Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 29 Jun 1999, p. 25

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mhe Canedian Champion, Tueedey, June 29, 1999--21 HfOURS '4rl Ciassirieci MONDAY TO FRIDAY a s s ie9:00 AM - 5:00 PM ir i d Se Toda'ý Champion for our new Milesiones" section. To announce your special event, cali The Championsý CIassified YOUR CLASÇIFIID If TLNE 8,75a3300 T* Departmeni ai 875-3300. In Memoriams In MenmdMlf (IEÇ///;/IZçffflU2X LANZO - Jae and Mariha are very praad ta annaunce the arrivai ai Jaseph Agastin, weigh- ing 7 iba. 7 az., an Jane 16 ai Guelph Generai Haspitl., Praad grandparenta are Peter and Agnea Nan ai Kenivilie, N.S. and Agastina andl Clark and ail the wanderiai nurses. ROSIELLO-Nicholaa and Pamn are praad ta annaunce the birlt ai Iheir dear sen, James] Nichalas Luas ai Jaseph Brant Ho-itala an Jane 18,1999 ai 2:39 am. Weccmed wiih greai jay by tirai lime grandiparents Vittoria and Raber- ta Rasielia. ai Campbcilvtie and Jirs and Caral Davidaan ai Thander Bay. Firal greai-granchild la Anne Sutciiie o Bracebridge and Rana La [cas of Thander Bey. Thanka la, Dr. Rabinsen, Dr. [Wu and OB staff. mhe Canadian Champion wiIl b. CLOSED CANAA DAY THIJRSDAY, JULY 1, 1999 The Deadmine for mhure, JuIy 1 paper wifl be Tuesday at 3:00 pmn mhe Chiampion whii re-open Friday, JuIy 2 et 9:00 arn ENGAGEMENT 1Toin & erna Hotldtrieft are pluîed tir uaîrethe eagageinenl of ihelr daiiglter Lynn tir Ruer Lune, son oifPRussell and Sadru Ldine. %eddrag lui take plauce Nîîuemaer 6, 1999 ENGAGEMENT 30 30- GOLOW, Vers - Peaceflly at the Geargetawn thany Golasi Laving mather ai Gerge and hie lriend lirene af Mississauga, Nettie and her hua- band Aies Meinidhak ai Oakviiie, Henry and hie wivie Carraile ai Narval, Uillian and her hasband sStephen MInicliak ai Adrian, RA. aise iavedb 13 grandciidren and 29 greai grandciidrer. Sarvived byher aistera Martha Masaika ai Nar- val and Mry Cymbaiak ai Taranta. Fanerai Service sias heid an Manday, Jane 28th et New Lufe Pentecastai Charch Mn. Inierment lai- iawed in Giendale Memoaa Gardens, Rexdale. Speciai ihanksia Dr. J. Chang, Dr. Zenni and the excellent nursing siaff ai the haspital.Arrange- merda thraagh the J. Scatt Eariy Fanerai Hame, 21 James Street, Mitan. LLIAMS, Kslhryn Janet - Very aaddeniy an $atarday, Jane 26th, 1999, ai the Milan Districi IHaspitali n her 55th year. Kalhryn WAlliams, mach loved wiile ai Douglas. Laving mather ai Kaile and Sean. She taached the lives ai many itit her genaine cae and cancera. She iil be deepiy missed and warmiy remembered. Fends may visil ai ihe McKersie-Kocher Faner- ai Mame, 114 Main Street, Miltan iram 2-4 and 7- 9 p.m. an Taeaday. Fanerai Service Weldnesar, Jane 301h, 1999 ai 2:00 p.m. ftam Si. Paulas United Charch. Interment ta ialaow ai Evergreen Cemeiery. Thase siha wish may make danatians ta, the Hallsn Chapter ai the Maftple Scierasia Society ai Canada ar the Aaaiiiery ai the Miltan District Hospital. "Let ga and lui God" CI Stra i n 190 Ontario St, Milton 878-6522 Monuments Markcrs - Bronze Markers Ccmetcry Lettering REMEMBRANl"'CES'Q: in the form of donations to The Milton District Hospital Foundation are appreciated. ADAM, James- In laving memaiy ai a dear faiher, grandpa and greai-grsndpa wha pasaed away Jane 30,1998. Gone are the days wie used ta share but in aur irearts you are always ihere. The gaies ai memary will neyer close, We misa yau more than anyone knows, With tender love and deep regret, We wha lave yaa will neyer farget. Always remembered Doug, lan, Andy, Jlm and aur familles DUKE, Alan - In iaving memary ai a apeciai husband and father who eai as Jane 29, 1994. A page in the boak ai memary Siientiy lama ta-day We remember yau in silence And make na aatward shaw Bat what il meant la lase yau No one will ever knaw Lovingiy Remembered and Sadiy Missed, Sandy, Ryen, Shannon and Adsmn HARINGA, Fred-In loving memary ai same- one vcry special who leit as an Jane 30, 1995. Gad saw he was getting iired and a cure was nat ta be, Sa He put Mis arma araand hlm and whispered came wilh me. Wrth lear fiiied eyes, we walched hlm iighting, And Ihen drilt away, Aithaagh, we lavedi hlm deeply, We cauid nat make hlm stay. A golden heart stapped beating Hardwarking hends were put la resi Gad brake aur hesrts ta prave ta us, Me aniy lakes the besi. Lovlngly remembered by reffe Flm and sons, AI, Clarence, Fred, Ron, David and familles WHALEN, Icenneth - JuIy 1, 1997. In iaving memary ai Kennelil Whaien, a dea hasband, father and san-in-iaw. Thase we aove dont ga away, They waik beside us every day, Unseen, anheard, but aisisys near, Sa iaved, se missed, se veiy dear. Forever In aur hearta unda, sandy à Ul CAT -ail black, maie, Persian-croas in the vicinhty af Mary and Branle St. Righi ear la toin. Answers ta "Spaaky». 878- 2959/878-4015. ISAT., I598 JOY 102 STRAVi PICK Y( AT 'CHAS. Bob & M~ 15 slderoad, 1 mndc wE veway Weai of RR trac 8A.M. TO Weather & ca 1877 AIR CONDITION 8,000 BTU Emera quiet, coal, 2 yeara $400. BO. 878-26 RAGE SALE JULY 3 CE BLVD. )f itemis !BERRIES )UR OVIN GREG FARMe &bel Devolin of a Trafalgar Rd., 3rd s.Frac Recrpe 8 P.M. DAILY nddfiana permiltiflg -7484_ 1 ý -,\ i ý L- -ý ý,, ý-, LI I 1,(MT li >1 101, For Sal CARPET Carpet. i have severai thauaand yadsa nec Siainmas- erad100% nylan car- pet.i1wili cerpel your liv- igroom and hail for $349. Price inciadea carpel, padi and installa- lion. (30 sq. yards). Steve, 905-7639-2902 FOR sale cemping eqaipmerd; Reese hitch equalizer lita 2" receiv- er; 19 gal. drain cater tank, , ate-alang blue tank, Fih cheel tailgate rdas GMC or Chev 1988 & ap; aalid aak end ta- bles. Cail 878-3013 any- ime. FOR SALE cal unit, 3 picainciades china caie.Cail 878-0635 alter 2:30 pmn. SAVE UP TO $1000,16 il. X 24 il. a.d. recianga- lar abave graund Kayak Paals. Inciading decks, iencinq, lier, 2 iaddera, sand huler, pamp & ma- lar etc. $5,995. 1-800- 668-7564. 1999 MS, Grada/cal- iegeltJniveralty stadenîs $13,05 ta ataril 50 FTIPT immediete apen- ings. Carparate achar- ahipa avaliebie, training pravided. Fan teain ai- masphere. 634-8409 www.warkiarcestud- enta.corn/an CARPENTERS Meipera reqaired far new resi- dentiai exteriar trm. Full lime haariy pasitians. -Wage depending an ex- perience. Vehicie a muai. Wark la in the rgreaer Trnta are. Caii(905) 335-0337, ieave message. DRIVERS reqaired im- mediatey. Quailice- tiana: Vaiid drivera lic., clear driving recard, ral- able transpartatian. Caniact Yard Manager far application: Taranto Auta Aucian 8277 Lacaan Rd., Miltan, L9T 5C7, 1-800-667-4656 ER ext. 361. on, old EXPERIENOED kitchen 70. heip wanted. Caunter & grill. Full time, cee- ]kenda incladed. Phane 854-0.1 FIREWOOD - yaa cen Ipick ap 4-8 ail yaa can put an yaar 1/2 ian. $50,00 ar $105.00 basit card deiivered cal and aplit. $175.00 bush card Ideiivered. Ail hardwaad. I878-8251 LOCAL area business la accepting reaumes for a Truck Driver aid Crane Opemar. Local rana, home every nighl. Mast have Ciss A l- cense with dlean ab- stract, baam/crane an- perience an asaci. ITraining avalebie. Comn- Ipeiive raies and bene- I its. (905) 826-4252. Bob ar Pele. dri- reqaires Part lime pur- sens for ail shifis. Muai be avalebie far week- days & weekends. Sab- mit resame ta: 235 Sleeiea Avenue., Miln.

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