Speed issue to be looked at in future . -from ATRUCKonlpage 9 diately. The rest of committee put tbe brakes on that proposai by defeating it soundly. Mayor Gord Krantz said bis vote would be to revisit tbe speed issue once tbe road reconstruction is complete. "If it requirea it, we'i do it then," be said. "We do bave sorne probierns now witb speed lirnits that are too low." Drivers need consistency wben it cornes to road speeds, said Councillor Brian Penrnan. "I tbink we're atarting to corne danger- ouaiy close to a cbeckerboard pattern," be said. "You can't bave moads tbat are 60 and 80 at the capriciousness of sorne lobby- i ng." Lowering speed limita wili only increase traffic tie-ups in tbe ares, said Mr. Penrnan. "We're suffering gridlock tbrougbout ail of Milton," be said. "Tbere are tirnes when you can ait at rural intersections for 25 midnutes now." Councillor Rick Maiboeuf added tbat lowering speed limita means notbing if the police presence isn't available to enforce it. Ai of 'that is juat miasing tbe point, said Ms Lunau. "In order to defend rny arnend- ment, I'd auggest tbat we're doing tbia backwards." Sbe recommended that the speed be reduced now. Tben, wben the road is safer, counicil can consider raising it back to 80 kms per bour. 'Tbis is not a safe road to be going 80," abe said. 'Tbe road conditions tbemselves warrant 60." Cornrittee also tumned down a request for an all-way stop ai Twiss Road and Steeles Avenue. Traffic volume at tbe intersection ia too iigbt to justify it, aaid the Town's engineering services coordina- tor, Phil Antonio. He auggeated tbat rumble strips be put in the ares instead.