Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 22 Jun 1999, p. 21

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LOGIE, Sancira Ele - ln loing memory of o deor site, mather and grandmother sha passed away seven ysars ago ta-day an June 22nd, 1992. Gonu are the days we ussd ta sarei But in aur hearts you ors aissys there Thé gates ai marnar sf1 nover close warmiss ou more tho onyorma knaws g trerlove and deep regret We sha lava you sti nover farget. "MIi »o mel aglaiu, Kid" Love TOM LOGIE, Sandra - In lovlg memamy ai my belaed sister, sloeren-tas il aunty sho passed owoy June 22, 1992. '(aur presence se mise '(aur mamory se treosure F o gyou nome Farever ln our hearts Sandy, Mangie, Sud & famiiy Joine 23, 1998 in lowmn mMoy of snq D& I nis you, lime you & I hoPe you Thy aMy meamode ws olen Wslle mybe t latroi Soi 1 nevw eil ofd MNo I onlywented yooi. Your Iovlng son Janm Torrant Ion lovq nmnooy of BeM Teaiet~ sfo wu tabm froin um ans gea ago, Jueg 23,19lm. IlI1 hali oafy one wsh I know shat it souiri be That sarnehos t coulri have him bacn hors sith me. If not boroyer, onfy a moment or trea I'd hug hion and bal d hlm junt lite I used la do. He soufd looito my face and tell me not ta cny That everyliring sould Ire OK. Andi thAl Ibis really sasa't goodbye I'd sant ta bof ove hlm an I dry avay my teais But 1 junt can't face being sithout him For the rent oI my years. -Ho knows bas much I miss him, H-e cas beel it in my hart But ho bas to make me undersfaad, TIraI soit nover reali y Ire spart So, ils up ta mo to keep hlm clone earh and oveiy day And if 1 cari do Ibis ose sish for hlm fogether we il stsay. Sa. 1 have no choice but 10 safch hlm As be luras and salks asay And f pface my hand over my heart, Cause that is abers he su î stay. TARRANT- ln toving mnemory af Bort Tarrant, veho was taken f rom us ane year aga, June 23, 1998. We remeinher hinm with a smile on his face lis Iaugh sili neyer be forgatten, TIhe music that ho played nurrounded us with warmth, And he made us fee1 so proud Ho lived bis lIde the way ho santed Ho sas an IJncIe/Dad anly mast casld hope for And se soie lcy enough ta rail him aur osa Hewas asao r friend Ho sas an inspiration in music And taoghl us things se nover lares ot lIraI hon gars, His music sf11 live an la aur hoarts farever' Samly min"a mid nemi er gal.n Devin, Cole and Gra.n, Ili Tabaand Erie TARRANT1 Bor - In loing memory of o dear son sho passed away June 23, 198 1Icannel hall the bond of lUme Or live agein the pool WZdhrn heart are memories The tears in my eyes 1 con svipe asay The ache in my heart sf9 alsoys stay Ahirqs ln my t>uogh TARRANT, Bsoa - Juno 23, 198 In loing namory ai my youngs son Gona la the face e lovsd o doar Sllsrrt la ths volca se love ta hear To e aa orsto pec Butnotto fa fr üqMta reaci Sseat la remembar hlm once bers Who tbough absent la luat as dear Loved à 11us Dad &Sharon WILSON - We remeomibr mrm 1M2- 1997 *Each of us carry aur osa Spodal mamorlas in aur haet." - - STRAWBERRIES PICK VOUR OWN Il 575ed Onalswdo Sfaga Mi..lton 80 m f f Market r., Mlton eA- -&- -d -» è AUCTION SALE NEW FURMITURE INVNTORY BLOW OUJT To ho hld ai Royal Cam mLgo ul Air Condilioned Facity 15wi tSreActas Fday Jue 25, 6:30. Previes 5:00 pi. lias estimely largeaurtinreonsots of brand nov excellent quality furnature from amirali major manniacturîns. ibese itemsu ssII le mold la tIre lsgeat bmdde. Mn excellent opprtouty ber anyo ti refumish n isua ni complet a homo. LIVIG bON FOI«n*LTE 115) 3 pire nane aius sr tyles sud rilosn. Everyllaig tria Tinditiunal to Country, Ait Dcci cuntemrnoy nd French Provincial, 2 Asley top lenlhei sofasetsin black and msiy, one denm-Ilk pilliw-buri3 prece nefa utl Saine nets ruine waIrh accent chair, etc, etc. Swl rockers. Nesicae Pane and tndoaesian Mabuguny enteitinmest aIts, IVstands, coffée and end tables, biok aholves, ardrobes, sali uiula plsantannda, format cras cabrins, nnasy finished WM M FUENITIME: eui 9 lpiere Cherry finisb dnng rnom ste (Queen Mmr Style) table, s chanirsbuffet anrd bitch, Il piece Mexicaa nulrd pins suite very unique ad natir looldng,. 18 pune China Cabinet 9 piece osite sti alasis prened burin chuirs, double pedeatal pawfeot table, 8 piece Country Style Bluendl Natureal dinognsuite, S Iuddei buck chirs, jucin houe led table, 26 pane mmrrered China CabineL Feur anul six piece kitchenettea in thre latest stylos, bakeien racina, break.- fait nosiv« lad o nirait iciave siaads bar stoode, 3 prece walI uiul, wine racks, odd chaairs, etc., etc. REsOaooMFtriDlID Stranneif 10 puce (Queen Sil 11us Caived noli muhoguay Victoiun style suite. Beautiful 11us Cuovid induýnesaun wauidie 7 pire blacn sute, 5 pire oùn md etdoid glana suite, but teda, S pire dlId's (asnngle) bed. room suite, vuniety of bix & niattressen (sigi, double and quinn), (Queen Site) insion beda. mals op vanilles, 3 Huud Curved soii Pin Nsicun wardroe nmd mnuch maire.. ATcELS wJE S"ardO beoincu&aiferrld glusu, IÏrua d ern culs, dogs, diceestar flcvii pots, flisera, piauts, tree, Jamn memorabihulanir, Husfey Davidsan, etc.) giftware. hm arvid beeled minfois, ares ricandie sticks ad amy ether itens ysu won'tlliid unywheri eh . msANTO ATTEND M [ O S 5AN VOMCEA,505T 50111 A US QUIUTT FR0N4STAIT TO FINLIH Aucduossrr. Weisi Fasesi (905) 873-7633 For béie 519421-9331 pgi~aaés Aca bIse MsuWCari D.bil Cod aW bme rheqadsiA pwe ID. Delsp AueWî WANTrED Licensed Traiuer mechanic ta start immedi- ately for established tirm. Wages based upan expenienco. No Phono Calie. Pisas fax reaumne to <0)8784937 AZ DRIVERS REQUIRED IMMEDIATELY Milton HEREIS WHAT WR CAN DO FOR YOUI " Competitive woges * Camprehensive fuit range benefits " Local or U.S. " Nights/Weekends/Overniolht HEREIS WHAT YOU NEEDI * Verifiable experience " Professionol attitude " Wilîng ta work " Dependable Cali Bois ot 1-800-661-6718 Fax: 416-253-6034 e.mmal:tapgttg-4&aff.com PERMANENT PARTITIME GeorgetowniMliton Positions Avaitabla: "Materlal Pakagars " Shippars/Recoivers " ProdcltIon Une Warkers " Sanîtatian W. Requurs: " Worehauslng exporlence' " Bandable *Aveltablo ta sort shlft & weekend sork *Muet hava osin transportation Fax: (416) 253-404 E-maal:tap@rag4taff.coOO Atla: Cheigt HELP WANTED 1. Sumnmer help wantad untll Septomber 12 lo prop yearlings for the Fait Sala. Full âima smplaymnenl also avallable. 2. Lob Technicion for Breedlng Faim. Dulles Includo freozing seman, vacci- nations, worming and record keoping. Ploase mail or fax resume la: .Glengate Faims P.O. Box 220 Caopbellvlls, Ontario LOP IBO (906)9854-9991 - Fax: (90) 854-065 ÔChudleigh 's PRODUCTION FACILITY Required by growiing local company. Declcated inclividuals wit o desirs f0, con- tributs ta ils success. Must passess ail ai lhe fallasling attributes, tean Mayer, ability and wvillingness ta loam, go comprehen- sian sIdls, bath written andi verba. Fuil time positions currontly available for Attomoon shbL. Sanie seaonal weekend work may b. involved. We provide a compeitiv wage, job stabili- ty ta committed emplayees, oppartunity ta advanco, job variety and a grat work envi- ronment. Resuimes may b. drapped by Frlday, June 25 ta 624 McGoachis Drive (878-8781 for directions). SUMMER STUENTS AND PREVIOUS APPUCANTS NEED NOT APPLY. LONG CaadE CaPITIesONSJ!l 2.¶99 $9. - $U11,/U11[ H *Weekend work -Able to do lifting eTransportation required - OU AT OUR -j Tues. June 22, 1O-2PM *Plas bring resumaf 2 r.fsrncWa voici chequsi SIN # card if yau are unabte toaottend, plernoocati taoit fis Jy 1-888464-0-4-KELLY Kffl 1-888-464-5355 Setvl WaIk-ine wafcorne! NUTRTION SUPPORT SERVICES Alledue, a 300-bed long-temn care fadty Iocam.e ia Milton, luas dhe fallowlng part-tha positions avulale. Cooa - Traîned i fa le quullly cooldng Or basic 0ICoolcaq lrlnâs9 be coaslderedl knasledof wodding ia caok-chIfoobd proiduclon m aset potw"lft'rter - it individuas, capable of wransp od up ta 50 pounds, requlred ta lean potýs, an m eqlpmeL Dletary Aidea - positian wynles rehelln foad and seringol resideatà, medag Wndida faad requestsanmd creatiag a sen, frieadl dlnlng-ram eavlraemeat. Canddt mont bie able: ta, work a varey of abtal, lndudlng weelend. Eailent sblftm ntarime la 6:00 &m. and latent allt nait lme la 3.00 pin. Ail pasitians require carlng, eadmuslstc Indivduals wlo dive ho a team setlin Yas mont ho abme ta ho on your feet for the maalarity of dhe day. if yas are dedlcted ta, belng theo bent you cao ho la a supporive enviraemoant, plasse forward your resume, by ,july 6, 1999, ta: Mis. Cerna Cerdillo, Alleedae, 185 Outarlo St So1111111, Milton, ON L9T 2M14. Fax: (905) 878-797. _1~ GEORGETOWN INDUSTrRIALIWAREHOUSE SPACE FOR RENT 32,000 sq. fI. $1.50 net, net 1-905-294-4527 School Bus Drivers Needed Milton & Georgetown Train Now for Septemaber Ideal for Homemakors and Early Retirees Cali Laidlaw Transit 877-2251 Laidlaw Transit is an equal oppartunity employer HORTICULTURALIST/ GARDENING ENTHUSlASTýS Required for Full de Part-lime positions Somne labour intensive work required. Would suit relired, or semni-retireri or other suilable individuals. Allernato weekends during lthe seoson required. Deadlino for issuma: Jnsly 2,1999 Apply la: Rattsnake Point Golf Club TuÙrf Maintenance Building. 5407 Regional Road 025 Milton, Ontario L9T 2X5 FAX f 905-693-8507 PRESTO POOLS hava port lim poiions avait- able in thai r store. Appfy in persan 10 305 B Steelos Ave. E., Milaon. ROAD Equipment Service Co. Mt. seee- ing experisnced 1-ldsr/Flters. Working sith structural steel, ability la salit from blue prinIs sflb minimum supervision. Apply in persan to 50 Honnont Court, Milton or coul 905-878-8767. TORONTO Auto Auc- tons requirs Drivers. Pleosa cal I 875-2919 ad asc for John Paon or fox reounis ta 875- 3219 (Na Tuesdoy calis pla.) WANTED - Casuol Farrn Halp, flexible bours. Grounds main- tenanco,woodcutting, bam pointing etc. Es- penience sit faim ma- chinery roquired. Coli Dennis, 854-983. WAREHOUISE HELP - Milan company saeking full lime shlpparrecerv- eir, 2-5 years expeianca preferrad, aptitude for figures, machonicaly in- dlinadi prefarred. Soma service and main- tenance requlred. Sol- ary cammansuriato alfa axperence. Plama bax reaumae ta Bat ly Pacha- co, 878-0272. Exctmng Corser Oppaitunties now availablo alfa Canoda's oargeat Fitness Coinpany. Goodîffa Fitnass Club la Milton nos requires Fitneso Tralners, Perso"a Transis, bath Full ond Part-Uima. Maiidershmp Co-ordino- tors and Raception. Pleosa foeword reoumae by Mandoy, June 28, 1999. 855 Steals Ave., Milton, ON LOT 5113 976-Fn-r <3488) Attention: Diana Parry Fax No. <905) 876-807a m

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