Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 22 Jun 1999, p. 23

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m bachelor apartment, available Augustls 'si $560 inclusive. Cvii 878-3023, between 3 p.m. & 9 p.m. SPACIOUSIATTRAC. 71VE one bedroom basement apartment, centrally located. Fridge, slave, warcing persan only. Referenc- as. 878-6069, 878- A9A5fl %LA.tAI & new renovai- ed townhause. Lots of privacy, $400 + 1/3 hydro. Non-saoker, no pets. Available July 1. 905-469-4789. glose Day, westerin ospo- sure, dock, sandy beach, screaned mcm, large dock, open con- cept kIdchen and livng- rom, 2 bodroams and lot 3 ploca bath. Close ta ski hilîs. 1-1t2 bours tram Toronto. Maya in condition. Vory clean. Muat b. sean. Only $121.000. Cali 705-538 2164. GEORGETOWN INDUSTRIALIWAREHOUSE SPACE FOR RENT 32,000 sq. ft. $1.50 net, net 1-905-294-4527 MILTON, Main St., E., for lease or sale. 1,400 sq. fil. office space & working area, rer aver- head door. 873-6933. SMALL PRIVATE OF- FICE beautifully ap- painted, Hwy. 25 & 401. 1-905-277-9347 or 905- 27-RAni ZbAL.. Large 4 000- raom, finished base- ment & office on Claver Park Creacent, hAilon. Numerous upgredes, Immaculato, $265.000. Phono 878-9180 for tUmeo f Open House. 151 SATOK CRES., beautitul 4 bedraom bouse, tink, single, 1-1/2 balbraoms, central air. $186.900. 877-346. AGON * e ntown? Getflng mafrln 13 montha or more? , Hoving a baby? e Eatablishlng a new business? PLEASE CALL US: CommnItIIR Welcsme Linda ...854-1563 Marily..875-0519 Bdii Shirley... 818-7046 Baby Tracy LI...876-4330 Dnufflohum Pat ...876-404 mal unes tcr rani. îwu - 3,200 sq. &t Loacing docks & drIva-bn. 1-905- 277-9347 or 1-906-275- 68214. MUT-NTGARAGE SALE 371BRONTE ST. SOUTHI ISATURDAY, JUNE 26 99A.M. -2RM.I GARAGE SALE SATURDAV, JUNE 26 8 A.M. -1 P.I 111 ULHUNE IBROOKVILLEI j1tae oensol te rewalnut) itvingr11m chairs, maple fran! drop lest dask plus many more household Items. OMAGH PRESBYTERIAN CIIURCH 15 HOLDING A GIANTIGARAGE/SAKE SALE li BARBE- CUE SATJRDAY, JUNE 26 9A&,,- 3 PM. AT BOYNE COMNUNrIY CENTRE CORNER 0F HWY. 25 à BRITANNIA ROAD Donations of Roma elcome. Please contact 876-3413. FURNITURE. LAWN SALE RAIN OR SHINE! Sat JUNE ,26TH, 9am.-3 p.m. 11998 WINSTON CHUIRCHILL DLVD. 1 la2 mil. N. of Mafleld RdJRiver Dr., Georgetown New ready to finish handcrafted furniture. Bow front dresaingi vanity, hall tables, sofa ta- bles, desks, dressers, wardrobes, night tables, hall mirrar cabinet, decon benches, harvest tables, coffee & end tables, CD towers, TV ar- moire, TV/Video stands, hutch & buffet, corner cabinets, blanket boxes, china cabi- nets, jelly cabinets, bookcases, plant stands, clocks, magazine tables, and much, much, more. flrlag a trucke and tale lit wlth youl Con nect With lechnoov» "eàf l I One of Canada's Iargest came provider, -q nus Moi thon 8w«cumfl oresAm ho 511611d dta tOWm- murdtbi corport do proditctin services aid Intrno accs ies oamode us an kedWty ledir for mars thon 40 "emr Cogoco Cable fin. Reoiruibnent Servce -onu James Streel: South. 2nd floor H4amilton, ON L8P 4RS Fax: (905) 546-2835 Emaîl: warkahlecgocablet Abophaecols pia OnIy aamcaslcndidtes taid Ile oentact Manage, Cai Centre Operaltions -Budlngton Wltb~~~ ~~ a ae ndllogbn practce adquollty cuatomer service, piu wlIl mnage day-to-day Cati centre activitilli, coach ari d*MM staff, and lnflem strateglies t amcle salles, service and relentban taergls >editional>t ynu wll partcllpt i budgt aeklr adad humai reourcel; plannIng, ad comrpille reports on oilt cunt porfannbnc Yaer fIe yws af Cali centre esperillnce encoffm et has dmra t a nagla lau, nid bas siqlod piu ta reflad comer>ltnsad oomrdagma A strong custamer faces las essentil, Osere atIl develaped leiterp.rsonal, ledrbp and argnhatlaoml skilis Internet Techinical Support AnallystS - Hamiton Iieportig ta the Internet Cuatamar Cao Supwviwo, po iI provide TIer Il todinical support ta, clients ari Tedinical uport Rap esontodu end work UN"erd adubevlng siv lemaI or dlort satlsfactian. You ah# mate protteiem thst bave escaleto rm Tecutwa Spon Ragreaete reommeeid vays ta kniplemeeffective oueesbating tooKs ari assign audits and pr*t work ta omem timey completlon. Ltstsg yor adwanced bncnedge 0f tolecmsanltba "aintornet tots YeVi W I oty and resle probients wi client Mdemn iduntify p-oIon witb M and document due parfannaceofa new tecbnaag3 Yeu ahIl require a CompeSe Tâchnabogy dogrS or diplomaé and ext ensv Wmrec inovigIPMPWkdm 98L IMAC Ni aid Web Brors. An ki-Med eaid.etaig 0f MMYI conflkcts end FTP pr-aoi lasentioe esmog crmm tiaon and aistm service seulS. Intene Technical Suppor Representatlves - Hamilton In dit rabyo pilh respond ta cusitome iqukiiies and provid tochnial assistance and diag no n imuldIev pltforms. Rospnuifor providkeg ftedbadto Supevtorregerdig new tecnokag plerformanc, piu wlll resa lient ueil, IRQ onficts and modm tocImiceil difficuKIKs In addition ta Prevbze custamer service or oei cetr eaporlecs piu must deenristrate famlllerlty ali Widows 95, 98. MACý NT, TCP/IP. Web Drowse setting, aid iterne MOppicalon Ston interpemsonal, organizatinal and cusome service skills all round out Por quelcttsns. Cogec o aNrs enlployean environneent diat promotas cuIteraI berktae snd eqlI oppnrtanty. Somo reward include a pension, stoc perdisse plan, aid a compelanlv salary aid beneflts package. Moka Por nieat caree mou cotas. Send us Por resuino, stating due postlan or Intaet. ECOC GECOdr.n The Canadian Champion, Tuesday, June 22, 1999-M3 Join Our Team At TELUIS, we offer complote communications solutions 10 over two mil- lion customers. We are the second largest telecommunffcatlons company in Cananda, working together to build a world class company 10 serve our customers and full I our career aspirations. TELUIS Advertlsing Services, Ontaio Division, bas recently purchased the Locator, part of a mufti-billion dollar network af companies wltb exclting and aggressive growtb plans, providing attractive compensation wftb base salaMy com- mission and a compettive banefits plan. Media Sales Consultant If you are a self-mativated, results-orlented sales prafessional, two excit- ing apportunities exist in aur South Regian of the Province of Ontario (Brantford, Halidman, Grimsby, Burtingtan, Oakvllle) tai provide consulta- tive advertlslng sales for the Locatar. Vour mandate will be 10 maximize revenue apportunities by actlvely soIt- ing a range of directory praduct and service afftenngs. Yau AIl represent the Locator in a way that demonstrates our cammltmient 10 maklnq Ontario businesses succeastul, Vas will strive tai pravide tap-notcb custamer satisfaction by praviding superlor service. Vour pro- fessianal consultative sales appraach allows you ta moximize revenue opportunlles for Ibis dlrectary. You are camfortable initiatlng and impie- menting creative cammunity promotianal events, building the Locator's presence and onbanclng aur reputatlon ln the communlties wfebre we do business. Vaur well-developed team skls wlll enable y05 10 bu part of a dynamlc and succesaful sales force. Vos are an eager participant wbo is able 10 eftectively cammunicate wih a variety of business people ln the communty. Vau aoe a recagnlzed leader, capable of eaming respect tram key decisian-makers. Vos bave an astate business aptitude witb the ability ta empathîze with our caistamers.,Vau bave a hlgb energy level and fflebility ta work a varlety of bours. Vos are well connected ln the business cammu- nity and can leverage yaur strang business relatlonships. The sucoessful candidate will bave past-secandary educatian and praven succesaful sales expulence, preferably ln advertising sales and using tbe consultative sales approach; praficaent working knawledge of PCs, lncludlng graphics and spreadsbeet applications; and well-devoloped presentatian akilîs. lntemsted applicants are invlted ta apply ln confidence, by June 25, 1999. Resumes may ba submitted ta: Lacatar Human Resources 989 Denry Rd. Mississauga, Ontario L5T 2J8 Fax: (905) 565-0287 Email: bass.tebelmahin@tetus.com TEL.55 appreclales your lWmt In thes upportunty a&W ianis &0 appIcani. Ts MWp Our ewlre- motO, future ceormsposenm M n W Sste ose ten tOovnae. LOCATOR ~~ITLS Make lit RICHARDSON 01H149OLIIIIII OLDSUOBILE To, la»a or purchasa your car or 1truck FI" 25 S. a D"ar RdI. 878-2393q NEW & USED 410 STEELES AVE.. A FAMILY BUSINESS WIl FAMILY VALUES WE - BUY - SEIL - LEASE LARGEST SELECTIOII OF USEO VEHICLES IN MILTON 875-2277 WNIGTO BUY ORWNIGTO SELL CLASSIFIED NUMBERS TELEPHONE 875-3300 FAX 876-2364

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