The Canadian Champion. Friday, June 25, 1999--17 Greg J. Lawrence BSc., D. Ch. _____ Foot Speciafist/Chiropodist (905) 878-6479 -*NEW, laeruîgery lor pianta warîs and ingrown toc naibs " footcare " corns/rsllous - orthotis IGreg Lawrence : footwear heel pain/arch pain Saine location, new telephone number! (905) 878-6479 I350 MAIN ST. EAST, MILTON Q: I'm tired of 'fast-fad'diets where I loose ten pounida, then gain it ail back immediately. Why does this happen and what is sensible weight loas? A: l'Il answee your t'trst question which wiIl give somne insight into safe and effective weight loss. When you lose weight t00 quickly (more than 2 Ibs. per week) you change your body's metabolic rate. We have a hauit-mn mechanism that adjusts the rate at which we hum fat. Througboat our history this would save us during a time of famine. This protective element then stores more fat when food once again hecomes ahundant in preparation for the next famine. After tow-caloeie or fattine diets the hody readjusts its set point to a slower metaholic rate. When you want t0 lose weight quickly agaîn, it is now a lot more difficult to do so. Fast weight toss sends a confusing message to the hody. However, when you losc wcight hy slowly reducing calories white increasing an energy demand through exercise, you will have safer, effective and ultimately more permanent weight boss. For ibis reaison it is henefîicical to seek bebp from an expert in nutrition and dts- ease such as Registered Nutrîttonal Consultant or a Naturopathie Doctor. Ma rion Hed!ey, R. W C 550 Ontanlo St. S. Unit 18 (WB) 875-2889 Wigs & Hlair Replaceient 1 would like to take the opportunity t0 acquaint you with the services that Truly You offiers. My namie ta Axnalia Ruggiero, ownee and operator of Truly You Wl8 Boutique and Aceesseales. It is wits consider- able pride that we have tteen part of the Home Healtb Care Syuîem devoting our attention to the very personal needs t0 thone women and children wbo have bonI their haie due ta chemoîberapy and radiation treatmentn, alopecia, maie halding patterns and hum viia. Our nhop, located in Streetaville (Mississauga), is taatefully decorated and offera complete peivate moimns for comfort and privacy. We work clonely with the Canadian Cancer nocietiet. local Oncologists, Dermiatologists. hospitals and home cave services and ame qnatifled wig technicians and Estiseticians and volunteer one expertise t0 tise "Look Good Feel Bette?' progeam. Herbai Magie Iterbal Magie in a full service weight management and herbaI wellneun renter. providieg individual coneling. With oser 8 rcentera arrosa Canada, HerbaI Magie baa belped lbousands of people achieve tiseir optimum healtb goals. Wkîbher you are looking ta enhance yossr self-image througb .neigbt loss, or remedy geneehl healtb concems with the aid of our iserbal producîs, HerbaI Magie can help! The Her-baI Magic weîght management peogeamn is easy to do and rost effective: anyone can ke succesnful when tkey foblow the peogmam's simple guide [ines. TIse systees utilizes a low fat, redured calorie regiment white allowing for vani- Sunveil Sunwear - Sensational Siosce 1986 »Mte Suriveil Sunwear Apparel Uine is trmly remarkIc clolIs- ing Chat net only proterts the wearer froni 89 ta 92% of ail bazardons UVA and UVB sun radiation, but the spettai weave shlows lise wearer to remnain cool & active aithe mm uie. Thtis Sunweae addreasea tise growîng needs of ail individuaia who enjoy the outdoor, but are conrerned about tse bannfuî etierts of notar radiation. Tise looWey ventilsied textile weas'e of Suaveil Sunwear will effeetively block mont of tbea harntul raya, Suriveil Sunwear ta a peoud sponsor osf Lupus Canada and tise Canadian Porpbyeta Association. They are, also registered A wide vartety of wiga in syntheties, hlends (Humain haie & synthetic), human haie (Anise and or Buropean) is canied. ln addition, custom wigs, integrations, and other haie sys- temas are nmade t0 order. We aupply ail wig rare produets and repair, ntyle and cut/shape the wigs. Truly Yeu is diversifying. We are introducing Wegdan Desîgns and Sunveil Suùwear Cletblng. Our goal ta lu, provide bigh qnaiity fabulons turbana, his, headwraps and protective clotbing. By liatening t0 our customera' needs for the paat 54 years, we beieve that we have achieved a design tisat provides the coverage the women need, the comiont tisey wanî and the utylisb look they wisked for. In addition, for tltose witb reduced mobity, we sec our customersa W the bospital or te their home ta provide indi- vidual pernonal attention. If you have any questions about wigs or related apparel for yoursetf or someone you know, plueff feel firee to raIl us (905) 821-1092 antd aibow usta1 kc of nervice to you. ely-and Ireats. There are no pre-packaged or frozen foods to puechase. Bans of our programs has ken developed 10 use geocery store hought food and herbai supplemenîs Chat assist in fat metabolises and appetite controt. Herbai Magie also, carnies an extensive fine of fully stan- dardized vitamin. minerai and herbaI products. Common cottrerrs sncb as atthritic pain, allergies, Iow energy, consti- pation, sports injuey, PMS/menopause, chronir sickness and digestive prohlenis, may ke alleviated hy using oue herbaI producta. Our peimary goal is ta improve one's healîh by pmoviding innovative, bigh quabity nuteitiona peoducts and services. For more information cai 693-9594. witb Heabtb Canada as a medicai device. Suniveil Sunwear bas aiso provenfto ke higbly effective in pre- vienting Sunsuen and other effects of UVA and UVB noise radiation tisat may conteibute ta prescription and allergie akin conditions. Jo'Leess is prond ta kc an autisorized retailer for Suniveil Swswear. We abso carry, a greal selection of fashion snlaa ea, noni baba, & accessories t0 malte youe summer a gret one. Ladies ke sure to comte in and see our entire bine of aummner dresses, "hotu, golf shirts, blouses and maris more. Submitted by Jo'Leens Clolblng for Womee, 224 Main St. E., Milton. 878-0506 DIANNE'S PHYSIOTHERAPY SERVICES <905) 693-0532 CONSULTING, ASSESSMENTAND TREATMENT " Anti-Stress Massage, Reflexology " Pain/Disability Management n Back Care Education " ADP Walker Assessments DIANNE BAILEY, P.T. Fieg. 192 Main Street East Map of the Reflexology Foot THE REFLEXOLOGY ASSOCIATION 0F CANADA For nearly 5,000 years, Reflexofogy bas been promnofisa good heallh and genera wel being in people of ail agea. Il is a cumplsfely saturai prucess, as saturai as walking barefuol. Decide lu experience the henefits ot Ref lexology for urosif. NOW' Curves jBody Caors eAdvanced Ear Coning Retfexology *Therapeutîc Touch 9 Pedicure Laurie Vaughan-Sherman R.A.C., C.R. 875-1342 OR 330-6825 lim PARADISE. N A T U R A L Coenzyme QI10 (Ubiqeinone) is on essential factor for energy production in tihe body ond becomes more impor- font the older we get. lmported f rom Jopon whnrn if is o widely used and fsighly effective prescription medicine. SMay be token with hoif o teospoonful of o high quolity nutritionol oul such os The SunOscreent that noever wears off 10 Available at JO'LEEN'S CLOTHING FOR WOMEN 224 Main St. E., Milton 878-0506 'IlIUWIILV ana uifectivenless 1 5 M art n S t . C a rn ag e S q arI j Cnpie eJîIYS 5 M Not atd wth ou nop,, 693-9594 L I Discover your Bea-c-futy & Elegance Specializing In WIgs & Custom Hair Replacement For women and children with "Special Neecis" <Chemnotherapy & Radi~ation Treatmnents, AIopEia) 15stcmý> Fitted Wigs, Hats, Designer Turbans, Wig Care Prodc~ts, Wig Styling & Repisend Representativ ocf Sunveil Sunwear te hn Helping you ..Look & Feel Be (905) 821-1092 Winchester Place, 154 Queen St. S., U._12 Il eesfl