cati 876- TOWERS - 82 ESOAL Ids tion experience an asset WANTED experienced 0065. MILLSIDE OR. tna UnLs fo nus20 daycare provider in lOlb- MILTON - 3 bedroora MILTON tra 3,00sit o ding,0 Dutîs ta, Include: ride School ares for 3 serai detached home for NOW LEASMN dok 3,0 drve. 1-906-din " réception and genteral office duties chlidren, 6, 4-1/2 & 2- rent avallable Septemf- 1 Bedroomn avail- 277-9347 or 1-905-275- " asslsting sales and marketing team, 1/2.905-336-0463. ber 1. Cail tailter 6 P.M. ablie on bus route, 6834. lndludlng maklng meeting arrange- 878,306. fseshly decorated, 2 metsan rpot reartinTO sent ýspadious 3-bed- appliances, on-aie _____ *e-mail systemn administration rom iihdbs- laundry, indiudes ail *web page maintenance AUO ISRNE ment large lot, close to utliie &cbe.) networlc administration div ats o Go Station, Mail and prign ML RVT F Be at s t for - hhr choots. Avabl Au- Fe aknn ML RVT F muthave reliable car ta, do banking, ers lndluding hihruiernes FC pointed, Hwy 5& 01 mail and travel between 2 locations riaka. Cati Warsen, 519- s0-85 2 1-905-299-93478orp905 (within 10 km radius per km reimnburse- 853-4284, 905-270- eurd pondHy25&41 men) 155.By appoinlmr y 275-6834. Please fax resume, alang withsalary expectalians by July 16 ta: ONE bedroom spart- Att'n. Human Resources l mEDOO M on ment, 9th fbcor facing (905) 878-0395 0046Cr at house available Aug. west in Milton. Available No phone cala, pleasa. ed 905-4575713. Stop 1/99. $1100 per month usn15.CtPhl îfi ho en OnIy carididates setected for an interview crteseîtîoned and utlities. Single car 905-93-8457. quiet neighborhood. w/Il be contacted. recycler. 90-47 garage. Call Kerr Real- $20 vial u Thak yu fr yur nteeat 573. ty Mgt. Lld. (905) 876- goal. Relerens neeti- Thn o o oritrs. 51.0407. ed. CaI Mark Mallalieo, ______________ Commonwealth Real FURNISHED roora wiih Entai e Services Carp. GUTARO P8YCIIATIIIC AISOCITIN fridge, stove & sink. 876-0480. a partl position osisîs tor an experiencti Gentlemen preferred. Good referencen. 878- VILLAGE PARC Oh BOOKK EPER 225.THE POND . Foi Reportng to he Assciaý_______________wil SALE/Rent. 1 bedroorr Re eporli10Ie Asociain Tnoae a w/pueize ROOM for rent, ahared Condo, storag roorn ir ho esansbî fo minainnga cmplorzo G RRUDS kichen and bathroom suite, 6 apptances in tîookkutpiai syslîm tram journal enlry 1oi trial iil ~ N$300/month. Please dosled. View af Milîpono balance, reparling the Associat linancial stalas an a cati 693492. & Eacarpment. Freshit qoarierîr tisis la tht Enecaliv, mrainlaini thte ROOM for reni. SUt- decorated. Under parea r . 00/ aih e l retae/h ncil able for worlcing mate. groond parkingPhn 4 cau " AssociationUI SALES & LEASING 905-691-2227. 905-693-9499 or 905 1141 S. Service R/W., 2ti fltor, Oakville,L6< 6K4. N W &U ERO nsMîonal,691-3763. Fan (905)-469-8697. Closing date: Jaty 31, 1999 410 STEELES AVE. suitable for working A FAMILY BUSINESS MITH FAMILY VALUES mi.Nshtwkea 1%4ýC0ME WE - BUY - SELL - LEASE please. $110/week. . 09,t4 LARGEST SELECTION 0F USED VEHICLES IN MILTON 878-0882. NeItomd, ,,rO Long establistied Milton companry reqoîrea: 8 7-27IT'S imolog. baby? One full-tim Accounts Payable Clerk 1G R G s»Bi9anwbs One fuît-thora Accouing Personnel Make it SA Eýss*CL s One pari-time accountlng personnel. SEON. AIL S Ait applicanta muet have ai leasiN 3 yaracumev accoaniirg experience. R IC HoRs Nu Main 85-16 Attracive saary, emloyee benetits. Muai be PHoneOLur OLDS OBIL 5519 computer literale and be customer orieried ta H V O E O D M BL Claasified Départaient ahre 7-7 work In a very buay bot pleasani aimoaphere. To bease or purchase Sily8874 Reply outiliirg qualifications. pasi experience your car or truck TracyL.ee30 Reaumes wll be accepted antil Joly 16,199. Hws2 . tDerlR. 7-30 t eet Fax: 905-75-3802 878-2393 leurs toil /Po 876-4040