The Canadien Champion, Tuesday. July 13,11999--23 MONDAY TO FRIDAY 9:00 AM - 5:00 PM ,c7ýi/e oestones Set Todays Champion for our new "Mdestones» section. To announce vour special event, cail The Championsý Classified Department at 875-3300. ANNIVFRSARY Harry and Mary Buckley are ce.bratng heir I knne~s OPEN HOUSE Saturday, JuIy 24, 1999 2:0)pmri- 4:00pm -'Milton Senlors's Actlvity Center liNNIVERSARY Tom &~ Donna Maes. The famîly invites you to help celebrate their 40TH WEDDING ANNIVERSARY AND TOM'S 65TH BIRTHDAY OPEN HOUSE July 18, 1-4 Pm at their home Guelph Lime & 25 Sideroad Brookville Hall~ Z) Campbliea. RR# IU K stday,%l 2»1 frn 2:0 puito :00is IDTHDAVy - Caria La-Tricla Johnston *geaduation an May 29. 1M9 ci liea deagliierirral Lakeiisd thdvemityý Coia aa.apiaid tisa ijanaurs Badisiar of Ksnoeaag degase S,. will be enteliag Teaitafa coiteet aLaiua i Siepter, 1999 i cn aiber. aie .119 orpe ig b«W er BA la Payal haiag 5 ts Caimaorna -w boiq Mum & Dad LuVlAo&a 'JAMES, Evelyn Wllfreda Peacefully and wltti AUCTION SALE g9mai dlgnity, enveloped in the love of her daugh- THURSDAY, JULY 15 AT 5 P.M. ter and grandidau hier at Allendale, havlng cour- To fie held at Hume's Auction Farm, ageoualy waited ?or fier beloved farnily, each as '9313 4th line, 3 miles northeast of Mil- t.ey could to corne and say good-bye, on Salt- tn oicuefriue olcals byfier husband Edward. Beloved mother of Ro- glass & china from a Milton home. bert and his %vife Mary Ann, and Helen and fier Sherwood & Gordon Hume, Auctioneers husbanri Bob Bryan. Lovlng nannie of Christo- 1905-87"-878 pher, Mathew, Michael, Heather, Brent and Bnian. Great granrimother of Nafasha and SkylisSa. Friends may cal at the R.S.Kane Funeral Horne <610 Vo onge Street, Toronto) on Tuesday frorn 7 - 9 p.rn. A service wfI be held in the chapel on CARPET Cret. 1 have, serl thousanri yards of Wednesday July 14, 1999 aIi p.rn. Interment to new Stainrnaster and 100% nylon carpel. 1 wilIl car- folicie ai York Cernetery. A special lhank you to pet your living roorn and hall for $349. Price includea ail the caregivers over the pasI lwo yéars on the carpel, pad and instllation. (30 sq. yards). Slave, 3rd floor, Martin House. Vou who care for those 06-63-2902. at Allendale are ail truly special people. Morn, youmr nowi aI peace and reuniled with our ELECTRIC slave w/self dlean oven, black dear Dad, your beloved Ed. Youve taugill us glaaastalnless $200.00. Refigeralor, Frigidaire 35-, vieil hoie to be strong of characler, caning and lo- 4 u Ft $1,000. 3 couniter stools; solid rnaple in9. You are loved so rnuch and ieil fie sadly $30000.- 854-2864. rnîssed." L.ADIES Clothing (Business & Casual). Moatly size 12. Phone home 854-0040 or business 875-3366. SAVE UP TO $1000, 16 Il. X 24 Il. o.d. rcagar aoeground Kayak Pools. lncludng decta,fec lin er, 2 ladders, sand MIer, purnp & nlr etc. 005.1-800-668-7564 GA1RnDEN PEAS -Periapa the rnost tender, sweel- est peas Ihat you have ever tased. Freshly piclced, shelled, washed, blanched and individualfy flash f ro- Flo w yr i0 t bwit zen. Avail in 2 KG aizes. MacMlans, Hwy. #7, 487~~~~~~ mare v. 7-81 inle west of Acton. ( 519 ) 853-0311. [48- LaIe ve,88281 UtHDAY I 10 Jim Straîn 10Ontario St, Milton 878-522 Monuments Markera * Bronze Markers (appy BOt/ r fBithJay Cernetery Lettening 7 REMEMBRANCES in thý torrn 0f donations 10 The Dr. Cross- Miltion Distnict Hospital Foundeltion are appreoiated. COIJLSON,' Gladys - Who passedi awey JuIy 13,10lm Today recalla the rnemory 0f a ioved one gonqlortest And base ieho bmik 0f fier teday The flowera we le pnher grave May withar and dea But mhe love for fier who les benesbh From Wfli neyer fade away s Waalonalv world without her RASPBERRIES PICK VOUR OWN AT NCHAS. GREG FARIM Bob & Mabel Devolîn 15 alderoad. 1 mile Weat of Traflgar Rd.. 3rd dri- veway west of RR tracka. Frea Reespes 8SA. M. TOB8P. M. Mon. - Fri. 8 a.m. - 5 p.m. Sot & Sun. Please caf t for availablity 877-7484 Andrews' Soenic Acres AweMM Peida _ PMb nàke 150 olitua Pick Your Own And R.ady Picked Red & B"acklapbeTlhs B"acCurrat Bluuies Rosie charres; Raapbeery Goosmri Milton - 1-905-78-5807 IAnd sad has beenmte way IFor Ide and home are not the same ISince she waes catled awayI Love from your FamiIy THE LAURICELLA FAMILY wouid tire I0 ex- press their gratitude for the exceltent care pro- vlded by Dr. Bremerrnr, Dr. Amar, Dr. Stron- gilar, and mhe CCU staff at Credif t lyHs paldunng Mikes recenit ilînesa. Our #tanks also go a aer Edand FatheeMlkeofoyo sa yor thair prayees, and to allof our fdrendand reaie for their continuing vale support and assistance. Mare à Un. Lauricelle, à FamlIy CAT, narne Spike, doientomwn Miton, big white paies & extra tues. 23 Ibs. long flair, gray. 875-1267 or 905- 5382233. HELP WANTED General labourera requlred for local auto- motiva paits manufacturer. MuaI be willing to, work; shift work. Competitive hourly wage ($1 0.60) 10 start wllih increase in 3 rniontiis plus a weekly iricentive progrant. 100% companry pald benefits. Please apply Ici: 521 McGeachle Drive Milton, Ontario LOT 3L5 "Mho cmil .1 not bu accu~ed <Fluelea R~ppUeanh noed n«o apply> BE part of our teanand rce-»etop rate... Belr fils. Newer vieil rnaintained equipril. Schedul home time off. Prefer us espeelence, gond abstra Milton based CON Company. Fax resurne t0o CASHWAY Distribution Centre requirea 1 Mate- rial Hardler for loading & off-loading trailers. Picking & assenbllng orders for shiprnent. Valid Forlifi Certifica- hion preferred. Fax re- surne to 06-2875, AtIn: Jeff KlIgour. CHIIJLEIGI' S accept- ing applications for sure- rner and fat positions in Retal and Food Servic aas A lIn h person 10 Reita Store, 0528 Hi ka2 ilton, beot we ..& 5 p.rn. DOMINO'S PIZZA is noie hiring Drivera. AJI new applcations will ba pereon any day aner 4 p.rn. 10 17 Wilson Drive at the corner of Main tand Wilson Dr.) FOSTER Homes Re- quired: MalIn Chld- ren's Aid Society re- quires foster homes for teenagers. Short terni and ion g tern homes are needied. A taxfree roorn and board rate provided. For more information cati 878- 2375, ext.258. MAPLEIIURST Coereo- tional Complex le seau- s.wekly. ExpPed e nce in large quantity Icooking as required. IPlease forwaed your re- Correctional Complex c/o Superntendents 0f- lace P.O. Box 10, 661 Martin St., Mion, Ont. LOT 2Y3. MOLLY MAIO sa grow- ingcagain. Do you love en? We are look- ing for hardwolcing, de- pendable, loyal staff. Part tire leedingtotfull lime. Ptease cal 876- 1672. PART time Telemaret- ing Postion Industrial Equipment. $12OOlthr. -plus bonus plan, high esrnlng potentiel flexile hrs. experience re- Iquired P.C. aNis a plus, tralning provided Miton location, mhen Oakville end of '99. Fax resumne to ntEng enc STUDENTS required for odd jobs. Must have drivera license. Caîl 416-543-9570. LOOKING TO SELL OR LOOKING TO BUY' ALWAYS LOOK TO THE CHAM- PION HERST! CLASSRFIDS1 DO PAY PHONE 1- 875-3300 eOR FAX 5- 876-2364 Claqssified ÀKINIVFRRARY 111MI111111111