Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 25 Jun 1999, p. 23

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Creative juices to Tribe of One ait Weasel flow in program e from TOWN on page 18 the cansp's bistory. Mr, Panda bas been witb thse art camp since ils inception, starting off as a counselor. He moved mbt the coordinator's raie twa years ago aiter leaming wbat it takes ta make the camp fly. A variety ai interesting activities and dollops ai attention usually do the trick. Sa does letting the kids have a say in their daily activities, said Mr. Panda. "On an almost daily basis we adjust ta wbat the chiidren wauld like," he said. "We like listening ta the kids and sparking their creativity." Baoking trips ta the Ontanio Science Centre, Royal Ontario Museum, tIhe Art Gallery ai Ontario and City TV also belp ta keep interest alive, said Mn. Panda. "'l'ere aren't mony achoola that con book a trip ta City TV," be said. Repetition avoided Keeping boredom at boy means keeping track ai tbe crafts kids typicolîy leam in scbool and steering dlean ai them, said Mr. Panda. That avaids repetition. 'I try ta do bigber level art activities and projects," be said. III try ta, bring a hile art bistory in there." A. univensîty degree in fane arts belps Mn. Panda design tise prograras. Counselors at the camp are chosen ion their artistic bock- grounds. "Wbat makes it a success is playing off the talents ai the leaders," said Mr. Panda. "It's bonds an. Tbere's basic instruction,. then leader support wbite (tise kids) do it." Kidu at tbe camp are ensuned a lot ai attention witb thse cbildleader ratio neyer more than l0Oto 1, uaîd Mn. Pansda. The camp is kept umali, neyer gaing aven 25 kids. "I'd say that 99 per cent ai aur participants have said tbey've bad a great time," be said. III kssow the kids bave fun." Fan more information on asay ai the camps, caîl Town Hall ait 878-7211. Ask ion thse leisure services department. from PAINTER on page 16 nationally and internationally. She aiso gives art lessons. Also in the group is artist Zara Leat. 'Me dancers are Erika Janzen and Kathy Wiebe, who have both trained and taught a variety of styles of dance including mod- em jazz, hip-hop, bclly dancing and ballet. Pop rock musicians Rik Leal', Bruce Wiebe, Darin Janzen and Craig McMechan cach bring more than a decade of expenience in the music industry. The band wrote, arranged and produced the compact disc 'Trailerpark Opera' that's packaged with the words to the songs and art pieces by Ms Newiove and Ms Leaf. Tribe of' One will take the stage at the Waltzing Weasel tonight (Friday) during a short visit ta Milton. Then Ms Newlove wiil travel to Winnipeg to perform during Canada Day celebratians there. She wilI spend most of the summer touring with the band. In the fait, Tribe of One is planning to gîîwiii ic rg:tlllhil ,'io I a it i Albania and Macedonia ta perlormi trec concerts. The overseas trip, Ms Newlove says, is in fine with Tribe ai One's pbilasopby that the arts should be enjoyed by ell - bath rich and poor, irom ail walks af ile. "That's really what we're ail about," she says. Dance Skltopp 77n5 Main St. E. Unit #3 8 78-1488 Mini and Junior oges 5yeursto 12 yeana Monduy July 12th to Fridoy Jly 16ts 1999 9:00 are ta 5:00 Pet $150.00 pies GST For tise onee or $45.00 pieus GST for a day lntermwdimt cnd Senior ages 13 and oser Woeday Aegest 1iti te Ftidn Augeai 20(1t999 9:00 am eo 5:00 Pet $150.00 pies GST for MIe weea or S$4.00 pies GST For a day 4l J=z, Tp, ldg, Au.Jz Yecd, Drrll naaim ADVERTORIL RUR STYLS i arn aiWay being asiset tbe ditterence beiween beer atyles, so in ibis arile i ciii go over a fere of the mare papuiar styles anti wbat tbey are. First thoere are two baaic types of beer, Lager ani Aie, ail others are tyies ai ibese. lm- Aey beer made by botiore fermeniaion. In ariain ant North America lagers ane asuaiiy goltien in coitar, batino Coninental Europe tbey cas aito be dark. Ferments ai casier tempersioresthan aie, utoaily arsooti 15C. th-le Enghslr laqguage terret ior been matie cth a top fer- meoi oyeast. Aies are prodooed rn acwide oarieiy ai cotours and patte and tinengtbi. Fermets ai carre temperatoree ,punit 20C. Barley Wine - An Englits Dry loer -Pirst pradaced la taris tor as extra strate aie. Jupas. Tht beer fatte is ta usoalis more tet 6% asti ciean # has bren scepi acaný classicatit ctosert 11 %. Bith almast eatlroty itroug a tut f &dans aetsiors cas te tht' fermentaton. oulend, FA - India Paie Aie, a stratg, Biler - tEglits tees tar a %voit boasily rapport beer cas he=p aie atoalit a draagbt. brecel in eritain orlOlnally ta Cat ries tram a bronze ta wtlttaitan ansa vayages ts a deep copper asti alcahol distant parts ai the empire liSe content es aroanti 4% "bet ltia. or »special" biter caise it Fumser - irity Spnaking, arouni .5 ani1eat plisser ta a galden. happa, ara- eraspecial"arond 5.5%. muSic lager trsistheeaoheian lBck - Tise Gsermon tors for Czech tacs oi Plies, The 0tiq trons teer. Typlcally a bannomis nal Pilsnet ststtell Is s'Ii tortnented beer (loger). ssuatl brecott thnte. Variatios ai te arounti 6.5% alcabol, bac style tac daiiain the corlti cas tradOtial dans an brer market. coloar, bot toaa is mart l ik e a tm Oser - A cross lit ta te goldien-bronze. bteen a basais leratestet or. e . - A erits style. beet and as aie. tlilt breceti sceetîb. isilti ale, dark sn csh loger yeast i utatis ais calaur, lac sn elcabal (3- teisperatutet. utint cite 3.5%). Tht sortit east ai the shallac pans. cauntry pretiecet strrngr, trai- As etra-tiari, alist tirer tversions. blacku, tap tetsestti bsec, tream Ale - A sceetitt. tarte criS raasied bartey. tsaoti goldien lotualInI. Thre are isasy styles ai notre cream aies are matie by staouts, sach as Dry stout, biendînt as eitser stout, Milk stout, ale asti a satiseal stout and Oussîas or loger. Istletial Staut At Hogabeati yna cao makie a tension ofait h e stylet litet bere plus a few more, s0 camne on asti take a lok anti maybc try tomne- Dune Geeeeae litg tew or tiutieret HOGSHEAD 19BREW CLUB 100 NipLasin Rd. 878-2646 1Unit #IL. MiltOn aeerrzen@gare.ee enier ian Champion, Fniday, June 25, 1999 - 19 MIA VISITORS WELCOME! HONG KONG, JAPAN, SINGAPORE, THAILAND, THE PHILIPPINES - these are just somne of the exciting places in the PACIFIC ASIA area for you to visit, and they arc ail catering ta the tourism dollar. Hong Kong bas always been a popular place for Cassadians ta visit - and wby not - it is a fabulous mixture of sighls ansd sounds unequolled elsewbere. Ins 1998 arrivais there reached 9.5 million, ansd they now have a new airport ta arrive at, compaatd ta the aid "downtawn" lacation between the high-rises! The HONG KONG HARBOUR ISA SITE UNTO ITSELF - like a city on thse watert THE PEOPLE'S REPUBLIC 0F CHINA, KOREA, INDIA, FUJI, amc ai predicting an increase af visitons ta their country this year alter an off-year ai toeanism in general in the Asian market. The value afaour Canadian $$ agaanst the cunvency af the vatious cotantiies is afactor which is consideitd when visiting any one ai them. Korea did have a fairly good year of tourists for that reason. Thailand is one counitry we haven't visited which is high on aur "ta do" list, but came ta think afil so arc neyerai others bath listed heiv and not. WHILE BUSINESS PEOPLE MAY TRAVEL TO ASIA ta take care of a business need and retum home night away, TOURISTS WILL PLAN WELL IN ADVANCE, in order tal make best use af their total time when travelling that distance. It makes a lot of sense ta, map out your wants and needs against what is available ta, you. THERE ARE MANY SOURCES 0F INFORMATION - Tourist Boards, yaur local library, the Intemnet, for example. 0f course THEI BEST SOURCE for info and sources is your travel agency. THE BEST BET for finalizing "aIl your plans" is your praiessianal travel and cruise officiai who cais pull it ail tagether for yau in proper fashion TO SUIT YOUR INDIVIDUAL NEEDS. TRAVEL TIP 0F THE WEEK: ALWAYS, ALWAYS, be aware ai where yau place your handbags - dan't just set tbem clown anywhere, whether bere or abroad. 878-2886 16 Martin St. (downtown) Aise in Haileon HMisl, Oekviiie andt Minîissage www.brucehood.com JURE 30 The NEW Coliseum-IMAR Theatre MISSISSAUGA'S FIIIST IMAX 3-D EXPIRIENCE! TURING a wild ride of a movie... ... eye-popping eff ectsfrom ETierminatur 2:3-9, Dînè Island... 7111 à IGIANT 3-0 FILM 1EXPERIENCE FAMOUS PLAYERS ....has all the stott kids go IMAX T-R n ý> IMAN' TICKETS NOW ON SALE! 1 ý 1ý 1 ()T 11 f (10 1 \ý. ý)\ ý- ai the Box Office or AIM's AN IMAM, 3-0 EXPERIENCE FThe Uliseum - 309 Rathburn Road West, Square une www.tamousplayers.com - 1

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