Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 29 Jun 1999, p. 27

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The CanladIen Champion, ruosday, June 29, 1999-20 OAKVI LLE Qualifieci and computent in operating heavy construction equipment such as a bulldozers, f ront-ernd loaders, tractor backhoes, streut sweepers, etc., and auailiary attachments, you will be ruaponsible for the safe operation, maintenance, servicing and cleanliness of ail Public Works equipment used in penforming your duties. You must be au toast a high uchoal graduate and/or have equivalent training and enpurience, wvith preferonce being given to a certified Heavy Equipmunt Operator tram an accredited program. A proven ability ta perfarm wintur controt maintenance operations such as road . sanding, satting and anove plowving, an undorstanding of grade shoota and stakus, and expuriencu in using a backhoe in a public works environment are essential. The abitity ta aperate road grader equipment would bu an asset. A basic knawtiedge of the Occupatianal Health and Safety Act," a valid Ontario Clans AZ driver's licence andi a current driverls abstract are requirod. Yau must bu able ta wark shifts andfar an ntandby. An Equat Opportunity Employer, we invite yau ta farward yaur resumne, by July 16, 1999, ta the Human Resource Dopa.t..nt The CorporartIon et the Town ef Oekville, 1225 Trafagar Roud, PO. Box 310, Oakvlle. Ontario, Lii 5A6. Fax: (905) 338-4425. Personal information far thin applicatian la callectoci under the authority of the Municipal Act, R.S.O. 1990, c302 (as arrinded). We thank ail candidates for their interest; howew, only those applicants suect-eci for an interview vertu bu cantacted. Registered Nurse $20.69 - $24.29 per hour Use vour skilts and exjserience with the Minlstry cf the Solicitor Gemeral and Correctional Services at the Ontario Correctionat Institute, the Vanier Centre for Wonnen or the Maplehurst Correctional Complex, providing professional nursing services ta aduits and/or young offenders. Youwi. 1 assess patients' emotional/physical health problemrs; ptan, implemnent and evaluate carte with health-care professionals, clinical and correctional staff, emphasizing psychiatric nursing and health teaching. This is a contrac lor u ta six months. Locations: Brampton or Milton. Quallficatiens: current registration as a nurse in Ontario; Ontario certificate of competence; medical and psychiatric nursing experience; valîd CPR certification; knowledge of infectiaus/cammunicable diseases; ability ta work shifts. Resume and coveaimg lutter must be recelved by 4:30 p.m., July 12, 1999. Quotingz file SGCS-1 506, send te: Ella Stone, Human Reseurces Consultant, Miplehursi Correctional Centre, 661 Martin Street, Milton, ON L9T 2Y3. opotuit employer Ontarlo www.golobs.gov.on.ca 160 160 22m2 Office Hstp Office HoIp Auto service Auto Servie»' ACCOUNTING DEPARTMENT Long esablished Milon campany roquiren: One fuil-time Accaunta Payable Clarke One t ulI-time Accouning Personnel On. pant-fine accounin personnel. Att applicanis muni hune ai lest 3 yeara accoufliing naperience. Attracive salary, empinyne benefita. Muai bu computer linerain and be cuaiomnr orined io work in a very busy bai plennuni ulmouphere. Repty ouilining qualificaions, puni napurience and rulerunces. Rusumua witt bu accupiud nil JuIy 16, 1999. Fax: 905-875-3802 200 lister TUTOR-Cortitied tua- cher avaitabte ta tutor variaus subjecin and grade levain. 878-8338. BILLS AUTO 150DY SHOP Complote auto body and rottntshing sarvices 15 Ulplesng Nt., filton L<905) 878-2721 2m 230 Vehlcles Vehices For Sale Waffted 1970 CHEVY Nova,t $3000-$35, Cura wanî- cytindur, 2 door, bodi ed. 905-457-5713. Stop gruat shape, needr car theft, sailto l icunnec braken, irunk pan, ex recyctor. 905-457- cetteal projeci car 571e3. $1,600. O.bO. 693 0327. Dover Industries Ltd., is a food products and packaging company operuting throughout Canada & the U.S.A. having production tacilities in Ontario & Nova SaoaTh( RoW ni nnn'Bvnvliwarn livtsoni has ar îîîinhaln oppnltiiilly for an Intermediate Accounting Clerk ai il's Buriagion location. Neporilefui f.th Conftlibr, un. Lwmha iwifl pemrf " Accouais iteceivable journal entries and triai balances " Balance sheel accouai reconciliations " Support activities tor month -end ctosings " Cash allocation transactions " Collection and credit note activities " Prepaoe and analyze inoentory variances maintain standard cosis Au Unt aeeesfiul casEMate, yu poman " Post - secondary education in a relevant discipline " At letes Iro (2)yrs' eop. la ail, or mosi tuactions ot an accouniing dept " Excellent organization & communication ukiltu " Superior knowledge ut opreaduheet and word processing programa (Microsoft Office apptications preterred) " Experience an multi plant tood indusiry preterred Iterested candidates are iooiled to submit Iheir resumes, with a conering letier stating salary oupectations lu: Russas Ilesoures IaDfflut, DIome hnillstllas; Ltal. 4350 Harnester Rd., Burlingn, ON, L7L 5S4 Nu tetephone catis, or agencies please! candiat wît hae cellnrnlsh anugesitn teSK PC:ISER G CRPH-PINTS EDIARR Tpositio soae rinn uh ermnent psriion pendine aruoie rantl prhtiary peri e s the prtnily a arhlnt e tahoi n a ihtechl otioin ndorument. n sils Teid ail akintospicof pae solinofwre ondt FeminENTREPRENEURS. #ain T huaelsIncsrparatsd Part-UÎmo/uldme ta off- 16- 1075 North Service Rd. West etinvie gaw- Oakvitle, Ontario L6M 2G2 o naaielglcv E-mail: hr@tnrming.com e Fao: (905) 827-3166 erage. Camml$$ian$ Wî thank ail applicants, but pald dally. Training pro- oniy those to bu intorvrewd wil bu confacted vided. Taped message, 888-290-4494. MrJ» HOIJSE or T.H. inMlo Thi. CLu e orAnw for Augeant 1 or oailler. ThisCoud BeYou Ans er. Rofs. avaitabte (519) The persan we ara seeklng das flot need 766-9270. speclfc qualificatons but rathér be able ta PROFESSIONAL demnosstrate asatable hlatary wtth a persns transterrod couple ai business backgraund that Anducates perslstence and determunaton. tlram Ottawa. No peta. Laoking for house, Tis lis a Mui time position. Warklng from Augunt 1. §1-888- aur Inarangton office the Andivlduas traite 's 781-5111, Ken. ta totaily manage snd seMvce a base of long establlahed clients by phane. 0 SafetyCare lis an award wAsnling warld leader fo n An the paowth area ai Warkplace Health and Safety with appartuffitttm for indtvlduals ta 3 barJroom bungalow achAeve success under the umbrella ai a sale availabte Augunt. 1. secure and sucmaful ntenational Company. Non-umoker preterred. Remuneratlon consAsts ofis base salary and $1100. + utilitis. 878- commission, wAth potentAi earnAngs 2670. between 40K ta 60K per annssm. FRrn onr If you are nterested An a career change, hom +bdomn please Cai Ed Aasman at SafetyCare ta oe 34 miedrs, no dtucuss this oppartunAty An more detail. ies ie eio Campbellville. . $1,050. Telephosse: (905) 631-6070 par mo. plus utlîlîes. Finit & tant monlh's re- Car rM 9 CMo. i*t 727 2W0 Be aHeath are rofssinal ACTON, 3 bedtroomn l'Bea Hoith are rofeVictanian nemni $1,000. SPORTS INJURY MANAGEMENT Large 2 bedroamn spart- MASSAGE THERAPY ment w/basement, $725 clamsesaMeul sept -99 plan utilities. 519-853- ________________________ 5080 or 519-853-5352. 6 PERSONAL SUPPORT WORKER DOWNTOWN Milton Classes Seule AMu. 9, '99 onu budroom, upsauirs S api. Norpts $75 . tut- For Free InformatIon Brochure Caîl Us At: tin viale Auguni. (905) 632-3200 87095 F/flanciai Aid May Be Avalabie Make it IRICHARDSON CHEVROLET OLDSMOBILE To lease or purchase your car or truck Hwy 25 S. et Dorry Rd. 878-2393 SALS& LEASING NEW & USED 410 STEELES AVE. A FAMILV BUSINESS WITI FAMILY VALUES WE - BUV - SELI - LEASE LARGEST SELECTION 0F USED VEIIICLES IN MILTON 875-2277 $ MONEY ACCESS $ eNo credit Investigation eConfidentlaîlty e$1 0,00 and up Flnancîng Rtquirod ta be aaraved: *RRSP or RIF, LIRA, LIF ePensIon Fund tram ex-employer C.F.M. INC. Analyzsd by our consultants and referred for rapid financlal exscutlon CALL TOLL FREE: 1-888457-1062 Fax: 1-888-703-1492 24 Hour Service 7 Days A WS.k MILLSIDE TOWERS 82 MILLSIDE DR., MILTON, NOW LEASING 1 Bedroara avail- able an bus route, treshly docorateci, 2 applisacos, on-site laundry, idudes att utifitios (oxcopt phono & cablo.) Free parking, no pets. Roterencos mequirod. 905-876-1249 By appaintmoent only century homo, dlosa ta dowalawn, nharod kitchonibath, mature wor<ing tomnate pro- ferred. $450./monih. 878-6551. WATERFRONT Geor- glan Bay, western expa- aura, dock, nandy beach, ncreened roorn, large dack, open con- cept kitchen and living- room, 2 bedroomu and lot, 3 pioce bath. Clone ta ski hitîn. 1-1/2 hours trom Toronto. Mono in condition. Vury dlean. Must bu seun. Onty $121.000. Cai 705-538- 2164. 315 Commivercil, Indus. Properties REASONABLE Indus- tral Unlîn for ruai. 1.200 - 3,200 sq. fi. Loading docks & drive-in. 1-905- 277-9347 or 1-905-275- 6834. SMALL PRIVATE OF- FICE beautfully ap- painted, Hwy. 25 & 401. 1-905-277-9347 or 905- 275-6834. PRIVATE HOUSE SAkLE. Largo 4 bed- roa, finishod basa- nent & officeoan Claver Pare Crescont, Miton. Numeraus upgrados, immacutato. $265,000. Phono 878-9180. Celebratrng a Birthday Weddinig Ariniversaiy? Do you have Something To Buy? To Sel? To Trade? Are you looling For a New Home? an apartment? a townhouse? Want to SelI Appliances? Fumiture? Treasures? Need a new car? truck? boat? trailer? Phono the Classifieds 875-3300 210 Personl P RE GNA NT ? Decisions ta make? Cail un we'ro hars o 10mien. 875-1245. la ý 165 166 155 sldw 4111110 SWIled embdýHMP ý ý sww FWP

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