6 -Tu Canadmn CNigion, Tussday, June 29, 1999 Kudos for councillors Congratulations to Milton councillors for sticking to their guns recently over tomne suggestions from Twiss Road residents about installing all-way stop signs and knocking back speed limits.. While we understand and empathize with residents plagued by wor- risomne heavy truck traffic, lowering speed limnits and putting up unwarranted stops signs won't work. Those masures have failed in the past and they are almost guaran- teed to fail again. As well, at times in the past politicians have caved in to the will of irate residents and put stop signs up where traffic was light. They have alto ridiculously lowered speed limnits to placate such constituencies, only to create fertile speed traps. Police officers bene- fit, whacking unsuspecting motorists with what amounts to a hîdden tax as they innocently cruise somne rural road at 80 km per hour, only to find the pace has been arbitrarily plunged to a pokey 60 for no apparent reason. Frank politicians will also tell you that most of the people caught disobeying traffic signais in any given neighbourhood are the people who live there. Re-routing heavy trucks, if they pose a danger, is the right and responsible way to go. 'O UR READERS WRITEr > 1 ou# * *#l W àf*'5ti WW« ro» vil only gMt vior Deefflffl ing Wbr bewye.v moub 1 wtitild like to thanir of my neigliboirs (md ) you for speaking ouat are a.ged botw..B 70 aaid abon utu* lwof diikW4l 90 plus years, wW to b. w*fti you r~eWu12in withot df4nkisI$ wat6t thes Iwie 16 lma%0 of The when the tenWepoatiafc is <CoaIpipon. 28 to 30 degrees ceIlss Wé are periodioaly get- cian bedaagous. t ssmanywnaSfrmil Quality driaIcing water our tolà a WI taps that is abasic right. wiil stin a toilet bowi in Our courîcillors are lulffantohm. always bickering about J lwvin a %eW bùld- possible probaleins as we We adady have a fb- lae - one lhat eat bc fixeo and if it's no donc now it wiII bc a w<)nI, Replace our an water suijply Ina. am d str oin there. ibis problem bas to, bu addesed. Rodr.y T. R4madoe THE GÀNADIAN CHAMPION Boa 248, 191 Main St. E., lia. Canlan Chumpion,. pubtisheti every Tuesday and Frlday Milton, Ont. L9T 4N9 it 191 Minf St. E., Milton, Ont., LOT 4N9 (Box 248), is onu of The. Metrotanti Pninting, Publishlng & Dfltlutltia Ltd. group of tub- @~O~i~A1urban compaflhes whlch includes: Ails I Pickiering News (905) 878-2341 Ativertiser: Allitos HerîldtCourier; Barrie Advînt.; Bramnfti Guardian; Burlingtofl Post; City Parent; Colllngwood I Wasfaa Editonial Fax: 878-4943 Connection; tai Yonk Mirror; Etobrcoe Guardian; Georgetownl Independiuit/ AMto Free Press; ingaton Tihis Weec; Undsay ibis Advertising Fax: 876-2364 Wuc; Macithan Econonlat & Sun; Midt J Penetangulshelu Classified: 875-3300 Miror; Misslssauga News; Newmniklet I Aurora tr& Banner; Northumbelanid Nues; Noth York Mirror; O&Ule haer; Orili Ian Oliver Pfflisher Today; Oshawa I Wtultby I Clarington I Port Perfy Tihis Week; Peterborough Titis Weec; Richtmond HUI1 I Thornil I/Vaughtan Neil Oliver Asrocîate Pisblisher Liberil; Scirborougit Mirror; Usbridge I Stoultville Tribune; Mi Begin General Manager TtidaY' Seniors. Rob ell Edtor Advetsing is accepted on thse condition fuit, in the ement of a &ob KeUy ypgrapical error, titit portion ai tite idvertising spice accu- Kma-en crosa Circulation Manager pied lty tite erraneous item, togetitur wlith a reisonabIe adtowance TeriCam ffic Mangerfor signature, will not lie charged for, but tite batie of the TaI cenen Office Ma avertivelsement wlBI bu pald for i tise appicbl rite. Tise publisuier Tien Colle. Pr(ductnon Manager reserves tise rlght ta citegorize advnrtisements or tiectine. Tone of letter uncalled for,. responds Sharp Dear Editor: I wouid like the opportunity to respond to a few points raîsed in the June 4 letter to the editor by Sharon Wilson, 'Carole Sharp was off base, says interpreter for the deaf . Ms Wilson, who is an Amiencan, Sign Language (ASL) interpreter, sent her letter to the editor after reading an article in The Champion on May 18, 'They wonry deaf face double standard'. As an ASL inter- preter, Ms Wilson tonk issue with what was said about ASL and with how communication with a deaf person was portrayed in the article. [n her lune 4 jettes, Ms Wilson ,cautioned me not to speak about tkIngs in which 1 have no back- ground. Unfortunately, she didn't clearly define background. I do have 22 years experience of work- ing and living with the deaf. My son of 22 is deaf and as a family we have always supported! our son and the deaf community. I am a menuier of the Milton Deaf Action opportunity as a volunteer to advo- cate for thse deaf. On May 27, thse MDAG hosted a business and service provider's information evening. The event offered information on strategies and resources for employing deaf people and on making businesses/services accessible to deaf consumers. I was requested by the MDAG to bc thse media contact for that event. During an interview with the media, I was asked about the busi- ness and service provider' s event and was also requested to speak about my personal experiences as a parent of a child who is deaf. i spoke front knowledge, experi- ence, frustration, concemn and love. At no time did I mean to imply that deaf people are less able or lest intelligent than a person with hear- ing capabilities. They are as diverse in skilI and ability as their hearing counterparta. Ms Wilson's letter was welcome. helped to provide an understanding of deaf culturefissues to the hearing public. The torne of ber letter, how- ever, was destructive, hurtful and flot welcome. If there were mis- takes or errors in my interview, then make the correction, but do it in a constructive maniner. I will continue to give 111Y personal time and energy to working witb and for tihe deaf community. I will proba- bly make mistakes. If I do, 1 need to hear about it but in a respectful manner. I know that deat people want to participate in and give back to their community as parents, citizens, workers, business people, service providers, consumera and volun- teers. To make this happen, deaf and hearing people have to, work together. We should ail be working together for one common goal, inclusion, and for this we need everyone's support and help. carol Sharp Mil1ton Pud by Steve Nease