24-Th Canadien Champion, Friday, June 25, 1999 'I I Il lassified CLDSSIFIED HOUES MONDAY TO FRIDAY 9:OOAM-5:OOPM ~-4X/i/edones I I See Todav's Champion lor our neav Miiestones" section. To announce pour special event, cal) Tise Champioîts C/assit ied Denarintent ai 875-3300. Yitcnes 6ofI~ Pete&~ ~k~~/i Mutine Anniveraa~ Enuna!! 4 Fiee pears ega tadey, poa became my seule, Louve Ssnee tisai aayyaa neye eisaiigea my iilei P Pou isave a iave fer me ake na aiher. prestes t~osur tus beoaaae ai tissa, pou isave aha eeeanse a fi-erre/b seandedut maiiseri - " iamoverjaped wtih isappinean ssnce pauve braagist nia nue aven, Oua tee beaaisfoai eissidren - pao ai tsi me astis pnde5 Piiereiaee, i mails pou ta knaw. tisai lac tise cent ai nup aie, i wsII aiwaps mue pou ana menais pao as my auuiei ( PURE BEEF~ WELLAGED HAPPY 5OTH DAD Family BI RIH DAY I ~ I Di I su ph I ba [ Pr an I Il s lv Lrdy, Lord~f What A Pair! L..k Whs's 40! Ilappy ,8t/a Rtrthday Stepharne b Matthew Happy Birth4ay Dale flsn&Vi'nsiu flsnds/srsft un pslsssusii tus j if tiiu'sr uIuiui~Iî- C Love Always tir Lsjnn tus Rueseil Lani suiv ssj Rv.susll Love, Your Famdy Mom, Dad O Grffy uns) imîu/nu Lysa' iVsuidms rus rabs' plm e t GRADUATION GRADUATION STEPHANIE MERKLEY KIMBERLEY SAMBELLS bas gsadaaied nuis isigh isanars frue Siserîdan Courges Congratulations on yuur graduation lrom Leiijst & Ran<is~ lVin1 aise prom) ~<' , OlEceAdminiassasuon - Legal Program. Sise was she sncsp- Milton District Higis Schaok We are ail very onnoîarsce tise î'ngagc-sîieor if t/sein dasîgli- aasssarding achirvemens. Ssepisanie s casrenslp wnrkîsg off with yoar successful A" avera c! Besr of rUCk ter)od8 lii Kirk &ans, son <if C/ss'is & for tise summer as CAW Legal Services su Oakvsllr. 1cm) <if Brismptîsn. 1VciIsIin~ lii îiski' Congrasalassans Siepis! Ail paar Isard work bas paid off, as you pursue a major in Psycho ogy as Wilfred yilacc Jiîly. 2<8)0. and as always pan have made us verp prnad. Laurier Univrrsity in Seprember. - lus, Mon, Dail. Michelir, AJanna, JelTrey, Rlsanda, Nassa & Pa Ail our love, Mom, Dad, Jeif & Siepis ..kI4 T.,L..I 4i4e~. ~ AIR LUNUI t tON~M 8,000 BTU Emersan, ERMO - David, Cindi (nea Kerkiaan) and big quiet, cool, 2 yenrs aid. tters Jordan and Darian ai Guelph are $400. 0.0.0. 878-2670. eased to annoance the birth ai their beautiful iby girl, Briar Carolyn, 8 lbs. 13 ozs. ai CARPET Carpat. I aelph Generai Hospital on May î7th, 1999. have severel thousard oud grandparents are AI ard Caral Keekisan yards ai new Siairmas- id David and JaAene Derma ail ai Miltan 1er ard 100~/5 nylon car- pet. I seul carpet yaur liv- ing raam and hall for $349. Price includes carpet, pad and installa- tion. (30 sq. yards). £ Steve, 905-748-6400. DRUM set far sale. Individually pieced and tamisa, MIa!maaI & Tada anraunce wilh greal priced. Cail Travis ai t piresi Ihe arrivai aI hein firsibari isaisea 336-5519. I aimai Muais wesghirg 8 Ibs. 12 100. Ofl FREE EstimateaGot rarsday Jase 17, 999 ai 2:22 arn. Laaing & praud wobbly chairs weak randpanenls are Jahu & Diare Macînlyre ai Husky apringa tired laokin~ Peler & Salarge Sleeves ai Misuissauga. Greal wood finishes? We do if rardpanenlt are Millan & Clara ail. Custom wood relie- callard. Special harki la aurse Curai Air ai eel ishing and furniture re- paies. Fielda Custam lemarial Hîspilal, Bramplai. Fumiture. 9-9 daily. 875- 4427. ,, ,,s .s.. GOLF salis for sale, Ç $7/dozen. Cail Andy, 4 ,, , 878-5844. PAGER, Bell Motorola. iaFOREST, Marvin - Peacelully at Ihe Ian An- Beal offer. No initiation erson House on Wednesdny, Jane 23, 1999, fee. Pleasa cail 875- ierv DeForsat ai Burfinglon, beloved hurbard 3425. im nnd her husband John Vandevnlk ai SAVE UPTO $1000, 16 arlinglon nnd granelfaîher ai Samantha, Mai- il. X 24 fI. ad. reclangu- rew ard Shane. Dean brother ai Bih DeForeat lar abave groand Kayak nd his fnend Manique ai Campbeilviiie. Prede- Pools. lnciuding docks, ensed by hir sirfer Pend Parsons anel ruIne- fencîng, mer, 2 ladders, r-iaw Joan DeForesi. Resling aI the J. Scoif raid fluer pump & mo- arfy Fanerai Home, 21 James Sîreef, Milfon. ton elc. $5995. 1-800- unerai Service seul be held on Fridny (todny) 668-7564. une 251h ai 11:00 a.m. Intermeni Evergreen SiT ON T- Dont 511 n emelety, Mutin. n lieu of fioseers donations la ~ Replacemenl foam ~e Inn Anderson House wouid be npprecialed for cushions. Reaidenliai/commercial. Fieldu Uphoialery, 9-9. 7 WILSON, Edith-Pasred nwny pencelaiiy ni dnya/weekl 875-4427. Ire Milfon Diainici Hoapîlsl on Saîdny, Jane SUMMER Pnca Break! I 101h, 1999. Edith Wilson of Millon, beioved No GST! Wnnf a ctreal vile of Ihe laie Stan Wilson. Living nirlen 0f mai 100k îî your funni- atynile Golf 0f Aibenin. Predeceared by hen iii- lare? Give Fielels n oeil. er Velma Dick nid bnoîheru Van ard Allai Sofan f rom $598. Love- ~end. Sndly misseif by nepheair Jamer Hickî ranIs f rom $487. Chairs Hili nu f rom $198. Senior Dis- sf Ornais nnd Vem Hicka if Richmond counîs Fielifs Cuaîom veli as mnny other nieoea nid nepheses from uphoislenrg. 875-4427, Neatem Canada. Cremation hns Inken pince. A 9-g cinîy. 2riinle fnmily intermeni wif I be heid on Wedies- USED SCOOTER iny, Jane 23rd n Evergrean Cemelery. n lieu ol (Fiyer) jr escalieni con- loseers, donations ta fhe Millon Hospitai Foui- dition. Asking $350. Inlion would be npprecinled. Arrangemeni 5 Usad elecfric lawnmow- ihrough Ihe J Scail Enrfy Fanerai Home, 21 er & grass bngger. James St, Mutais Asking $50. Phare 878- 7470. REMEMBRANCES n the form of donations ta ONE VEAR OLD Paru- Pig com- The Milton District Hospital plaie with large cage and toys. Besi alfer. Foundation are appreciated. 876-0402.