14 -The Canadin Ce irave with -ebw MOTOR HOME CANADA! FLY TO CALGARA, GET A MOTOR HOME AND TOUR THE ROCKIES is a great idea for you for this summuer, or you can do tbe sanie by going to VANCOUVER, MONTREAL, or HALIFAX Yes you can do this by booking at thse local travel professionals office tbrough SIGNATURE VACATIONS, wbich bas a very diversified offering for CANADA this year. You can cboose a CAMPER, wbich sleeps two; or up to a 30-foot Motor Home, wbicb can sleep six. Al vehicles bave automatic transmission, power steering, power brakes, cruise control, air condîtioning, stereo, and of course, the basics of fridge, stove, oven, shower, toile, beds, etc. Gîve it a try, we're going to! MOUNTAIN BIKES ARE AN OPTION you can add to your package for your Motor Home trip, along witb a TVNVCRwith videos (miight need to for the kids ... ), plus there are other options available you can choose at the tinie of booking to make your trip as special as you wisb. You can even do one-way rentaIs from one station to the next for an additional fée. You will lic picked up at the airport and retumied after. You wilI even be given roadmraps! Actually there is a ton of information available long before leaving tbrougb the travel agency, tbe tourist bureau of. any province, plus on tbe Intemet. S0,1IF NOT CALGARY, THEN WHAT ABOUT THE CARIBBEAN - along with the tremnendous offerings SIGNATURE bas for you to cover Canada on your vacation, they also offer sorme 75 ALL-INCLUSIVE RESORTS in the CARIRBEAN this summiner. Somne are adults or couples only, but Most not onîy accept children but have 'kids stay free and eat free' programs. Yes, the Caribbean and Flonida as well, are popular getaways for Canadians during tic summer months too! 1)]D YOU KNOW: You mnight tbink tIse phrase 'you HAVEN'T LIVED UNTIL yoU,VE CRISED' may not apply to you, but you won't reallY know for sure until you tsy one. Over 90% of thse population haven't been on a croise yet - consider it now - bow about tic Mediterranean for starters? P"""iravl pwJeud..ae 7oemw' 878S-2886 16 Martin St. (downtown) Abo i ld oianH, Oskvil and eiMOAOPg www.brucchoodcOTn STONECROFT % COUNRU GUEST HOUSE z OPEN SUNDAYS FOR: Dat-eline an, Frlday, July 2,1999 We promise acoepted Dateline Items wii run at Ieaat once before the event. They might run more than that dépend- ing on how much space is available. Dateline is a free listing of comning events only. The column is availablo 10 local community groups to assist in promoting their future events. OnIy non-profit groupe may use this service. Notices for Dateline should be hand- od in at the 6ffice of The Champion, 191 Main St. E., mailed to P.0. Box 248, Milton, Orit.,'L9T 4N9, or faxed to (905) 878-4943. The final deadline is noon Fndcay for Tuesday's edition and noon Wednesday for Fridlay's edition. Dateline items wiII not be accepted by tolephone. Friday July 2 The Milton Seniors' Activity Centre, 500 Childa Dr., hosts the Anniversary Celebration - five years at its current location. Summer barbecues are kicked-off at lunchtime. Tickets cost $4 for a hamn- k Su 1 1 SIfOl ~lisi O k1 "EL a En I-wr WlnmeA Saturday 10 arn to 2 pm 15 Martin St., Carrnage Square 693-9594 burgcr or sausage plus salad, heverage aud dessert. The Victorian Order of Nurses holds a foot care clinic at the Milton Seniors' Activity centre, 500 Childs Dr., front 1 to 4 p.rn. For more informnation, cail the cen- tre at 875-1681. Monday July 5 The Milton Seniors' Activity Centre hosts a trip to Casino-Rama in Orillia. The bus trip fee of $7 includes transporta- tion and lunch. The* cost for non-members is $12. Caîl 875-1681 to sign up. Monday July 5 - 8 The Vacation Bible Circus takes place at Sain Sherratt School, 639 Laurier Ave., fromt 10 arn. to noon. The event, spon- sored by Oak Tree Baptiat Church, aee more DATELINE on page 16 V./eught~~~ ~~~~ 14ngý1n ,. ,t,,,,,a Dnr, Next Session Starts )jý/\ 7, / 1 1 Canada Employment Centre (/ l'i'l i 1./)ý 1-800-350-8361