Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 29 Jun 1999, p. 7

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O UR READERS WRITE. Prompt action required in election foui-up (7Tie followusg lester was sent ta Premier'Mike Harris and a copy wasfiled with The Champion.) Dear Editor: 1 arn wriîing ta express my grave conccmn for thie widely-repartcd problems wiUi Uic process in the June 3 provincial clection. Tbe right ta vote is the mat fundarnental af aur dcmiocratic riglits, and 1 am given the impression ibai ibis riglit bai been scriausly jcopardizcd for many Ontaria citizens. My undcrstanding is iliai the iallowing problcms occurred: * several polling stations wcrc dclaycd in open- ing . a number ai electian warkers (polI clerks, I believe) neglccted Uieir duties by flot showing up ai requircd - ibreats wcrc made ta clectian workcrs; îbcy wcre tald flot ta shiow up for ilicir aisigncd duties on Jure 3 - ai a number of stations, vaters lisi and/or bal- lots were laie arriving or inadequate in supply - eleetion results were announccd ta Uic public prior to Uic close of several polIs - glaring errors existcd in Uic officiaI voters lisi, in the iormn of mass numbers of omissions of naines ai cligible votera; - long delsys and Iinc-ups cxisted ai a resmit af Iengthy voter registration processes, wliicli wai in turm a result ai the problcms listcd above. These lait twa points are the ones which conccm me mosi. I would vcry mucli appreciate your coin- ments on ibis clection process, anc wbicb the media liai dubbed a "disasier." Please be sure ta comment on Uic above points, and an Uic iollow- Town should stand Up for ils senior citizens Dear Edhtor: I wai dismaycd ta read in Uic Friday, Jure Il edition ai The Chiampion about thie Tnwn's administration and planning cammitiee veto of tbe re-zon- ing of land for a praposcd developmeni of seniors' bous- ing on land located bebussd E.C. Drury Higb School. This land isn't designaicd ai parland bot is zoned for jails, group bomnes and nursing homes, according ta wliat I read in The Chiampion. Some residenis ai the sur- rounding arcs abject ta rezon- ing Uic ares on Uic grounds iliat Uiey want it for park. However, in addition ta it flot being a designatcd park, îhey did flot offer ta purcliase thie land whcn it was for sale. Others state that tbcy want îrcss planted by students ta remain ibere. .What arc ibese residents tcaching aur young people? Might is rigbt? If on the other hand Uic residents wcre to sup- port the zoning change, aur young people migbt lesm con- sideration for athers, kindness, generosity, respect and many oUicr valuable lessons. The year of 1999 bas be declared as the International Ycar ai thie Older Persan. An opportunity bas been given ta councîl to make a contribution by agreeing ta rezore Uic ares. I hope tbis oppartunity ta ing: - Uic accuracy of my understanding af Uic proli- lems expericnced, ai listcd above " wbat caused Uiese prablemas ta occur " wba or what gavemrment agency wai respansi- bic for Uic causes ai Uiese problemas, and who or wbat gavemment agency is responsible for rectify-. ing these prablemns during the June 3 clectian and in Uic future - wliat actions will be taken ta ensure that these prablcms do flot accur in Uic future and thai the confidence ai Uic Ontaria people in the electian systcmn is rcstorcd. I undcrstand that Ontaria's Chief Electian Officer liai attributcd many af these prablcms ta Uic recent changes made ta the Ontario clectian process, and the short amount ai preparatian time given. As I sec it, lic refers ta the clianges made by thie Progressive Conservative govemment - changes made witli the goal af deceaiing Uic cost of the clectian pracess in Ontario. This suggestion enrages me. We cannat put a price tag an demacracy, and I will nat accept a systcmi wlierc citizens' votes arc sacrificcd for financial savings. I look forward ta your commenta on ibis issue, and ta prompt action on tbe subjeet. Robert Grlmnwood Milton Growth far from a démon Dear Editor: This letter is in response ta the letter ta Uic editor fram M. Coulter an lune 22. M. Caulter cxprcssed concemn about the pro- poscd resîdential and industriallcommeitial devel- opinent in Milton Uiat is accurning ai part of Uic Halton Urban Structure Plan (HUSP), indicsting a migbtg lemn gIof uprsing. Mlons Residents of oui community appear to i ognize the benefits of a quiet friendly Mi to flot want their town ta become Mississauga. Reality is Uiat growth is happening int and the demand for new residential dwe up. Where are the people gaing t Mississauga is already bursting at our b Wliat's the alternative ta a planncd expa Milton? Do wc rcally want ta wait until emment shlows Mississauga ta annex the opeti part of Milton, and be railroade Mississaga-like crampcd-yct-sprawliiig ment scenaria? The Region bai been working on an e plan for the pst several years (aver 15 y in Milton, wbcre scwage treatment cap limiteri aur grawth). The plan invalves balance bctween residential devclopn industriallcommcrcial dcvelopmcnt Uiat cd ta pravide cmployment and economic for the grawing tawn. The planning praccai is an open one,a meetiig; arc held rcgularly. I fail ta sec lN anc wlio reads Uic newspaper could miss lic announcements tliat appear in The C an a regular basis (ususlly ai a promineni lowcr camner of anc of Uic pages). I have scveral of these meetings myscîf. and hia found them ta tic informative and interaci I hope that M. Coulter will came ta -HUSP meeting and vaice the canccmns in that June 22 letter. im canfiden Caulter will leave the meeting feeling mn about Uic future af Milton. Milton help alleviate the great need for gearcd-to-scniors bousing' will nat be lost by tbe Town administrators and planners by giving in people demanding a right ta samcthing ta wbicb tbey're nat in fact entitlcd. Perbaps thec people making ibis dcmand migbt prefer the land ta lic used for a jail, ai it is zoncd for anc - satellite Mapîchurst perliaps. Kathloen <Klty) L. Boyd Milton Parking spaces for handicappd needed in core Dear Editor: I'mn wriiing in response ta Tracy Bunville's letter, 'This Blue Zone unfair ta others'. Oli I an so sanry Uiat anyonc liai ta walk Uirec car lengths ta their favaurite store on Main Street or anywhere else. Wcll, iî's about time wc bad more parking spaces for the liandicapped in Milton on Main Street and elscwberc. 1 for anc would vote for tbem. As for giving parking tickets for any- anc wbo parka in Uicmn wiUiout the proper sticker. wby not? 1 bave been trying ta get around Milton for the lait eigbt months after loosing my leg, and Ict ie elcl you, it isn't easy with sa icw spaces for the bandicapped and the idiots who park in îbem wlien tbcy can walk very casily. Please don't tell me it's unfair ta ailiers. Tony K. Durrant Milton Cherry's MI Ih. Cadlon Chamipon, Tuesdr. June 29,1000-7 ulation ouiuLe Ion and another o live? aundary. C O E naton of CO E the gov- U W A develop- xpnin Thursday, ears here city bas i a careful JulM 1 st îent and ame necd- stbhyEXCEPTIONS: nd public )w soine- the pub- hmi Shoppers tad in tihe e lwy Drug Mort the nexi Open: i Oam - 5pm expressed t iliat M. uch better ra~oinDon

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