The Canadie Champion, Tu.aday, June 22, 1909 Halton interested in red light camera for corners By IRENE GENTLE The Champion Halton's planning and public works committee basIfrdW9cm o voted to put the brakes on aggressive driving.MpuIne ,hIýI The comniittee has agreed to send out the message c ocmcssi that Halton is in favour of hosting a pilot red light rI m06 camera projeet. If Halton is chosen, the cameras would be set up at intersections plagued by drivers racing through red lights. But Halton may flot be able to afford the cost of policing thc cameras, said Burlington Councillor John Though policing the rcd light projcct could mean Taylor. stccp front end costa, fewer infractions could cause That's because under Ministry of Transportation costa to plummet in Uic long mun, said Halton's plan- guidelinca, Uic project must be couplcd with steppcd- ning commissioner, Pat Murphy. up police enforcement."I paigt he En lre'vryc- That can mean having an officer on hand to issue Iiie spaing t os, Chie (Ean) "uti Aar, ihe' con- tickets to lead-footed drivers who ignore traffic sig- emcd abo ut ic plcest," hiesid'ti redc ligh cam- i 'The attitude of Uic Province is Uiat it wilî require an Uic long mun. The costs have to be balanced." oflicer to be ticd up at Uic intersection handing out The expense of equipping intersections with red tickets," said Mr. Taylor. light cameras is about $200,000. Another $25,000 will Mr. Taylor suggcsted that committcc show their cover annual operating cosis. willingness to hoat Uic pilot project only if it cornes at Drivers arce more likcly to heed traffic signais if a reasonable or appropriate cost. Uiere is a threat of getting a ticket a staff report on Uic There is no dollar value attached to Uic Word 'ra issue stated. That would likely reduce boUi the fre- sonable,"' argued Halton Chair Joyce Savoline. quency and severity of collisions. "Reasonable is ambiguous," she said. "Both those I Uic end, fewer crashes translates mbt lowcr emer- words can be taken many ways." gcncy services and lieaIUi care costs, Uic report mndi- Leaving Uic modifier out ieavcs Haiton vulnerable cated. Should Halton become a test site, one camera to any cost no matter how high, said Mr. Taylor. would probably be rotated among various intersec- "Right now, it's widc open," hie said. dions. Ch.,,,udleigh betters percentage s from SLANT on page 2 According to rcturning officer Don McMillan, 27 voters officially declined their ballot, wiiile another 67 left Uic ballot unmnarked. A fuiier 221 ballots were rejected et Uic poIls. Incumbent MPP Ted Chudieigh held on to Uic top spot by winning 35,505 votes, or approximately 64 per cent of tic vote. Liberal candidate Mohan Anand took 14,767 votes, or 26 per cent of thse vote this year. New Democratic Party candidate Jay Jackson rounded up 2,833 votes, to reccive about 5 per cent. He was followed by Uic Green Party's Bill Champ, wbo grabbed 806, or about 1.4 per cent. Famiiy Coalition Party candidate Guiseppe Goni collccted 755 votes, or about 1.3 per cent of Uic vote. In 1995, Mr. Chudlcigh won Uic day wiUi 61 per cent of Uic votes in Uic old Halton North riding. Liberal candidate Walt Elliot receivcd siightly under 21 per cent then, whiic incumbent NDP candidate Noci Duignan received just under 14 per cent. 2-: Vi can honestly say that N'e conquered my weight problem ond I've been able f0 keep it off. Thon/ct Herbai Mogic for your support!" *Baw on uliDebbie â[ OBRfIE1 YOD Wi [0sF B i F IGHI 15 Martin St. Carrnage Square e 693-9594A ioaded, CO. leather, black, Immaculate 62kIns, 1"ISI alloYs, toaded. maroon or green. um go Loi' 52kms, PIRoof. leather, coaded, blu6 3lkms. ioaded. ieather boards, blac<. rm Lem " 52kmns, loaded, CE), biack $499e 481kms, pis, cass., ioaded. c'opper 1995à GEILS~ GT nes 4ks dL 0 & 381kmS, pis, cass, loadeti, teal loaded,l7 îased grlen $359W u q OETA"S 409 UmmI ST E. MILTONi - 3 1 E