A Metroland Comrnunity Newspaper Vol. 140 No. 28 Tuesday, June 22, 1999 36 Pages 750t (GST inciuded) L Living in hope following surgery 8v IRENE GENTLE Th. Champion Six montbs after undergoing a contro- versial operation to ease symptoms of Parkinson's disease, Milton's Lynda McKenzie is taking things day by day. "I'm starting to feel a bit better," she said. "It's the kind of thing that goes one step forward and two back." Parkinson's is a degenerative neuro- logical disorder Lynda which kills brain McKenzle celis that produce dopamine, a chemical that aids movement. By the time syrnptorns of Parkinson's begin, typicaily 80 per cent of those brain oeils have been iost, said Ms McKenzie. She was struck by the disease in bier mid-30s. Just over 11 years later, she esti- mates she bais iost ail but 10-15 per cent of bier own oeis. To get tbemt back, Ms McKenzie participating in a rare surgery that attempted to replace dead celis with the a se. IMPROVEMENT on page 4 Editorial page 6 Community 8 Dateline 9m10 Soorts 17-19 Ciassifiled 21-23 MM Mut asalvaie Avmy *shiepperu Drue Marie0 Zelluru ~Ieighl.bours will appeal sitRe decision Bv KAREN SMITH The Champion Nearby residents are appealing a recent Conxmittee of Adjustment decision to grant a zon- ing variance that would allow a Campbellville archaeological dig. John Moks, who lives adjacent to the Twiss Road site, said in documents submitted to the Town that he represents about 30 residents in taking the appeal to the Ontario Municipal Board. of Archaeology's bid to probe an ancient Native village and invite the public on the proper- ty to belp out could result in "unacceptable negative impacts on surrounding lands", includ- ing increased traffic. "The introduction of this operation into tbis rural comn- munity will change the cbarac- ter of Twiss Road in the vicini- ty of his site," le wrote inilis appeal notification. London museum director- general Dr. Bill Finîsyson declined discussing tbe situa- tion in detail, but told The Champion be's disappointed that bie will bave to put bis plans for the site on bold. He intends to conduct a 15- year, student-assisted dig on the site and bold field expedi- tions witb the public to raise money. Jim Flindali, spokesperson for the neigbbours, said resi- dents aren't trying to stop Uic conditions by the Committee of Adjustment st montb. He said tbey want to see that the natuoe of the environmen- taliy-sensitive area is pre- served, but tbey're tnt sure that tbe conditions in their current form will do tbat, bence tbe appeal. He didn't wisb to elab- orate. Dr. Finlayson originally pianned to build overnigbt accommodations to bouse workers and field expedition participants on tbe site, but then quasbed the plans comn- pletely in response to neigb- bours' concemis. Tbe variance to permit the dig in conjunction with the cur- rent zoning tbat shlows a achool was approved witb several con- ditions. One requires ail activities with the exception of tbe dig to be restricted to tbe exîsting developed ares at the front of e see LOOMS on page 4 DiIerby drive for food and bragging rights When the Milton Optimist Club bosts a food junior cîsass. Kids of ail ages are encouraged to Cars, Suite 513, 420 Main Street Est, Milton, drive, tbey mean it literally. cornte down, provided tbey are able to properly L9T 5G3. Drivers of ail ages are invîted to corne out to the operate the brakes and steer the car. Only the first 15 entry formns in eacb class will Optirnist Club's Canasda Day Coaster Car Race. The event will take place at tbe Mill Street bill, be accepted. Tbe entry fee for the event is a donation of wbeoe a recent radar test sbowed the cars coasted Ail drivers must supply their own heimets and canned food for tbe food batik. down at a rate of about 29 kms per bour. wear seat beits. Soap box type cars are supplied The drive will feature three adult classes - a Space is limited, so would-be drivers are asked for tbe event. ladies only race, a 50-plus co-ed race and a co-ed to pick up entry formns at local businesses Spokes The fun kicks off witb a ceiebrity race at 2 p.m. race for drivers aged 17-49. N' Siopes, Fitness Zone and Boardtopia. Winners in eacb class will earn bragging rigbts For tbe first time, the event will aiso feature a Entry formns sbould be mailed to Ontario Coaster for tbe year, said organizer Jim Dunbam. PhotobyGAAPIN ýv/Light headedW RFAVPIN Decked out with palnted faces and balloon hats, Krlstlna Osi and friand Ashlee Jamieson, both 9, share a refreshlng Iced tee durlng the Moonilght Magie downtown festival Frlday. See more photos on page 2.