22-The Canadien Champion, Tuesdsy, June 146 145 Generai Qeneral Kulp Want.d Ketp Wanted Blue Beacon Truck Wash la now hirng, fuît fîs 8:00 ams - 4:00 pm and part-tirse 4:00 prs - 12:00 pm. The saccesafut applicants must ber flexible and abte toi work weeteends. WilI pay up to $9.00/hr. wif h incentive. Please apply in persan at 40 Chisholm Drive No Phone Catis Plasse raquirrs COUINTER HELP Att Shsifta. Paid training. Uniforme xupptied. Apply in person to: 8501 Hwy. 25 North, Milton 575 Ontario S, Milton 80 Market Dr., Milton TORONTO AUTO AUCTIONS 2 vacanciea currentto exist in tIhe Maintenance Departeent tan: FULI-TIME MAINTENANCE WORKERS - Muet bea quicix tearser. *Punctuai - Retiabte - Vatiri Ciase 'G" Drivers' Licence *Handy-ManlJanitoriat skitts a plas. starling rate: $8.50 per hour. Reoîew ater three mentha. To appiy piease cati Harry Perslsad or Alain Caittemer. 875-2915 'No Tuesday Catis Piease Isl EJRCEVE Fuit Mime Career Opportunity in aur pnc- ing/receiving dept. Succesaful appticant muet be abte ta, untoad shtpments of merchandise, price and co-ordinate the distribution of praduct to, thse sales taoon. Comprehensive benefit package avait- abte. Mal or fax yaur resumne ta: Schuyler Home Hardware 385 Steeles Ave. Milton, ON L9T 3G6 FAX: 8784049 Phone: 878-9222 School Bus Drivers Needed Milton & Georgetown Trin Now for September I deal for Homemakers and Early Retirees Call Laidlaw Transit 877-2251 Laidlaw Transit (e an equal opportunity employer TIRE persan needed N W HR G immeciiateîy, oresperi- N W HRN ence. Bring or fx ne- ASSISTANT MANAGER sume 10 Queen's Tire, $400/WEEK 387 Queen St., Actan. Nasqdenefeet.Vl Fax: (519) 853-3190, irain tully. Growting Ph. (519) 853-3940 et- Missisaua company ter houra (905) 794 rJds 22 peOple iMme 2718. atel. Enry Wl lhrough TORONTO Auto Auc- r12flflft MUt b Wll- lions requires Drivers. hig to work W91 opposite Please caît 875-2919 sex anldlioe rnuSic andi ask for John Parm i Ca) for an intervew or fax resorse ta 875- 905-828-6894 3219 (No Tuesday callu o &Te pleese.) Mo Te 29, 1999 45 3eneral ioIp Wanted 145 Genea Kelp Wmntd Oie of Canadas Premnier Construction Equipment Rentai Service Company's requi res a Rentai Counter Representative The Burllngton branch of Bstttefietd Equip- ment Rentais has an opening for a Rentai Counter Representative. This chattenging position requires a self- motivated, highty enthusiastic and per- sonabte individual, offening a varieci oppor- tunity ta daity routine. Must be able ta mark independently and have a morking knomtedge of computers. The hours miii be-long but the remords are great. vie aNaer excellent compensation, benefits and a pension plan. Join ou; team by sending your resume, sIating sal- ary expectations, in confidence: RE: Human Rexource Dept.-Buntington BATTLEFIELD EOUIPMENT R ENTA LS 4401 Hantester Raad Burlington, ON L7u 4X1 Fax# 905-333-1145 NO PHONE CALIS PLEASE We thank everyane veho appliex; onty those candidates selected for interviews witl be contact ed. LEASING. CLERK A weli esablrohed Ford Dearorslrrp has ai r owitlaIu openn lof a Leasing Cleîk, Oulues wiîl incluix preparation xl leasing contracîs and documents, accxuntîng journal entries, accountls receivable and collection, f leet sales paperwxrk, and other mîscella- nexus dulies. Basic computer knowledge reguireil We oller o compelttve solary andl benelitu package for the righi applicani. Inleresleil applicanis pieuse lxrward or fax youî resumne lu: OAK-LAND LINCOLN MERCURY 570 Trafalgar Rd., Oakville L6J 3J2 Fax (905) 844-4472 (no phone cal(s) Attn: Roger Durty, Leasing Manager AIMCO Serving Our Employees' Needs Please juin ostfor register for excellent luxg-term and temporaiy Ix permanent uppoiluxties: " Ceil. Reach Operators a Dockwxikers " Assembly Wxikerx e Shipper Receiver " Packagers e Machine Operators " Warehouse Wxrkers e ForklilI Operators *Positions in West Mississaaga & Oakvitte *At shits avaitabte and top rates paid * Benef it plan includes 100% dentat *Weekly draws for prizes * Direct deposil Corse appty minIs your StN card PHOTO ID! MISISUGA 700 Dundas St. E., Suite 10 (Dundas & Cawthra) 8AM TO 2PM, MON. TO FR1. L _ (905) 896-3181 DISPATCHER Our I-lton area client bas an immediate opening for a Dispatcher with 2-5 years enserience preferably with heavy trucks, liquid or dry balk. Effective communiica- tion, customer service andl organizatinal skilis required. Excellent salary and benefits offereil. PLEASE FAX RESUME IMMEDIATELY TO: (905) 333-5580 J ANKAR Human Resourcex Weoferuto re pen ena commsin;cer avace m renttr/Mant hencafxbe wnrko denual aend aoid enit proiruma. Do f (akorl &E Wte Frd Or.S te Coymora (905)9 OFALTON COQUNTS PRINN lue cuf r rett omi oiions; o avne for throgo t frtlAming:leilew uît &n ar lim erefi ptoynoneee (905)ll 693-71w Ci K :05 )89 Okil AttDe: (90)s 9-49 145 145 Gerierat Generral KeIp Wanted Htp Wanted FUILTIME DISPATCHER OAKVILLE LOCATION. Sfrxng communication okîtîs and corspatenrzed drspatcb experience an assel. Shfrtwxrk rnvxtved. Wages commen- surate mrth experence. RESUMES 8V FAX TO: 1-800-268-3179, or Local: (905) 849-6526 TRANSPORT SOLUTIONS Requires Qualified, Professional Tractor Traiter Drivers for Short Haul Bssed in Hamilton - Toronto area Home most nights & weekends. Long Haut Tractor Traiter Drivers $ New Pay Package $ Home evety weekend Cali: Patricia O'Nel @ 1 (800) 255-4473 CUSTOMER SERVICE FIELD INSPECTORS Lxoking for a number of Custorser Service/Sales on- exted individuats availabte immediately 10 wxrk ix the Grimsby, Hamilton, Milton area. Knowtedge of the cabte tv iodustry an asset, bot not required. Training provided Ix vain $750 bo $1000 per week. Must have a retiable vehicle, goxd drîving record and enjoy wxrking ouldoors with limited supervision. These are tempxrary fuli-time positions of approx. 2 montho duration . lnterviewiog 00W for work be- gioning Jxly 15/99. Fax or Mail resma te: General Manager Integrated Market Solutions Inc. 99 Bronte Road, Suite 530 Oakvie, Ontario L6L 3B7 Fax: (905) 825-8371 001>' fiose sefecled for ivterview wili be conlacled. SUMMER 15 BUSY We require protessional, couileous AZ & DZ Drivers *Must be team players *Full/ pail-lime avoulable *Lots xl houors e*Paid weekly/ Direct deposil *Benefits available @Great referral incenlives *No loocb lreight *Swilcheo *Excelleot cuolomers 'You've wurked loi the reol, ow work loi the besl" PRO EXRA (905) 789-8676 15015 Sales Help Sales, Help intermediate Inside Sales Ws seuk a sel-moiroali rodruudual who has the ahrlrly to commuorcale wrlh a diverse groxp of industries uni companîvo. The successiol candidate arîl bu ao enlhuoiasrc, well orgaoized leam playor. As usiersaodrsg of windows baseil computer oyolemrs & experiexce ro eguipmenl uni lucrlily mrarienance wxulil be an. assel. il you presently Rave sales experrexce or a ilesîre lx lauxch a career in sales, me wxuli like lx heur from e su use salary plus commission wrll be commensuiote wîlh your background andl experience. Apply attention B. Fergusus, Fax. 905-844-0347 or Ernail:btergusx@Dmegamationsfslerss.cum Web site:www.rseganiationsfsters cors 160 Office help 160 Office help 145 145 -eéa efl 14.lp Wmnted Hstp Wýantd LOT PERSON -lmîmrr -Ui u 1 IIML Var G dýri , vqww Maxi bu dependlable, coxscienolruo and vlllrxg Io leurs as wv wiii trois the rrghl persox. P/T RECEPTIONIST Mon-Thors evenrogo 4pm-Opm & Saturdays 9-6pm Forward resume Attn: Jack Rudnlcki Kerr Cadillac Pontiac Buick Inc, 410 South Service Rd. West OakviIIe, Ontario 16J 5Ci Fax: (905) 845-4394 %JOBS *< JOB ' JOBS *PICKERSI PACKERS *ASSEMBLERS S HIPPERSI RECEIVERS *FORKLIFT DRIVER Miton, Burllngion, Dakillie locationls. Safety boots req'd, Transportatixon necvssary, Psy rate $9-$10hr Appty aI 2289 Fairview St., Unit 106, Barlinglon or caOl 034-4445 or fax 034-0011 slamfng Oerviceç - Equol OppoflenOtY Eapfayar - LCOME$l AGON' " New in town? " Getting married in 3 months or more? " Having a baby? " Establishing a new business? PLEASE CALL US: community Welceme Linda .... 854-1563 Marilyn . . .875-0519 Bridai Shirley ...878-7046 Baby Tracy L. . . 876-4330 Business/ Prolessioital Pat..876-4040 lin, is a brand new concept ta Oakvifle! Its a full service restaurant complixnentedi with a sports bar lounge and patio. We are looking for exciting and innovative people who are committed to customner service excellence. **Now Hiring Ail Positions** FOR OUR BRAND NEW LOCATION IN OAKVILLE AT Wl NSTON CHURCHILL & OEW NEXT TO THE AMO 24 THEATRE Ass't Managers e Supervisors Servers e Bartenders e Dishwashers Hosts/Hostesses e Line Cook Supervisors PLEASE APPLY IN PERSON.... Wed. June 3Oth to Sun. JuIy 4th, 2pm ta 5pm, at: 2011 Winston Park Dr., Oakville (No phone cal/o piease) Tali Tree Lumber Company is a wbolesale lumber company located ix Oakvîlle 1h01 bas an opening on the Traffic Oepartrsenl. The ileal canidate wrll have rie years of receni office experrence and piovide assrstance lx the Tralîrce Oepailmenl. Outres lx include Ireigbl pafables, moniroing saril cois, laxing, luling and varrous other office dues. This rs as ival uppoilunily for an indrurdual who wxulil thio os the challenges uni exilemesi ol a buof leam envirxnmexl. You wrll be computer Ilerale, have goxi problein sxlving abriires, superror communicaion uni rrriurperonal skills as well as an excellent aptitude loi figures, An accunils payable hackground would bu an assel. We offer a compeiîrve salary uni huselîls. Osaiîrei appircasis are roorlCd to deîrour or mail lherr reuxors 10 TALL TREE LUMBER COMPANY 481 Mordes Rd., Unrit 2, Oakville, On L6K 3W6 Atllntroný Office Manager 160 0" wp Chainr reqrlorril EXPERIENCED BOOKKEEPER st not leus thax 5-7 yers experience. The succesolul applicant must have total larsiliariy wifh AccPac P-eEcelk MS Word. Payrxll toi approx. 125 andl stafersents lx trial balance are basic Ix Ibis position. Fow.r resume lx: TII NMIIIS SIIOUP 328 Speers Rd. Oakville, ON L6K 3FI9 INDIVIDUAL raqaîred for data entty and gent- eai office luies. Muet have computer expeni- ence and exceptionat organizatiana ekitîs. Mechanica experience woutd be an asset. Fax resurse ta (905) 876- 3926. More ffice elW Iclassîtledmî on expageJ IT'S GARAGE SALE SEASON. Phon Our Clsstiwd Daportmant It Il 875-3300 to book jours toimyl