The Canadien Champion, Tueeday, Juiie 22, 1999-17 metmea ,Dundas Chiefs pummel Milton mercilessly By STEVE LeBLANO The Champion One painfully long afternoon. That pretty much summned things up for the HJM Insurance Red Sox Saturday at Brian Best Park. Despîte making some significant improvements su fer this season, thc local men's basebeli team is stili prone to the occesional lapse back to their former fumbling selves - and Uic latest home outing was a prime exainple of that. Missing a handful of key players. but more impor- tently any trace of competitivencas, Milton was enni- hilated 20-1 at the hands of the dcfcnding league champion Dundas Chiefs. Though mcrcicd aliter seven innings, thc gaine was no doubt a drawn-out effeir for die hosts - particular- ly Steve Wood. It was quite evident from Uic carly going that the starting pitcher didn't have bis beat stuff, but because there wasn't much of e bulîpen availeble hie hed to work his way tiough nearly five inmings and got Uit up for il nuis along Uic way. Relievers Dan Fiorita and Mike Jay didn't fare much better over the tail end of the contest, but et least their suffening was short-lived. Overaîl, Dundas recorded 20 hits, including four home runs. Two dingers were by Ken Collett, who gave the visitora ail the acoiing they'd need in the first freine and flnished with a total of six RBI. Teammate R.J. Wild pitched a complete gaine, holding the Red Sox scorelesa over the final six innings. Ensuring that no shutout would be enjoyed was local leadoif hitter Adamn Perre, who got aboard on a sharply hit single and then used a fine bit of base mun- ning to score on a double by Andrew Mercier. Mercier was about the closest thing to a Milton bright spot on the aftemnoon - posting two hits and making three putouts et second base, a position he's not used to but was saddled with due to Milton's shortened roster. The Red Sox had nine hits for dic gaine, only two of which were for extra bases. They'll attempt to get beck on treck this coming Saturday, June 26 when thcy host a doubleheader against Bramipton. Gaine one begins et 1 p.m. Steve Wood dldn't have hle beat stulf on the weekend, anyway ince Miltonsa bulipen le me thin. ,CGood things in tû Chris MecDonald grabbcd gold and struck silver in equal ainounts recently et the Canadien Masters Swimming Championahips in Nepean. flic Milton Masters Aquatic Club mcem- ber domiinated in Uic 40-44 women's divi- sion, triumphing in threc events and taking Uic runner-up spot in Uiree oUiers. Her victories came in the 800m and 1,500mn freestyle as wcll as Uic 400mn mdi- vidual medley. flic 50mn beckstrokc, 2»nm backstrokc and 400m freestyle wcre al events in which she finished second. A ncwcomcr to Uic local club - Uiough by no means a rookie in the pool - MacDonald led a group of nine teemmetes into the national showcasc. Collectivcly, Milton amasscd 14 medals, including e handful of golds. Lee-Anne Greer wa girl. Competing in th class, she won boUi th 50mn backstroke. Two more medals c silver in the 100min d bronze in Uic 200m ind Age clasa teen Wasserinan was a i wcll. Her bcst efforts %q 800m freestyle, in wh She also grabbed bron terfly. Leura Goodman, in loop, swain Uic 100m 1 and helped MacDona West to Uiird in Uic 20( Mavs tearing up the league By STEVE LeBLANO The Champion - The Jr. B Mavericks decided it was time to take their gamne to the next level. < ~ Their ride up went off without a hitch. Milton hed been picking up steain since Uic miùdway mark of the yeer, but ail the pieces finally fell int place Friday night et John Tonelli Sports Centre. As a result, Uiey manhandled Uic Semnis Pecers 17-6 for Uicir biggest win of Uic scason. Phot byIAN OSS Coupled with e 14-2 blowout over the hepless Phoo b IN RSS Georgetown Bulldogs Sundey afternoon, Uic but moldiered onl Maverieks now ride e five-game winning streakc and have ail been ensurcd Uiemsclves a second place fin- ish in the Mid-West Division as well as home floor I reedvantage for Uic opening playoff round. JLmqd%;;e s "Friday's gaine reelly pleascd me. The guys know what thcy have to do to win now," saîd head coach Jin Leworthy, whosc teain uts et 12-5 with four s the other golden gaines left to play in the regular season. "he attitude e 30-34 women's and morale in the dressing room is high. MWe players e50m butterfly and are starting to believe in theinselves.", Those last sentiments wcrc particularly truc for Uie aine hier wey - a third Uine, whîch showed strongly aIl weekcnd and ividual medley and was e dominant force egainat Samnia. ividual medley. Leding the wey were Mike Kirk and Keegen mate Christian Sherniff, who collectivcly figurcd in seven goals ultiple medalist as Friday. Kirk was Uic kcy triggcr man on tic night for ,ere delivered in Uic his flrst het-trick this year while Shcrriff exploded ich she took silver. wiUi five assiats and added a goal for good measure cin Uie 200m but- inside Uic final minute of play. Goaltender Andrew Dowdcll was sharp through Uic Uic women's 35-39 entire gaine - picking up his lOth win - and Uic >ackstrokc to bronze local boys kcpt up their intensity until Uic bitter end, Ild, Greer and Lise outgunning Sarnia 8-1 in Uie third pcriod. )mmedley relay. Captain Andrew Haroît and Cory Leigh cach hed Leteiy tea are mtruggllng te keep pece with Milton, me theme Georgetown defendera were againat a Milton bail carrier In weekend action et Tonelli Sports Centre. three goals while Grahain Darling tallied twice. Single tellies went to Darryl Brown, Kyle lImrie, Jimmy Leworthy Jr., Shane McConnell and Brent Moyer. Chris Powlcss meenwhilc, continued on his tomrd point-scoring pace wiUi a five-assiat night. Milton scored four powerplay goals in Uic third to bury Uic visitors. * Sunday et home, Uic Mavs got off ta a bit of a slow start - not scoring until Uic nxidway mark of Uic opcning freine - but cventually ran rougbahod over Uic basement dwelling 'Dogs, who are in serious dan- ger of going winlcss Uhis season. Milton's two goals against cstablishcd a new single- gaine record in that departinent, brealcing Uic old mark of four which had been set a fcw times, including last year against Georgetown. e-e RAVAGES on page 19 SP RTS