Th aaa hmin u!U uy6 Nia gara Escarpment battie hearing underway soon 0 front BATTLE on page 1 rock face.", Tremaine Road is a natural barri- er betwcen the escarpment and the Jannock lands, he said. "It's ludi- crous at beat." But sanie residents and the Niagara Escarpment Commission believe the developers are sitting on properties that serve as buffers ta Use escarpmcnt. The escarpmcnt was declarcd a worrd biosphere reserve by the Unitedi Nations in 1990, anc of only six in Canada. "Il is a very special award that can be taken away again if we don't take carc of it," sati ares resi- dent Gwcn Isings. "If you start cut- tîng off thc arms and Use legs, pret- ty soon you wan't have a bios- phcrc." Ms Isings is no strasiger ta issues surrouniding Use escarpment. in Use past, she has becn instrh- mental in its protection through Use citizcn's group Keep the Escarpmient Environent Protecteti (KEEP). Shc bas been spurred inta action again by Use lateat applications. Rcckless development of the buffer lands would render any effort ta protect the escarpment futile, said Ms Isings. "Once it is gane, this will be open scýason for anyone ta do the saine Using," she sai. "It: will be s0 Most of us have dreamt about it. Some of us have spoken of it. Few of us have actuaiiy tione it. Haw many of us have dareti ta fantasize about living in the country; on a place cf lanti that is actuaily larger than the stan- dard 50' x 100' citY lot? Imagine if you coulti live on a gorgeous lot the size cf a whole city block! One drive ta *Forait Creek', Charleston Home's new 18-home country estate site, just 5 min- utes east of Acton, coulti make your dreama a reality. Foreit Creek home sites range in size from 1.27 acres ta 5.5 acres. For those who are a littia emnbarraticti ta ask, an acre amnounts ta an area cf approxi- matcly 44,500 sq.ft., which translates inta 9 average city lots. Builti yaur family home here anti you wiii have a place of lanti ta cali your own that would be home ta 1 lta 36 fam- illes in the city. At Forest Crack space is second only ta naturai beauty. Tawering stands cf fur tracs anti rallîng pasture-lantis f rame the entrance ta the street. Gordon's Creek winds thraugh the deep expansci af woods that maka up the site anti cuti across a third of the lots. A branti new 27 hole Galf Course is in the planning pracesi. anti if ail approvais are met, wiil ba buiit just South cf the site. damageti, il won't be an escarp- ment anymore." A preliminary hearing on the issue is schcdulcd for Tuesday, July 27 at Town Hall. However, the hcaring may be moved ta Wedncsday, Aug. 18. The hearinga will be before a joint panel cansisting of members from Use Ontario Municipal Board and the Environmental Assessment and Appeal Board. The final hearing will likely take place in Octaber. Any decision the board makes must be approved by provincial cabinet. As a key player in Use unfolding escarpment debate, a representative of the Niagara Escarprnent Commission will attend ai hear- inga, said NEC planning and administration supervisar Marion Plaunt. But the NEC has not taken an officiaI position an the issue yet, she said. What Usey have donc is compileti a report detailing why the area should remain under NEP protec- tion. The final hearing result will likely hinge on whether the landawners can successfully refute the findings of Use study. Recently, Use NEC has received letters fromi the public asking that Use applications be denied. "We've started ta get a number of letters in the last several weeks," Watching the autumn woatis turn crimsan, seeing the f irst delicate snawflakes descend upan the dark evergreens, gaz- ing at the butis bursting forth in Springtime, ail (an be experi- enced, from the comfort of your indoor living space, solarium, tieck, anti porch. What you Isear on this street as tranquillity, birtisang anti the rustie of the breeze in the long grasses anti tail trees. Weii-crafted, custamizeti homes are Charleston's speciaiity. «We feali t is important ta give the buyers a certain amount of contrai." says Dick Marvin, Sales anti Marketing Director for Charleston Homes. «Wc provide new buyers with an up-to-date refarrai lit of home-owners. B3uilding a home is a whole procets. Home owners can taell new buyers haw they were treated during that process. Our primary goal is ta deiight aur homebuyers weii beyond their expectatioris." Nowadayi, it is popular ta use pienty of windows ta bring in the naturai iight. However, at Foreit Creek windows cease ta be mere portais of iight, here they are framres for a gloriaus collection of Robert Bateman- like pictures. To sip breakfast tea surroundeti by the eariy morning iight of the green for- est, or tu relax in a warm bath, iistening ta the music of the rain faiiing through the canopy of said Ms Plaunt. 'They have been ta protect the lands." The letters campaign was spear- hcaded by resident Elizabeth Engeli. Ms Engeli wadcd inta the fray when she distributeti a newslctter among her neighbours warning thero of the application. She encourageti other residents ta fire off pratest letters ta the NEC, Milton council, Conservation Halton and Halton regianai coun- cil. Ms Engeil has also circulated a petitian apposing Use applications. At iast caunt, she had collecteti 450 signatures. "I think Use Niagara Escarpment is a heritage for ail of Ontario," she said. "Anything that threatens it should be opposeti." Lifting any landi from the NEP coulti have a domino effcct in Use ares, wamned Ms Engeli. "If Usese anientiments are grant- cd, if's basically open sesson on the enviranment," she said. "The main Uing 1 want people ta know is Usat once this is tione, it's a donc deal." Remaving the lands from the NEP would require a change in the Halton Officiai Plan. The Region, said Halton senior planner Susan O'Brien, is loakini into Use matter. "We haven't taken a stand yct. We' re reviewing the study the NEC has completed." leaves or ta recline in front of the giowing firepiace whiie immersati in deep forest - now that is what windows are truiy for. Forest Creek is a worid away from ail things that are the city; except that is, for convenience. Ail major amenities are within a 5 minute drive. A 20 minute drive wiii get yau ta the Go Train station in Georgetown, anti the site is 35 minutes from the Toronto Airport. The eight bungalow anti 2 storey designs offereti, range in size from 1,758 ta 2,789 sq. ft. anti prices range $319,900 ta $367,400. Occupancy for new buyers is sate November 1999. Dick Marvin wiil be on hanti ta provide guiieti house tours at the Community Open Haute, ta be heiti at the site on Juiy lth anti Sth, between il a.m. taS p.m. The regular sales off ice is locat- cd at the corner of Hwy 7 anti Cobblestone Place in the village of Rackwood. Sales hours are Monday ta Thursday 11:00 a.m. ta 7:00 p.m. anti 11:00 a.m. ta 5:00 p.m. on weekends. To get ta the Forest Creck site take Highway 401 west ta Trafalgar Rd. north. Turn west on Highway 7, take the 4th line north anti travel 1.4 km. Watch for the sign on the right. Photo by GRAHAM PAINE Envlronmental activiat Elizabeth Engeli shows a petition slgned by 450 rosi- dents hoplng to proteci escarpmnent lands. Jzcal students on dean 'ç list VRockwooti's Paul Nunnara 'and cializing in entrepreneunial anti manageni Campbellville's Achilles Pelitis have been educatian with a special eniphasis on f namet thUe dcan's liat for Use spring temni enterprise. at Michigan's Naithwooti University. Mr. Nunnaro anti Mr. Pelitis arc twa To hit tise tiean's liaI, stutients have ta 59 students that matie it ta the university cani a 3.0 grade point on a 4.0 scale. Dcan's List. Northwaad la a private univeraity spe- 0f those, 13 are from Ontario. ai of IIALTON DISTRICT SCHOOL U and the HALTON CATHOLIC DISTRICT SCHOOL BOARD NOTICE 0F PUBILIC MEETING Tuesday, August 10, 1999, 7:00 p.m. J.W. Singleton Education Centre 2050 Guelph Line Burlington, Ontario L7R 3Z2 HALTON REGION EDUCATION DEVELOPMENT CHARGES TAKE NOTICE that on August 10, 1999 the Halton District Schaal Board and the Halton Cstholic District School Board wiIi holti together a public meeting pursuant ta Section 257.63 of the Education Act, ta cansider proposeti new education development charges in the Region of Halton. The purpose of the meeting is ta ensure that stifficient information is madie available ta enable the public ta undçrstand gcnerally the education developmcnt charge proposais anti ta solicit public input. Any person wha attends Use meeting may make a representation ta Use Boards in respect of Use proposeti etiucation tievelopment charges. The education developmnent charge background, study requireti under section 257.61 of Use Act (including propased by-law) anti setting out each Board's education tievelopment charge proposais, will be available on or after JuIy 12, 1999 at 2050 Guelph Line, Burlington or 802 Drury Lane, Burlington, tiuring office haurs. Ail interesteti persans are inviteti ta attenti the public meeting. Written submiissions, which are receiveti at least anc week priar ta Use public meeting, will he distributeti ta ail trustees prior ta the meeting. The Haitan District School Boarti andtihUe Halton Catholic District Sehool Boarti asiticipate conaideration of Useir respective by-Iaws imposing etiucation tivelopment charges at a meeting af the Boartis ta be helti together on August 18, 1999 at 7:00 p.m., at 2050 Guelph Line, Burlington. Shaulti the by-laws pass on that day, the new education tievelopinent charge rate may commence on September 1, 1999. Ail submissions receiveti in wniting andti Uose expresseti at the public meetings will be consitiereti priar ta Use enactmnent of a new by-law. Any commenta re requests for furUser information regartiing this matter may be directeti ta Mr. AI Greyson, Superintendent: of Education, (905) 335-3663 ext. 3282 for Use Halton-District School Board or Mr. Domenico Renzella, Atiministratar of Planning Services, Halton Catholic District School Boarti (905) 632-6300 ext. 107. Haiton District School Board Haiton Catholic District School Boarti Ethel Gatdiner Jiru Sherlock Chair Chair Dusty Papke Director of Educatian Fred Swecney Director cf Education ADVERTISEMENT 'FOREST CREEK' OFFERS COUNTRY LIVING, LUSH FOREST AND OVERSIZED HOME SITES