Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 25 Jun 1999, p. 12

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Tayor las regionai stance Photo by IAN ROSS /'Flower power The Canadian Mental Health Association was et the Fermers' Market Saturday selling flowers in the Dalsies for Dada Campaign for Father's Day. Leslie Waychison, director of community developrnent for the organîzetion, was on hend. * from WORRIED on page 4 docs not pay lor fiseli prus îtciaily but lthe fise still exists in our official plan,' said Oakville Councillor Kevin Flynn. He asked if full eost recovery is stili possible under the ehanged Act. "The intent was that new growth would pay for itself," he said. "la this saying that nu matter how counicil deeides, the provincial legisiotion will flot allow for that?" tt la stili Halton's goal to make growth as inexpert- sive as possible lfor current reaidents, said l-alton's planning commissioner, Pot Murphy. "One could argue that the Development Charges Act and our policy work together to minimize the impact," he said. Exemptions in the Act tend tu hit local municipali- ties the hardest, he added. The Province will likely justify the new Act by not- ing that municipalities con recoup their money through property taxes, said Oakville Mayor Ann Mulvale. îtheir argument will say that we get il later rather than sooner," she said. There may be an increased nisk tu taxpayers thanks to the Act, said Milton Mayor Gord Krantz. "The message is the present property base should not have any negative impact," he said. "But certainly the legisiation is in place that it may have an impact." Bsarlington Councillor John Taylor accused the Region ut' havsing nec er melint what it soid about full cost recovery growth. *'We didn't ceai- ly mean that new growth will pay for itself. We only meant that resi- dential gmowth will pay for itseif," he charged. "t think the Region has donc a relatively pour job in con- Councillor Kevin Flynn veying that." Mr. Taylor said he was shocked at the size oU the discounts Halton is preparing to give su, industrial and commercial growth. Currently, Halton staff is recuminending a residen- tial development charge utf $6,171I per single family dwelling. tn order tu stay cumpetitive with neighboring municipalities, a 50 per cent discount is being pro- posed f'or industrial growth. If approved, that would lower their charge from $4.77 per square fot Io $2.39 per square foot. A 25 per cent discount is pcoposed l'or commercial gcowth, bcinging their charge down tu $3.58 per square fout. Vacation Bible Clircus! ActMties lnclade: - gantes - .ew fricas - snacks (cookles, jaîce> - Bible stance - music - bt iitIvcby - ceafts - Andlots ofFUN 10 arn - nooin, JuIy 5-8 Aga 4 to 12 For Info: Cali 87543060 or 337-3012 The Circus wilI b. held eit two locations: Milton akvilla Sam Sherratt School 3064 Trafalgar Rd. 649 Laurier Ave. (N. of Dunds on5 Wt Bide of Tsefagar) ...........kre BptstChrc A NvvExerînc vith Ne IVIAlircI Muri psu psocimte.. Wesre .511 li lltise s i ortit m point inrise livre lisvent1we -1& iq rîtens ding rrrr uris one lests sce ire remsîsîed hy a ciild gin on ra nis ritr firier epes liat me tise le sotirer pioasse slip ilirtii or fingets and crashtr tirhe iirsiid sliiterng rnio à millions pieces. îles nut rîey îdstsîting lut sce ire setter pnomse rtîkers tia prormise kerpere _rrut Ilie iacI Tite stsrry cs ttit of i mss wtit ws drivisg acrmis [lie continent and etispped il i lied and tbreakfast, ttîring ttîe niglît, ilîcre wis qitie a raisorrm, and sn îlle mrnrisg lie tisikeit iltis front lits seuod eîrrrp windit and iîîîsd ttle gorstsd liad disappesred under tie et( rif ater!. Jîs tises i stria tuat ltsîted bp, reactird Ilse fraie, turrod îrrssnd and tttsted itickt titrer tiare ie plsessîmessîn as reptaîrd, and Isle man austîrd tri Ile sisnere rtf Isle lied and breakfast. "Dot yîoue sett tla 1 ee' tir ried. S ireire trissr laiitteii **tris eilil)ii ld riSirit itenr5' tic prîmitei tier\,s tegii tri nurs ts lm irei tirrttring, torne lieu tir Iiigi icitet' Siliit krîepe ris Irrînt keeltingristi promses? A lisîie tit? A lsod eltîtir an Tr "iîateser il srp lie psit tst asl tîrsel .i s it w'rrli Irle iintisiied istc l fiertî ir i itred rife, Eri tme pîssr scrrd t isrkes tliere ire tinsse ml tiit cil u lee. Irle "Proise Keepere' stese strîemetl iris tees iilling millioîns trimes icess North Amerîsi tri keep Ilile promissese hlep mike, lis itertisg en (if rstegritp lBut sslegritp s nsi resereî frt len's g.itiietinges irfotbaîll eisiam It lirelrge i terl, ai sirl, sn Isle iseperes silice, in tise ticksea or f ai irî, ir tise irrute (if Crm sic, in yirr irrite anîd eepeciip s i Gîrd' lîrse tiset Clisîrci, Asd wuis sîpeyssru lirie Ir sea tmie lis lie i proisase keeper Gscsog poris arîrd andt tking precaurtssrs tir liorise piir îrrsmîtmente lias nrtlisg tri du it sli gesder.. àl lias is dot sctli integrttt! Greg MCOnibs - Senior Pastor of Milton Aliance Church MILTON, ONT. Mînistere: R... Bob Hyde Re.. John Benhans Dîrectar of Music Judy Hunter SUNDAY JUNE 27, 1999 10:30 a.m. WORSHIP Sermon TIti.: REMEMBER WHO YOU ARE OPEN iIOUSE TRIBUTE TO THE HYDE FAMILV 3:00 PM iurs 50,,9 Available F".nlmilm ee5,.5 wohalshabsbi. Visit our Webalter httpl/www.glQbaiserve.net/-spaulseilors Exciting New Church Sehool Program tins Septemiser 12 HOLY ROSARY PARISH httpi wwgolden.net/-wts/haraitasp-holyrsary-m.html b878-6535 (T.T.Y. 878-9044) HOLY ROSARY CIIURCH 139 Martin Street Mass ot 5:30 pmn Saturdoy 9:00 am, 10:30 om & noon Sunday OUR LADY 0F VICTORY MISSION Milton Heights Mass ut 10:30 arn. Sunday ST. PETER'S CHIJRCH 9th Lins & Britannia Mass ot 9:00 a.m. Sundoy ~,s~ Rev. Earl Talbot, P.P MILTON GOSPEL HALL 306 Ontario St.' N. e 878-2022 10:00 arn. -The Lord's Supper 11:45 arn. - Sunday School 6:30 p.m. - Gospel Service Wednesday 7:30 p.m. Prayer and Bible Study t am the door; by me if any man enter in, he shaîl be saved, and shaîl go in and out, and find posture. John 10.9 t Milton Alliance Church 2850 DERBY RD. (betssreen the Fire Hall andi Hiopital) Phone 878-5064 - Fax 878-6676 Pastor Greg MeCombs - Senior Pastor Pastor Steve MeLean - Associate Pastor Service fitre: (new sommer houes) 10:00 an Coar this Sîssday and hear testiasairs ot ay of those schs bound ssr "50 Day Spiritual Advrature' a lime of encour- agement and leîming. We are having a Vacation Bible School here at Miton Alliance Date: July 5-9 lime: 9:30 - 1t:30 arn Ages: Kindergarten to grade 5 You can register at VBS or Cati 878-5664 For nore info. on our Sommer Youth Programs please rail the cburch The Salvatian Arrny ChuKch pAA Milton 5 Pastors: EQ*JAITY Captains Don and Wendy Broome 'God bath created ail humankind in His own ......................... am pe ad 2 2 w i o niees . ndfa b SUNDAY SOHOOL - 9:30 AM is the mo % avorcwehr ' mon I o o flon MORNIN WORSHIP - 11:00 AM - rom the Baholi writlngo Weekly Prgramming for ail ages LOCAL» ......................................... 878-0ei1 For mors information please REGIONAL: ........................... I-BWN>433-3284 GLOBAL: ................... www.bahai.org C811 876-2420 Grace Anglican Church 317 Main St. E., Milton the Church ona the Hill 878-2411 Rev. Dr. Mark McDermott SUNDAY SERVICES 8:(X) arn. - Hoiy Cosmmunion 10:00 arn. - Suing Eticharist (Nssrsers, Program, Church School &'Pra yers for Healesg) THURSDAY Senior Pato - Re. Dammnong WOrshi 11 Mr. South err Ksaler hurch - Re.. Gad Clarkth 10:,45 a.m. Questions that Demand an Answer "WHAT SHALL IT PROFIT ... ?" Sr. & Jr. Childrees Chuecli loges 3- 10) Nurery Cors loges 0-2) 6:30 p. m. KID'S PRAISE CHOIR FILY NION - WEDNESAY 7P.M.j Aduftlitible Sa*t . a Se. H, Vousithplus &G Clubs for Oîilden I NEW ADULT STUDY - STEP TWO j TISELVE STEPO TOWARD H O LN FDAAE MTOS Webeite:www.newllfe-nslton.org "ELR E YU aIL OLE" M1LTO0N Corne share in a Christ centered, bible believing, frîendly fellowship ait the Hugh Foster Hall Brown and Mary Streets. SATURDAYS Bible School - 9:30 arn Divine Service - 11:00 arn 905-846-0729 VUOTORny SEULE CHURON Has eburch just been a wastc oU time lfor you in the past?, Has church ever answered the real issues and questions ofU île such as jobs, marriage, l'amulies (jr finance'? VBC is o ehurch where you con flot only know how to get to heoven, but where you can also know how to bondie the issues of hUfe bere on eortb. Check out Postur Charles Boyce Wednesdoy evenings on Cableworks 14 in bis "Wisdom for the Week" segment on tbe cable tv show "Plugged In!" (5:30, 6:30, 7:30) 10:00 A.M. - MORNING WORSHIP MILTON LEISURE CENTRE (BOARD ROOM) (separate services for chitdren 9 years and under) "Living A Victorious 14fe By The Word 0f God" Pastor Charles Boyce (905) 875-2162 Emait: cboyce@interhop.net - m c ré r

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