14 - The Canadian Champion, Tuesday, June 29, 1999 Dateline Dateline is a free listing of coming events only. The col- umn la available f0 local community groupa f0 assist in pro- moting their future events. Only charitable or non-profit community groups may use this service. We can only guar- antee one issue of publicity closest f0 the date of the occur- rence although more insertions are possible if demand is l0w. Notices for Dateline should be handed in at the office of The Champion, 191 Main St. E., mailed to P.O. Box 248, Milton, Ont., L9T 4N9, or faxed to (905) 878-4943. The final deadline is noon Friday for Tuesday's edition and noon Wednesday for Fniday's edition. Dateline items will not be accepted by telephone. Tuesday lune 29 A free men's greup on how to handie stress meets at the Harrop Cottage on Steeles Avenue at 7 p.m. For more informa- tion, caîl 878-8161, ext. 1. Friday July 2 The Milton Seniors' Activity Centre, 500 Childs Dr., hosts the Anniversary Celebratien - five years at its current location. Summer barbecues are kicked-off at lunchtime. Tickets coat $4 for a hamburger or sausage plus salad, beverage and dessert. The Victorian Order of Nurses holda a foot care clinic at the Milton Seniors' Actîvity Centre, 500 Childa Dr., from 1 to 4 p.m. For more information, cal the centre at 875-168 1. Monday Jnly 5 The Milton Seniors' Activity Centre hoats a trip to Casino- Ramna in Orillia. The bus trip fee of $7 includes transportation and lunch. The cost for non-members is $12. Caîl 875-1681 to sign up. Monday July 5 - 8 The Vacation Bible Cirais takes place at Sam Sherratt School, 639 Laurier Ave., from 10 a.m. to noon. The event, sponsored hy Oak Tree Baptiat Church, includes games, snacks, music, -crafis and Bible atonies. For information, caîl 875-3060. Acton bar hit Investigators in Acton seek information that could iden- tify whoever was responsible for a burglary ait a downtown bar a couple of weeks ago. At 3 s.m., Tuesday, June 15, staff locked Manny's Roadhouse Club Remedy on Mill Street. When they retumned at 5:45 that momning, they found a rear door had been'fored. When they checked the interior, it was learned that sound equipment, liquor and some cash were stolen. Police would like to speak to two men seen in the bar at closing time. Both were white, about 20 years old, five- foot-nine with slim to medium builds and huzz cut hair- styles. One called himself Tom, and was dressed in a dark t-shirt. The second male callied himscîf Mike. Mike had a tattoo of a leaf on an arm and a lion on his stomach. If you have any information that leads to an arrest in this or any other case, caîl 1-800-222-TIPS or 825-IIPS. Scott is honoured for quiet work - from DISABLED on page 4 That allows the disabled to ive in iher own homes with the help of a visiting attendant. Everything from bathing and dressing clients to cleaning homes and cooking meals la considered a part of attendant ser- vices. Ms Scott is hoping to open other similar homes in Ontario. "We would prefer it in the Halton area but we have to go where we can get land," she said. "There are 50 many young people in need of a home." Waiting list Currently, Deborah's Home has a wait- ing list of 15 people. The awards were handed out last Wednesday (June 23) in the lobby of Queen's Park. Lieutenant Govemnor Hilary Weston was on hand at the ceremony, as was Helen Johns, the new citizenship midnister. Deborah was also there, to ]end her Da"ncc Slioppe 773 Main St. S. Unit #3 878-1488 lhu* Yeu for a o Wu Cod a Hame a5d"oMWdHqW &samsr Mini and Junior 0905 5 yeors ta 12 ybars MonclayiJuly 12th to Fn<ily u 6tl 1999 9:00 arn t0 5:00 Pmn $150.00 plus GST for tihe weulc or $45.00 plus GST 6or a day Int.rnwdat and Senior 0906 13 and over Monda Auguut 16 t.l Fridoay Auguit 20t 1999 9:Oo am to5:00 Pm $1 50.00 plus GST for the weslc or $45.00 plus GST for a day enthusiastic endorsement when Ms Scott's namre was called ouet for the award. "Our Deborah did a cheer and everyone looked at her," chuckled Ms Scott. Though she will treasure the framed cer- tificate she received fmom the Prcvince, the pnivate rewards were even better, said Ms Scott. Touched by it They came from the many people in the community who rallied around Ms Scott's nomination with letters of praise and thanks. She also received personal testimonials from her daughter and other residents of Deborah's Home. 'II wasn't expecting that," said Ms Scott. "That was very, vety touching." Town Councillor Cindy t.unau. She became acquainted with Ms Scot( through the Milton Business Women's Breakfast meetings five years ago. "To me, she has always been someone with such energy and positivism," she said. Ms Lunau said she has been impressed with the way Ms Scott has taken her con- cern over her daughter Deborah and extended it to others with disabilities. "She just went beyond. She could have stopped, but she kept going," she said. "She kept making it accessible to other families." Th'e nomination was supported by a slew of area notahles, including MP Julian Reed, MPP Ted Chudleigh, Mayor Gord Krantz and former Mayor Mike Ledwith. MELTON - Tour home has only one chance to make a good first impression. The secret to getting tIhe most for your home when you sell is to spend some time and effort beforehand gettîng it ready to seil. Industry insiders have releasé.d a FREE report that details 27 free and easy fixups that will help you to seli your home for thse best price. Ail ;~ou need to invest is some time and some elbow grease! Discover how you can sîmply and T1 miiu,pu, of uChm eNud M vBm uBlWiLs- A~~~4 'd.T.eu quickly 'wow!' the prospective homebuyers with these basic chores. Get the whole familly involved in making a huge success out of your home-selling experience. Leamn what tbings buyers really see when they are viewing your borne. Before you list your home, be sure that you cal to"y and erder your cepy of thi Speciol Report. Cmli 24 hours/17 days 1-888475-8645 and ask for ID# 1008. Speak to no agent. M 6we Rca cupe VC,.,uP=Wt 1097 page in the June 2511 edition of the Canadian Champion should have read Marion Healy R.N.C. The Champion regrets any inconvenience this may have caused. -Fishingfun Bronte Creek Provincial Park invites you to get Hooked on Fishing. The conservation ares is encouraging current and potential anglers of ail ages to attend instructional.seminars this Saturday and Sunday fmom noon to 4 p.m.. Participants can learn many facta about equipment and hait as vieil as fishing regu- lations and safety. For the young ones, there will be numer- oua activities, including a special fshing competition. Visitors can also take in Bronte's living history museum, where costumed histori- cal interpretera give tours of a tum-of-the- century farm house. Bronte Creek is located between Burlington and Oakville, juat north of the QEW on Burloak Drive. The park is approximately half-a-kilometre north of the QEW on the night hand (eastem) aide. 'I ADVEMUIEMENT 27 FREE & EASY FIXUPS To SeUl Your Home For The - Best Price CORRECTION The ad which ran on "Focus On Health" Dr. Grant Woodall & Staff would like to welcome Dr. Sheila Wong to his practice. Dr. Wong practices Ai aspects of dentistry. Dr. Wong looks forward to meeting Ai our patients. New patients are welcomed. Early morning and late evening appointments are available. Welcome to our practice! Dr. Woodall and Staff