'Landfili e.Xiension is reminder of the battie The Ce By IRENE GENTLE The Champion A long and bitter figisi over the place- ment of tise Halion landfill site once frac- tuoed Halton Region, recalled Côuncillor Boian Penman last week. Now tise Region bas announced tisai tisanks to an aggressive waste diversion program tise dump no one wanted may be around for an addîtional 27 years. Thtwoud stretch the site's ife spart t47years. Tisere's no doubt ihere waa a ingering animosity between ail tise parties," recalled Mr. Penman. "It waa divisive. It separated the Region from Milton. It separated Burlington from Milton and it separated Burlington from the Region. "I think what we thought is that once Milton had served its time, we'd look for another site, perisaps in Burlington," he said. Tisat appears to be a faillt hope now, witis the dump promnising to, last until close to 2040. Even so, Mr. Penman is not expecting the news to, incite the community like it bad in tise 1970s. But mention of tise dump can stili evoke blistering memories of wisat was tisen the Region's first - and perbapa still tise moat furioua - legal furball. "The citizens invested îisousands of hours and dollars to pay for ibis," hie said. "It was a vesy emotional time." For Mr. Penman, those emotions came pouring back wisen hie heard of tise land- fill's extended life. "It toucised tisai cisord in tise pasi," hie said. Mr. Penman was a front-line player in tise gut-wrencising war over tise Halton landfill site. hi led to a contempt of court citation for Mr. Penman and Mayor Gord Krantz. Legal batties helped ratchet the total cost of tise dump to around tise $100 million mark. Milton felt it was caugisi up in a David versus Goliatis type of fight at the time, said Mr. Penman. With its relatively small population, it prepared to stare down tise Region. The battle erupted sbortly after Halton Region came mbt being in 1974. It dragged on until 1992, when a reluc- tant Milton was finally cisosen. At tisat point, Halton waste was being shipped to tise United States. Tise practice left tise Region vulsserable to unpredictable - and sometimes exorbi- tant - dumping fées. Tise solution waa to create a homegrowr site rigist isere in Halton. Tise question was, wbere? Tise firat choice was a parcel of land ai Britannia and Tremaine Roads. Tisougis tise Region tisougisi tisat ares looked fine, residents isad a différent take. They iseld everytising fmom bake sales to dances to raise money to keep tise dump oui of tiseir area, said Mr. Penan. "Tisai was fougist over for years and years. A ciiizen's group was formed," ise recalled. "I've neyer seen a community so galvanized around an issue." e » WOUNDS on page 17 To have an item placedin Daeline# plèe fax info to 878- 4943. Nophone calls, please. Which of These Costly Homeseller Mistakes Will You Make When You Seli Your Home? MILTON - A new report bas jusi been released wisicis reveals 7 cosily mistakes tbat mosi isoreowners make wben selling ibeir boe, and a 9 Siep Systern tbat can belp you sell your borne fast and for tise mosi arnount of rnoney. This industry report sbows clearly isow tbe traditional ways of selling bornes bave isecorne increasingly less and lesa effective in today's rnarket. Tise faci of tise matter is tisai fully tisîce quartera of bornesellers don't get wisat tbey want for tbeir borne and becorne disillusioned and - worse - financially disadvantaged wben tbey put bi on ntise mnarket. Asii eotuncovers, most bornesellers Tis rqffl is Smq o Ch N.991, Me &Miltowne Insurance Agency Ltd. â W Group Life & Health & Pension wwrblei-suranceo make 7 deadly misiakes tisai cost tiser literally tbousands of dollars. Tise good news is tisat each and every one of these mistakes is entirely preventable. In answer to ibis issue, industry insiders have prepared a free special report eniled "Thse 9 Step System t0 Get Your Home Sold Fast and For Top Dollar". To hear a brief recorded message about how to order your free copy of thia report, eaUi 1-888-475-8645 and enter MD# 1000. You cmn oeil anytime, 24 houra a day, 7 days a week. Caîl NOW to find out how you can get tise most money for your borne. MieroLmnk 1~ ~ e -mirlikonc TED CHUDLEIGH, M.M .P. HALTON ROYAL LEPAGE ~ Ç uter Roycd LePage Real istate ServIces Ltd. eww roa -eae.ca ww.metwneo adian Champion. Tuesday, Juiy 6.,1999 - and the Fending Association present the 1 ST HALTON DEMONSTRATUON FINCINO TOURNAMENT Màem's & Ladies Saber Events Saturday, beginning at lOam aMens & Ladies Epee Events Sunday, beginning at 12 noon Internet Addresses Haitonsearchecom