8 he Canadien Champion, Friday, Juiy 2, 1999 Residents to get Peel water By IRENE GENTLE The Champion Some Ninth Line residents whose private wells have been drained hy development are poised to take advantage of at least one urban convenience - piped- in water. Halton's planning and public works committee has approved a staff recommendation to allow the affected residents to tap into an upcoming Peel Region water- main. The main is heing constmucted to service a subdivi- sion on the Mississauga aide of Ninth Line, which acta Prs o e an as a houndary rmad between Ralton and Peel regions, "The area of Peci that is being serviced is a develop- ment area," Halion's planning commissioner Pat Murphy told committce. "These people have the opportunity to tap int that." The issue was approved hy regional council Iast week. Six residents of Ninth Line between Britannia Road and Lower Base Line in Homhy have heen plagued hy iow weil water levels since the early 1 990s. The construction of Highway 407 - which caused ,see NO MORE on page 9 Safety's he gyame J.M. Denyse student Jessios Lyons receved thii 99 Salety Paîtroii#rof tihe Year Awerd Monday from Jodle Murdock of the. CAA South Centrai Ontario bmnch as Jocelyn Eastwood of Haiton Reglonai Police looks on. Prssented aci year, the. awmrd hon- ours a student who demnonstrates dedi- catlon to saifety patroiiing es wIl as concem for feillw students. Photo by GRAHAM PAINE 'i are neecled.- lm4~e~~ta ÉVgj~~ Workiui Hard ta Stay Your #1 Pond Store "Flon*Ing Chain No more reacking clown int your pond ta pull up pumpa, Filiers or pots. Juat attaci, the flooting chain and it's there when yau need it. Pond k..ping just got easaur. The Muiton Dist Isict t*%lAja r Reffi heId athe Strowbnr Fofr" Sot.Ju" 24(C 844-7 1. Hand Made Quit - Mrs. Helen Andrews 2. Crochet Afgyhan - Mn. Verna Myers 3. Overnight Stay in Niagara Falls - Norm Flemington 4. $7500 Framing Certificate - Maillyn Mitchell 5. $7500 Framing Certificate - Marnie Ham BUICK MAI. IL * *MiLTrON 9:0 Am-B 8:0 Pmi ,N. & SAT. 90AM - 600 Pmi this month A Womnan's Hour on Main Street hoids group art therapy and meditation classes throughout July. Shar Chamberlain Ieads meditation classes Wednesdays July 7, 14, 21 and 28 and art therapy sessions every other Thursday July 15 and 29. The cost is $7 per ciass. Men are wel- corne. For more information, cail 693- 9291. ~GOGEON /jI35 GUELPH STREET 873-1999 o STAR WARS PGý Eo» I 1 "M 0%-- tu, Magn DàiiyS:45 -9:30OpJi&&. & S. 2,0Op.m. MATINEE 2:00 P.M. WEDNESOY 9 AUSTIN POWERS 21ÊPG Duliy:55 à :15 p&l Sat.&19im.2:10Op»n. * MATINEE 2:WP. WEDNESDAY ~O TARZAN E~ MATINEE200 PNAWEDNESDAY - FndIerg ceU HAVE FUN IN THE SUN AND REMEMBER TO SLIPr SLAP, SLOP!i I cm ÇaNAiM- *DUi MCN Stap on a haàt - Wear a broad-rimmed hat ta shade your face, neck and as Slop on Sunscreen- Use a waterprof sunscreen with a SPF cf 15 or higher. Slip on a Shirt- Wear clothing that is tightly waven ta block ihe Sun. cb 1111110 1111 à,'é s sake" courtesy of I