AUCTUON SALE FOR MRS. WILDA MARSHALL AND THE LAIE MR. GEORGE MARSHALL PLUS ADDITIONS WIEDNMESDAY, .JULY 14 AT 6 PM SHARP In the Agricultural Hall on Robert St, Milton Falrgrounds, Miltion DON COLLING 877-0117 FAX (905) 877-7895 ndirewis' Scenic Acres Awesamne Plckîng - Rain makes the Ditterence Pick Your Own And Ready Picked Red & Black Raspberrles , e..Black Currants Bllueberries Cherries 'Goosebernies Fra@ Hayrides, Playground & 1 Animal Control Mito - s 1-9578-80 North ot 401 on Hwy. #25. Drive east on Road #10. HUTCHINSON FARM 6202 Walher's 1i, Bur (2L- nS. ofDerry) 'N e., 11 RASPBERRIES PICK VOUR OWN AT OCHAS. GREG FARMO Bob & Mabel Dovolin 15 sldeoad, 1 mile meSt on Trafalgar Rd., 3rd dri- vSfay weat oil RR tracke. Fr.. Reaipe 8 AU. T11O8P.U. Mon. -Fri. s a.m. -5P.m. Sat & Sun. Please cei for availatrilty 87-78 FREE-6-8 meek aid kittens fraie to good home. Phone 905-854- 2310. FREE kitens ta respori- sible homes. Alter 6 & meekenda 905-330- 2147. BE part of aur tesm and receive top rates... Benefits. Newer mveli rnaintalned equipment. Scheduled home Urne off. Prefer us experi- ence, gaod abstract, Milton based CON Cornpany. Fax resume ta 905-69002. CHUDLEIGH'S accepi- ing applications for summrrer and fait posi- dions in Retail and Food service ares. Appiy ln persan ta Retail Store, 9M2 Highmay 25, Mii- tan, beimeen Il arn. & 5 p.m. COFFEETIME Donuts requires part & full Urne Caunter heip. Ail shifts. Appiy in persan ta 405 Martn Street, Milton. uufflu e rI1-"%1 leu hil9 Drivers. Ail rom alcainsmli be con- s dred. Apply hn persan W on Drive (atthe corn- orlo Main St and Wilson Dr.) FIRST ChoIce Haircut- fers requiwes Hars jat5 doàn - Burl1ingtOn - Mit- ton. Guaranteed houriy + excellent commissions. Advanced training proviri- ed. No clientele neces aary. Cal 905) 815- 3216 or (905) 637-064. HARVEY'S Restaurant is ilng for enthusiastoc, evergetic and reliabie pol. eavemany OPenings frami opens, ClOses etc... We are bahi- ig for tutl dim and part Urne teammlates. Please apptytal 50 Maret Drive Attention John aI your eadlest convenience. Seein Maur - - s as a Retal Sales Clerk Harris Stionery Ltdi. 182 Main St., Milton Apply ln persan wvith resumne to MR. STEVE BONIN HELP WANTED General labourers required for local auto- motive parts manufacturer. Must be willing ta work shift wark. Campetitive hourly wage ($1 0.60) to atarI wtith increase ln 31 mnonths plus a weecly incentive program. 100o% company paiîd benefits. Please apply ta: -521 McGeachle Drive Milton, Ontario L9T 3LS <Pluomi caht wtt! no bu acoepfad) à 0oevieoe àap#Ianto n..d 0Wo r41*) School Bus Drivers Needed Milton & Georgetown Train Now for Septmber Ideal for Homernakers and Early Retirees Cat Laidlaw Transit 877-2251 Laidlaw Transit is an equaf opportumty employer Part-time Retail Staff Large Brampton Food Company reures part-lima cashiers for their retail ouflat. We are looking for mature, outgoing, energetic, people oriented soif-starters. These part-lime positions require th. individual to work flexible hours, weekends and evenings and would be ideal for high achool and 1 or university students. Cash, computer an d food retail experionce an asset. Please apply in confidence ta: RO. Box 3976 clôoThe Mississauga News 3145 Woffedale Rd Mississatiga, ON L5C 3A9 MOLLY MAID la grom- ing again. Do yau lave ta dlean? We are look- ig for hardmarldng, de- pendable, loyal staff. Part Une leading ta fuît Urne. Mease oeil 876- 1672. PART Urne Teiernarket- ing Position Industrial Equiprnent. $12.00/r. plus bonus plan, hugh eaming potential flexible hirs. expenience re- qulred PC. sifIs a plus, training pravided Milaon location, then Oacvitle end ai '99. Fax rem Hmghlighting Experience ta 905-76-3617. FULL TIME SECURITY OFFICERS roquired for N1ght Shift APP;VNj JUDKINS, sECUiRITy OFFICE, TORONTO AUTO AUC11ONS 875-2919 NO TUESDAY CAI 1 PLEASE STOPP'S Dry Cleaners requires mature Caun- ter Hllep, Monday, Tues- day & Wednesday noan ta 7 pm., Tursdy& Fridy 2 p.m. - 8p.rn.,& aturdy 10 arn. - 5 p.n., & every thîrd Sun- Milaon, Monday - Friday, 8 arn. - 4 p.m. PaillerOfc Humas Ressea centre 310 Main Street East 878018 ext 217 £1We have an imamediate aoesxpvn fo r a PATTM OFICE CLERK Shifts would include evenings & weokends. Pesso ueni tomme or fax te: 3167 North Service Road Burtingtan L7N 3G2 Fax:(905) 319-6343 AMJ CAMPBELL VAN LUNES *anada's Largesi Household Mover" Is seeking exptrienced FULL & PART-TIME DZ DRIVRS I NELPERS for Hîghway and City Work. Fer mau iafamUentlu. r C811 Grog Waylmi et0 (M 29-1233 'SMILE AND SAY ilEE Lifefouch a leader in schoot photography is looking for individuals for the Haltun region for the position ut schoot photographer. Il you love worlring. wilh child- ren, have your own vefuicle and art wilting lu worr flexible hours, tris part-lime seasonal position may ho for yoo. Lifetouch wiilf provide ail ut the necessary training and equipment. Faxed resumne only Mil ho accepted ontil July 16,1999. Fax:(905)-631-1804 k se m ad ! *ASSISTANT PLANT MANAGER' Supervise and direct ail shift menhors. Assist the plant manager in inventory controt. Co-ordinate daily production. Computer skitls would ho an asset. Salary position benelits atler 3 months. 'MAINTENANCE' Millwright, welding skills. Experience in dust collection, Spram equipment, hiasting equipment tort electrical. Hury Position/ benehîts in 3 monts. Ploaso mdl rossasesý t. Box 6170, o/o Gialle shava, 467 Speers Rd., Oakville, Ontario L6K 3S4 MACHINE OPERATOR Small manelacturing Company requires reliabte person f0 operate plant machinery including circutar saws & hydraulic presses. Soue expenience required. Perma- vent tuli-âme position. 40 hrsM1. Mondayý- Friday. No shit. BenefitsIM aplpeete: ZM UpurM., Oilk MI LIL 2» NOW HIRING Full & Part-lIme SERVERS DELIVERY DRIVERS Experienced preferred but vell train. lup I MPRsa ai 1011 Upper Mlii Rd location only la OakvIlle (at EIghth une) Very campatîtîve ratas Inside Sales Part-time Shenmiv-Wittiums, A fortune 500 Company in the Point and Decorai- ing Business, ix cor- rentty senhing a pari- lime inside Salesperson. Use your home decorat- ing talents fu assisi commericat and rotait customrers. Your resronsihiitiies miti meic ude tinting and mix- ing paint. Cierica ut doues, store merchandising and marehousing. We offer a competitive satary and hoeteits, compaoy paid training and career advance- ment. For contidentiat consid- eration, contact Brian MacKay ai 905-il45- 9410 or stop iv lu see Store manage ai 510 Speers Rd., thrvitte, On L6K 2G3 WILLWIN. ne nor iuncoas anu nurtus snacks. Out- doar activilles, arts and crailta +. CaI 876-0257. CARING home environ- ment has spcs vi- able for I1re1 = atr. 876-4415. RAINBOW VILLAGE DAVOARE accepting September enrolîmnent Fulitime childoare for children 18 montha - 5 yeara. 87-7552. WANTED babysitter Set.-JuneMon-Frî Our home veice nec- essary. Uighi house- WANTED expenienced daycare proiderln K*b- ride Sohool ares for 3 children, 6, 4-1/2 & 2- 1/2.905-336-0463. EXPERIENCED daycare. Mather u1t fe. Creative craft, oulings, nuftou lunches, babies mai- Corne. 876-0620. TrailerManufac requires exper wvelder/fitters. Mi Please send you Milton or Fax Machinery buiid requires Electricia for machine anc pavot wiring. Will consider ontry levol. Tel: (905) 845-22 Fax: (905) 045-98 ch Chudleigh's aop plant lacated in dessert produ apple desserts enthusiastid il technalagy, ta ADMINIS Temporas July to e Requirementa *strong Interpi in custamar 8 " famniliarlty wit voice mail a " complete fan The Canadian Champion, Frlday, JuIy 9, 1999--21 Part-lime turing Plant in Milton Customer ienced MIG wvelders, Service nimum 2 year experionce. r resume ta: Represenlative -Way Traitera needed for busy 1 car deatership. M~ke Drive, Automotive Ont LgT 3H5 expertence 905488 7 requirect. - tHours: 1 Licnsed Monday-Thursday, PLUMBER Snresume oc: n GLENLEVEN PIPE CHRYSLER FITTER 2388 Royal i Gas liconse an asset. Wlndsor Drive 65 Cati (905) 693-8932 Oklile ON2 199 Ftx: (905) 693-1064 Fax 1 1 1 1 (905) 845-9822 I- INTERMEDIATE ACCOUNTANT S Immadiata openmng udeiçgh' inamiSfiei h erates a food pracessing QEW ares. Milton. We produce frozen Position requires cts, facusing mainly on handa-on experi- .W. currentiy raquire an once in accounta ndivtdual that embracea payable, payroll MII the poaiton of: and general RATIVE ASSISTANT accounJrign. Good , Full TIme Position: Bookkeepîng and ernber 19M <6 monthe) computer sils are essentiel. ersonal akilîs: takes pride Pu fax ervicerosume hNoratar telephane and expetatisa: stem epcain o rillarftywvith office produc- (9R6) 829-2699 applications and Offlce97) *report wvriting and netwark administra- lion expenience an asaet Duties to Include: " reception and general office duties " assisting sales and marketing team, lncluding maldng meeting arrange- ments and report preparatian " e-mail systam administration " wob page maintenance " network adnistration " must have real" car ta do banking, mailt and travel beomeen 2 locations (mithin 10 km radius par km reimburse- ment) Please fax resumne, along wvith salany expectatians by July 16 ta: Att'n. Humain Resoure (M0) 878-0395 No phone catis, pittase. Only candidates selacted for an interview wiff ba confacted. Thank you for your inferest. ACCOUNTING DEPARTIMENT Long establisheri Milion company requires: One fulI-time Accotants Payable Clerk One full-ttme Accounting Personnel On. part-trne eccounting personnel. Ail applicants muet have ut least 3 years accouniting experienca. Attractive saiary, employa. benetits. Muet be computer literate and be cuatorner oriented ta wortc in a very busy but pintsant atrnosphere. Repiy ouf lning qualifications, past expertenco and reterences. Resumea ImiI b. accepted untit July 16, 1900. Fax: 9O5-875-3802 /RECEPTIONISd thymi le oyota requires a part-lime recoois td work 4 evenings per week frua530muni 9:l5pm and every Satorday t:45am untit 6pm. The ideat candidate must ho mature and possess good peuple skilîs, excellent commmand of the Engtish language, & wel organized. Computer skilîs a must. Automutive deatorship exp. an usset. Sond your resuimo in confidence lu: 1091 Speers Rd., Oakvilla, Ont LOL 2XII (hem 3rd Lino & 4th LUne, Southr ot QEW) er (905)-842-8400 - <905)l-Md e4lS11-798-495 or Fax: <905) 842-1597 or orniait: tmptoyment@oakvilotoyota.corr AUTO IMtuMAI'It. Best rates for moat driv- era lncluding higher riras. Cal Warren, 519- 853-4284, 905-270- 1555. 3300043, Cars want- ed. 905-457-5713. Stop car theft sal ta icensed rvder. 905-457- Glovemen 1e1V e ... nd surpluts. Soid andll caI for listings. 1-80 297-0727 Ext. M50. SALES & LEASING NEW & USED 410 STEELES AVE A FAMLY BUSINESS ITI FAJILY VAWES WE - 8- SELL -LEASE LARGEST SEIECTIOfI IF USED VEIIICIES IN MILTON 875-2277 Make il Ta lase or purchase yaur car or truck Hwy 25 S. et Duaid. .878-2393