Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 25 Jun 1999, p. 30

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26-The Canadian Champion, Fniday, June 25, 1999 LEASING CLERK A oeil-establîshad Ford Deaalrshîp l)as anii mîiedîvre . ~ ~ jjpJ~ openîng for a Leasing Cterk. Caties witl inclade preparatios ut leasing custracis and documents, Wo are a fuit mainenane liasse compssy, accouniting seurai enîrîns, accoests receivabie anrd collection, Ileet sales papermorli, and other mîscel ta- specializisg te Ciass 7 and 8 usils. Due 10 neous duties. Basic computer knoierige requirexi. coelisued gromlh me roquire: We offer a -competitine saiary and beselils package a Licensed Cluse "1A" for tbe riglit upplicant. Inîeresîed applicanîs please Heavy Truclk Mechunica tormard or lau pour resumne toi: Appticants must have e minimum OAK-LAND LINCOLN MERCURY 5 years exporience. 570 Trafalgar Rd., Qakville L6J 3J2 eMobile Mechanics Fax (905)-844-4472 (no phene catis)- mith truck and traiter experienco to Atts: Roger Oarfy, Leasing Manager operate nom service rucks e Reefer Mechanes mith 3 la 5 years expenienco Prism___ Chemicals Sales/Business OSIportunity We are looking for Independent Sales Agents/Distributors to market our nataral enzyme based PrismCarenM Restroom Deodoring Produclu aed our poemîem PrismCareT' Hand Care Products to business. If you are a sales professional with an entre- preneurial spirit, you owe ilt b yourself 10 explore te excilang full-time of part-lime opportunities me have 10 offer. Mlease fax resume to: Attn: Felix Borges or Fax (905) 337-0328 or Cali (905) 337-1874 Retail Sales Clerk 24 hrs/wk, Days Harris Stationery Lited] 182 Main St. Milton Apply in person wllh Resume 10 Mr. Steve Bonin DESIGNER! SALESPERSON Oakilites mxxi ap te date refait showrooim ix seeking ao experienced, quaitied. protessiona kîlchen and bath designer/ salespersas te beip handie xci in- creased volume. Mid fo bîgli end caliinetry, hîgb vo- lume, baxy shxwroum. Top commissions paîd. 20/20 computer design a plus. Smnd resume to GAKVILLE KITCHEN CENTRE 599 Thîrd Une, Oalcviie, ON LOBL 4A8I FastI LTD.,n Semayrers ahned deale reare part ieSes Asii or majaH/Cso appaces asud fas & narden e iiit an t diitrain.Dr v esa Sear, tios. 110NpsigRaMCs Du or growing sîzie wa r le adas e on tra . L rprGibson 878-1672.Ko.1-0 ipsin oaMiln ie use faxin rsme tear (95878-67 NEEOned T-Fler Weea, ig &o stag ainum, as mel forcustablie mark. 1-0066-734 aext11 e Wash Bay Personnel Full and Part-Uime positions available for aIl positions If you are interested in joining a growing company that provides top wagea, bene- fits and flexible working conditions please cati our Service Dept. 905-693-0505 or Fax Resume to Dive Thomas et (905) 693-9157 (10) PA UNE & RELEASE TECH. a (3) PRODUCTION TEAM LEADER Mushavo *Good command of the Engiîsb Lsngaagt *Attention te detais :Excellent math skiiis, min, grade 12 *Workîng knowiedge of cemputers *Abie toi maniage multiple tasks *Team player 0 Must be able to work 3 shifts Fax rmes. te <905)678-3472 et mil ume te: Ainctu.de af OAnserng C tponesr Proucin assrsting management in various rotes. This ta a part time position with compelitivel compensation. Experience with PC's, Intemet, office software is requlred. Apply in writing to: MTM Group 440 Harrop Dr., Milton, ON L9T 3H2 Fax: 905-875-3225 ACCOUNTING DEPARTMENT Long estabtished Mitton compsny reqeires: One fuli-elme Accounts Payable Clerk One fuli-time Accountlflg Personnel One part-time accouinting personnel. Att applicanta must have aisanat 3 yesrs sccnunring expenience. Attractive satary, emptoyes benef ils. Masr be computer titerste aend be ceatomer orieteci re wnr sn s very besy bur pieasasi smosphere. Repiy outiining quatifications, pasi experience and refereecea. Resames wiil be accepted unrit Juiy 1e, 1999. Fax: 905-875-3802 BOOKKEEPER/ ADMIN ASSISTANT Bookkeeper/ Admis. Assist. witb geserai accaantîng ksawiedge is reqaîred immediaieiy for ýSaciai Service Agency in Bartingion. If is essentiai ibai applicasts have eaperience and snund knawiedge of AccPac Pius-GL, and Microsoft Office. Must have a oaiid drivers tîcense and access ta a vebicie. Please submit yaar resume by Jane 30,1999 ta: Executive Director - Summit Ilius Fax: (905)-333-6782 We tbank ait appiicants, bat oniy baose sefecfed for as interview wii lie contacted. VElA CROUP INC., as international, dysamîc, rapidiy grnwing autamafîve manafaciaring compariy iisted in tbe Fisasciaf Pest 500 bas an immediate ENTRY LEVEL POSITION opesing ai lheur corporate office iacaied sn Oakoiif e. Veetra Grsep is a public caompany witb 26 facitities waridide. Reeteirements for ibis position inciade: asioersity or eqaivaiesi, fluent in Germas and/ or Spansal, warking ksawtedge of Windows '95/ Office 97 or ix euvteinaen and a mis. of tbree years office eaperienoe.i This ls as oppsrtaniiy ta lois a company with iota ai oppartaniiy & grawtb patestiat. Fax resumne attention Yvette Alonso (905> 338-6632 Na catis or persosai applications wiii be accepted. Onfy those accepted for interviews utl lie csntacted. Madison Chomical Industries lac. is Norah America's tastest grawing mantîfaclitrer of high performance prof lîive coatings, We aie seeking a SALES SUPPORT SECRETARY to voin sur team. This persan will pravîde pradaci and service excellence by as- sisting aur sales, marketing, and customer service teams carry out their corporate asd daîty departmestai objectives. A dipisma or certiticate in business admrinis- tration asd refated experience are re aieets of this pasihon, as weIi as saperior communication, arganizatianai, asdýCrski Ils. We aller attractive career growtti oppartunities ai vsg wiih a campetitive compensation package. inierested candidates shaaid tarward their resame ta: Human Resources Madison Chemical Industries Inc. a 490 McGeachie Drive Milton, Ontario L9T 3Y5 Fax (905) 878-1449 Wethank aff appt icants, frowever, anly thase who are sefected for an interview wilt t e contacted Junior/intermediate Accountant 2nd or 3rd tevet CGA or equivaient: tor sat faxt-growing csmpaxy, with entrepreneurial environment. fipyou ahv obnife change, are oery flexibe and *hands-on', you wiii enjxy ibis oppodunity. A set id grasp xl basic acceuhting ix required; espeni- esce in payrxf t, accuaits receivabte and credit woeid lie as asset. tlepsrltxg is the tisanciai manager, re- sponsibulities inctude: day-to-day lixskkeepiso/ ac- cxanting, NIl collections, Innoicisg. Payroli liack-ap iicuigf ll arI respeoxiuility fxr maiemity teave Oct.99~ Mar.00), adAcutrcniito fxr xeverat compariex. CPL Syxteax ix ax organization final encxurages and xupports perxxnai andi proeesionai growth. To pursue Chia opportunity please fax your resume to: K.Bocking at (905) 875-2125 WANTED-AiI aiound offc person with excellen computer siOs. Exet Accpac WordPerfect order processisg,, shipping, inventory, etc. Must lie ale le woreunder pressure. Sesd resumes 10: Etton Mfg.., 886 Nipissing road, Mutasn L9T 4Z9. bheIpDiHËK HeIpDESK Techssixgy Corporation ix Northi Arnrix taxtesi growing develxper nf bel p rlex son«.re apptications. Dur clients tartue Fortune 500 coapa- nies, hoxpîtaix, I sasci ainsxitutios, communication gianis, ail liranchies et the armed forces andi Tbe Enecutîne Off ce et the Prex dent of the United Stafes. Located in Oakville, me require a: W@bMatu The setected candidate stl lie responsile for ait aspects at our cnrparate internet site, nciuding: " Overati grapbîc design and tayout " Creatisg and maintaising H-TML pages " Grapbîc creatias and manipulation " Maintenance ut T/OlS Web Server " Site optimizafian tram a basdwidtb standpaînt " Assîsting in the redesîgn aI the Web Interface for aur hetp desk produci E-mail your resume & xaiary expectations to: mebmaster@helpstar.com Visit our mebsite et: mmm.helpstar.com BABYSlTTING avait- able sn my home. No pets. Non-smoker. 693- 9215. EXPERIENCED day- care, Mother eftwIo. Creative crafis, ouliegs, sulnîtious lunches, ba- bies weicome. 876- 0620. EXPERIENCED clean- ing lady avatialile. Quai- ily cieaning. Reason- able raIes. References avaitable. Cati Delibie, aller 6, 875-2085. Decisions Io make? Cai us mere tare to tislen. 875-1245. CAR pool seeded, Autos 10 Oakvitie f Duedas). wiliing ta, psy part of the gas. Pauta, 905-703-0771. LOOKING for Kitches- eaerloa commuter for rides. Witt psy gas. Phase 69987. $3000-$35, Cars maxI- ed. 905-457-5713. Stop car theft, soilto 0iconsed recycler 905-457- 5713. FLEA5E RECYCLE TH15 PAPER CHARTERED ACCOUNTUNG? LOVE PUBLIC PRACTICE? TIRED 0F THE BIG CITY? Look no further. Home & Co. ix a five parteer f îrm en beautîtui Burtîngton, Ontario mhîch for 60 years has boen commîlted 10 hetping our clients operale extraordinary buxînesses. We requin. several lui ftam muemnhers whe: -have their C.A. designalion Ir are interested in a career as a chartered accountant or may lie se experienced non-degreo accounting echeician " demonsîrate great communication xkitls *plan a long-lerm csreer in public accounting " have Choir oms entrepreneudl spirit *dermve personal satisfaction f rom heiping smai, medium and large private companios and individuats grom their business w ant 10, make a competitive remunerahon package WhIat we denit require are: - eekends mhen you shoutd bo milh famiiy or friends " in exceas of 1,750 chargeabte hours *sitting in traffic to or from the office " mailing for the etevator mhen you finaity gel there *having Co psy for parking a asuitl5days ofthe weOk If you are ready 10 think about the benelits cif Chose morleing conditions, piesse torward you resume 10: HORNE & CO. CHlARTURED ACCOUNTAJOTS 855 BRANT STREET BURLINGTON, ON L7R 2J6 Attn: Mr. Gord McNiven, Patner FAX: (905) 632-4034 afflAN INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY Lelglanc LW., a leader sn tbe teiecvmmenicafians and braadcasf indastry is looh09 for a professiona, energetîc indîvîduai wîtb a slid background in compater tecbnniagy ta aversee tbe day ta day operatians of ifs IT dpadtmesi Tbe ideai candidate sbauid bave a minimum of 10 years reiaied business eoperience wîtb 3 or mare years ai a sapervisary or manageriai ete. Sound knowiedge of LANs, WANs, Unia, NT, MFR, systemn secarity and teiepbnny is rentaired. Strong anafyticai, leadersbip asd orgasizatiosa skiffs combîsed wîtb thie abîiîfy ta masiage muliîple projecto and deai witb people of ait monts witbîn the organizafias ix aisa a mont. Interested candidates sbaaid sesd their resamnes in confidence te: L.BLANC Ltd. 461 Cornwall Rd., RO. Box 880 Oakville, Ontario, L6J 5C5 Ref: ITPosition Fax: (905) 844-8837 LeBtanc is an Eqeal Oppartenity Employer Onty trerse appt icanfs Ihaf are granrfed interviews w/ff lie confacfed. One of CanaQaemer'onsruction Equipment Rentai Serice Comrpany's requires a RentaI Counter Representaive The Burlington branch of Batliefleld Equip- ment RentaIs has an opening for a Renta Counter Representaive. This challenging positon requires a self- molivated, highly enthusiastic and per- sontable indivdual, offering a varied oppor- tunity to daity routine. Must be able to work independenly and have a working knowledge of computers. The hours witl be long but the rewards are great. We offer excellent compensation, benefits and a pension plan. Join our teamn by sending your resume, stating sait- ary expectations, in confidence: RE: Human Resource Dept.-Burlington BATTLEFIELD EQUIPMENT RIENTAILS 4401 Harvester Road Burington, ON LiL 4X1 Fax# 905-333-1145 NO PHONE CAILS PLEASE We thank everyone mho applies; onily those candidates seiected for interviews miii be contacted. F« COUNTRY home 3 19G *1i Nons, 6 bdrmns., 4th Lise, N. of cyfinder, 2 door, body Hwy. 5, $l,OOOImth.+ great shape, needs brakes, trunk pan, ex- utitities. Herse OK. 905 cellent projeci car. 693-1208, 613-359- $1,600 . O.bO. 693- 5842. 0327. 1989 Chen S10 Tahoe, 290 1 Certif ied. Phono 878- Aemln 1998 FORD F150, 2 BE)OMLp.aai auto., V6, 28,000 mites2BDRO ap.vit sart feul size $26,000. ale , Jufy 1'99. Down- 88-343. toms Milton. Piease cai 250 aller 6. (905) 878-8007. @usiness ACTON, 3 bedruom -"otuii s Victorisn semi $1,000. ENTREPR EEUR. Large 2 bedroom spart- Partime/fullitme to offer ment m/bssement, $725 innonative teg ai cover- age. Commi$$ion$ paid plus utitities. 519-853- dsily. Training providied. 5080 or 519-853-5352. Taped message, 888-AVLAL Juy12 290-4494. VUAL uy12 Bedroom Apartreent. $920 accept for cale & phono. Cati 905-693- HOUSE or T. H. in Miltos for August 1 or esilier. DOWNTOWN Milon Rets. availabie (519) ose bedroom, apstairs 766-9270. api. No pets $575 + ahil- fties. Avaitalile Augusi. 875-0935. 3 BEDROOM bungalow LARGE 3 Bedroom avaitale August. 1.Apren.$omnh Non-smoker preterred. prmn.$0/ot $1,100. + utitîties. 878- + utitities. No pets. 878- 2670. 3489.

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