Turner has one last hit Jack Turner had one tinal hit ta deliver before closing the books on his higli school basebali career. The E.C. Drury Spartanss outfielder- who's set to attend the University of Western Ontario this flu - was recently named ta the Metro Toronto Ail-Star Tearn. This honour, bestowed by the Toronto Star, follows a stellar senior year for the I8-year-old. In 12 games this spring lie batted .514 with 19 hits and 10ORBI. The two-tirne team MVP's 1999 high- light came during the annual Corbett's Tournament when he crushed a 350-fooit horner and helped defeat Thomiles 7-4. Academically, Turner was equally impressive with an 80 pier cent average. Euro-tour team spots The Heartbreakers - an aduit hockey team based in Winnipeg - are looking for players ta participate in a recreational tour ta Gerrnany, Halland and Prance next sea- son. Dave Springett, teamn manager, is cur- rently accepting applications from area players between the ages af 21 and 50 who want ta experience a Eurapean hock- ey tour. White tearn memnbers are responsible for their own travel expenses, the club pro- vides uniforma and makes ail the arrange- ments. The tearn is illed on a tirst corne, fsrst served basis and will play ive no- contact exhibition garnes during the 10- day tour. For mare information caîl Springctt at (204) 489-9228. 1 Cruisers Shooters Hardball Harrop 3 50 066 2 5 0 04 1 7 0 02 0 70 0 Milton Ladies SloPitch Standings to June 20 Team W LT PT MeKeown 5 2 0 10 Mfike's Barber 4 2 1 69 S.W. Painting 4 3 O0 08 Legion 4 3 0 08 Charley's 2 3 2 04 AII-Purpose O 6 1i 01 The Canadien Champion. Fdday. June 25. 1995 -23I IMlton Minor I Milton Ladies Softball Standings to June 20 Team W L T PT Sturdy Girls 6 1 0 12 Crickets 6 1 0 12 Charley's 6 1 0 12 Base biters 5 2 0 10 She evils 3 4 0 6 * Clinics m1mW " Short game f lji", " Swing fundamentals " Digital Video Analysis II' " Golf - 9 and 18-hole packages J . " Swing speed testing " Learn to practise and com ete M -à M-IMBLFLM GRNITE RIDGE atcu a GOLF CLU 8~ MODAY, JUNE 28 ut 10:30 AM Preview frain 9:00 a.m. pat th. Agricuhural Hall, Milton Fairgrounds, Robert St;, Milton Sale ta feature a large assortment oF English antique furnishings including alhal Istand, dining rooni suites, ciressers, church bench, oak and mah. bookcaises, china cabinets, tables, chairs, tea carts, lighting, glass, china, silver, black americana, primitives, decoratives, etc. IMM: Cash or cheque with 2 foras of ID. As Olwas, No reserves, no buyers premium.« For further sale or consignmvent information fax of phone. )ON MEDLEY AUCLKTONEER 905- 878-2647 CANADA DAY. Thursiayq JuIy 181 2:00 p. Mill Streut Entry torms avaîlable at: Spokes N Siopes, Boardtopia and Fitness Zone 1999 - 2000 Season Mlfton Maill Sat., June 26, 9:00 arn to 12:00 pm First time registrants must bring Birth Certificates 1 ~ For more information cati 875-41141