4 - The Canadien Champion, Tuesday, Juna 29,1999 Rocker is ready to help celebrate( By IRENE GENTLE The Champion Fresh from a month-long Australian tour, Milton rocker Jennalynn Flesch has botha new band and a recording session lined Up. She'll also be performing from 3:30 to 5 p.m. at the Canada Day celebrations in Milton. Sheill chase that with a July 11 gig at Charley Fitzwhiskey' s. The tlurry of activity cornes after Ms Flesch's for- mer band decided to follow up the Aussie expenience by hitting the road in a whole different way. In other words, they quit. She responded by throwing together a new band with Georgetown boys Mike Daquano on bass, Thom Hastings on guitar and Andrew Little on drums. Ms Flesch herself pitches in with the Iead vocals. She also plays guitar. flute, saxophone and "any- thing else 1 can get my hands on," she said. Though ail the naines but one have changed, the band will continue to be known as Flesch. Not long ago, the freshly formed Flesch tested their talent in a competition at the Main Street Station in Orangeville. They acquitted themselves, as it happened, rather well. "We had played together three days and we came second in the competition," satd Ms Flesch. "So we must have been damn good." They were good enough to netsa producer the same night. Her name is Karen Kane and she bas "produced Tracy Chapman and everybody else," said an exciîted Ms Fich. at happened is Ms Kane beard Flescb play in the MIjoy ce Scott is 7anada Day recording. "She said 'I don't care wbo wins this competition. 1 want you,"' said Ms Flesch. As a result, the band is now busily recording their second independent CD. The first sold out and is in its second run, tbough Ms Flescb can't recaîl how many copies were presscd atsd sold. After ber privately-funded Australian tour, Ms Flescb appcared just as forgetful of ber homegrown bolidays. "Wbat do you caîl the July 1 holiday liere9ý" she wondered during an interview. She does know that the new CD will be recorded in part at Adrenaline Studios in Georgetown. That's the saine place she cut ber tirst recording. The new CD wiIl feature 12 original songs by Ms Flesch, who doca not, she will tell you, sound at aIl like those other Canuck gais Alannab Myles, Amanda Marsall or Alanis Monissette. "I'm sick of people who say that," she said. "My singing style tends to corne from David Bowie or Don Henley." Flesch's straight-abead rock sound is influenced by other boy rockers such as Tom Cochrane, the Barenaked Ladies and Crowded House, said Ms Flescb. In the course of ber, carcer, Ms Flescb said she bas met and struck up a friendsbip with at least two of those rockers. Crowded House crooner Neil Finn is -sucb a sweet- ie," she said. "TFom Cochrane is a really good friend of mine. He bas my CD. He says be loves it. lauded for File photo by GRAHAM PAINE Local rocker Jennalynn Flesch wilI perfonTi during Canada Day celebrations et Rotary Park Thursday. Proud to be.. ~ Canadian VACATION PICTURE VWLL YOU - BE Nl THIS SUMMER? It may b. time for a coollng system check-up! NR CONDITIONING SERVICE Aý1 Have your air conditioning system IONTARIo'SI inspected and DRIVE serviced today by a ACCredited Test facitity. & Reair acilty*Licensed Technician on duty for both R 12 and the new R 134A Freo Ur[, her work with the disabled By IRENE GENTLE The Champion Tireless dedication to the severely disabled bas eamned Milton's Joyce Scott this year's Community Action Award from the Province. The Ministry of Citizenship, Culture and Recreation award went to 15 individuals or groups in Ontario wbo bave belped improve the lives of people with disabilities. "I was very privileged and bonoured to receive the award," s'aid Ms Scott. "I suppose I'm juat overwhelmed al the moment." Ms Scott was one of 100 nominees for the award througbout the province. She is also the founder of Joyce Scott Non-Profit Homes Incorporated, wbich established Deborab's Home in 1995. The residential home witb respite care for pbysically disabled young adulta is named afler Ms Scott' s daugbter. Severe cerebral palsy had previously taken the young Ms Scott out of ber home and into the cbronic care ward of Milton District Hospital for eigbt years. Deborab was the first resident of Deborah's home. Opening the home was the first step in Ms Scott' s two-part plan tu belp pbysîcally disabled adults remain independent. The second was to develop an attendant outreach service. se HONOIJRED on page 14 Joyce scott MILTON Dateline ONINE ls for E !N~no local commu- e 199 Final Tu iltl nity TxDepartfmt at groups theduidate to avoid to pro- -falt andondie first mote non- ON4 LOT 5H2 profit Bank of Montrcal. events. lt's free __________ charge.