10 - The Canadian Champion, Tuesday, June 22. 19W9 Dateline t ram DATELINE on page 9 Everyone is welcomc. Tickets cost $6.50 for aduits and $2.50 for kids under 12. For more information, calI 854-2929. The Community Care Access Centre (CCAC) of Halton hasts 'A Dialogue to Improve Servies and Communication' from 10 a.m. to noon at the Loblaws Milton Market, 75 Nipissing Rd. Current and former clients and caregivers are invit- ed to share their experiences with the CCAC. RSVP to Mary Siegner at 639- 5228, ext. 8966, or 1-800-810-0000. Saturday lune 26 Omagh Presbyterian Church holds a MON-MW& giant garage, bake sale and barbecue at the Boyne Community Centre (corner of Hwy. 25 and Britannia Road) from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. Those wishing to make a dona- tion can do so by calling 876-3413. St. Peter's School celebrates its family picnic and 20th annlversary from noon to 4:30 p.m. Noon-hour mass is followed by a barbecue and picnic festivities. Ail events take place at the school. Former and present staff, students and families are invited. To attend or lend memorabilia, contact Mary at 878-4054. The Milton District Hospital Auxiliary hosts the 19th Annual Strawberry Fair from 8 a.m. to 9 p.m. The cvent at the Derry Road hospital grounds features the GSHOP 12 - 250 mi Bernardin glass jelly jars se)" 12 - 500 mi Berniardin :gla sjars Certo 22 qt. Mirro 55 Ontario St. Optimist Strawberry Pancake Breakfast at 8 a.m. and opening ceremonies at 9:45 a.m. Entertainment for both children and adults takes place ail day. Saturday lune 26 -27 The Campbellville Ares Business Association hosts Canspbeflville's 8Sth birthday party from 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. The festivities include the cutting of the birthday cake ait 2 p.m. Saturday and live musical entertainment from 2 to 5 p.m. Sunday. Sunday June 27 st. Paul's United Church, 123 Main St. E., hosts the Hyde Faily Tribute - Open Hose from 3 to 4:30 p.m. For more information, caîl the chureh office at 878- 8895. The Halton-Peel branch of the Ontario * SUPER SUMMER SHOE SALE Wednesday, June 23, and Thursday, June 24th 9:30 amn to 3:00 pin This fabulous annual shoe sale will be held in the main lobby at thie y Oakville - Trafalgar Memorial Hospital site, 327 Reynolds Street, Oakvîlle. Stop by and check out thse selection of men's and women's comfort shoes available at rock bottom sale prices. Presented by Uic OTMH Footcarc & Orthotic Centre and Miller ShoesQ Datelifle is for local commu- nity groups f0 pro-* mote their non- profit events. lt's free of charge. Ste , MITON878u0931 ai courtesy of d recording meeting from 9:20 arn. to 4 p.rn. at Brampton Memorial Gardens. The cemnetery is situated at the northeast corner of Hwy. 7 and Chinguacousy Road in Brampton. Drinks are provided. Bring your own lunch, chair, clip board and pen or pencil. Visitors are welcome. The Oakvillc Model Flying Club holids its fourth annual Model Airshow in sup- port of the Fareshare Foodbank from 1 to 3 p.m. at Drumquin Park. Visitors are asked to bring a non-perishable food item and their own seating accommodations. Monday June 28 The Milton Seniors' Activity Centre hosts a trip to Casino-Rama in Orillia. The cost, including transportation and a lunch, is $7 for members and $12 for non- members. Cali 875-1681 to sign up.