Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 18 Jun 1999, p. 25

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-1 - SALES OPPORTUNITIES Nayior Croup flic, Oas openings for two individu- ais wiih very specie skiils. 0ur Heating & Air Condilioning opeauion raquires an axperieocad Salex Manager with aI leasi 3 yrs soies axpurience in HVAC. 0cr busy Communications division raquires an axporiencad sales represastativa for voice and data cablisg sysfrms. Direct salas exp. ix essanlial. Please fax or mail your resume in confidence ta: eng Oloura, Mugiie croup la. 455 Nxrth Service Rd., E., Oakville, ON L6H 1A5 Phone (905)-338-8000 Fan (905)-338-1909 CNC HORIZONTAL BORING MILL OPERATORS CNC VERTICAL MACHINISTS QUALITY CONTROL INSPECTOR Experionced In a Custom Machine Shop Environnent TOOL & DUE MAKER Expertonoed In âge. à Fixture SALARY TO COMMENSURATE WITH EXPE- RIENCE. EXCELLENT BENEFITS Phono (905) 8764739 or Fax rersume la: ROMAC UNO. (905) 876-4451 We are a fuit maintenance lase company, spediatztng In Clase 7 and 8 unbt. Due 10 continuoci growtb virs requtro: * LI1c.nrsied Clase "A" H.ravy Truck M.chanîcs Applicanis muet have a minimum 5 years experienco. e Mobile Mechanil vait truck andl traiter expertienco ta oporals new service trucks e Roofer Mechanlos vatth 310o 5 years oxpertence e Waeh Bay Personel Fuit and Part-tUme positions avoulable for ait positions if you are inlorestoci in jotntng s gmvaing conrpaly that provides top vaages bans- fil andi flexible wortdng conditions pisas cati our Service Depi. 905-693-05 or Fax Resurne to Dea manas et (905) 693-9157 eoi TGWER CONIRIN PERSON with ADP experienoe eC Sc ENERA TECNIICIAN G.M. motors experience Cali (-) 844-2326 r, Ask for 'Q. Waltr Weddepohi or TO W NE Domnic Delmonte POLYMER DI3TIRIBUTION INC., a leader bn dry butk distribution packaginga nd vaarebouslng bas an opportuntty avaltabor In our Milton office for a: PART TIME PAYROLL ADMUKSTRATOR vt 3-5 years exprtoince In payrott, You bavesa good wontctng knovaecge of tihe Ceridian Payrott System 10 administer a bt-weekty payroi for 65 bourty and salarlec emplyses, plus corne ciericat dues. As a good communicator, you work watt Inde- pendontfy and as a team, you are protessionat and watt organized. We offer a very compelitive compensation pack- age plus profit sharing Plus@ fax or mail your r.suma Io: HUMAN RESOURCES DEPT. POLYMER DISTRIBUTION UNC. 359 Wheelabrator Way Milon, ON L9T 3C1 Fax # (905) 878-3162 M~POLYMER lau r DISTIUION IC I The Canadien Champion, Fniday ~ you ara belvasen the Earn extra cash for UfriSt as! FULL-TIME OR PART-TIME! A umaîl, entreprenreurial company in Oakvflle needu your expertise! Our team is tooking for energetic individuats for a 3 - month contract commencmng September with the foltowing ukills: " Excellent Word 97 " Excellent WordPerfect 8 " Excellent Powerpoint " Basic Excel tf you possess these skills and enjoy a faut-paced, detail orientred environent surrounded by friendly people, mail your riluméto:. kECRUITING 406 North Service Rd. E., Suite 300, Oakville, ON L6H 5R2 Please reoprond no later than lune 3Oth. We thank everyone for their interest. Only those selected will be conîactred. No calls or faxes plesse! ACCOUNTINO. DEPARTMVENT Thrinadyne Canada, a taading wholesaler Of Wetding retated producis, headquarlared in Oatrvitte, bas a position opus in Accouniing. University degree, accounting designation or Cottage aducation would ba a definite assai. Tha polautiat candidate shautd hava accounling experianca and hava woriig in a computenized envirosmaul. Pleasa submit rasumas by mait or fan lx: Thermnadyne Wetding Producis Canada Ltd. 2070 Wyecroft Rd., Oakvîlle, ON, L6L 5V6 Fax (905)4827-9387 ADMINISTRATIVE SECRETARY Futl lime position avaitabte for purson with axperiance in variaty of computer programs such as Windows 98, Microsoft Office 97 Professionat, McAfaa Vshiatd, BPt Accosnling tl, and Adobe Acrobaf. Abitity 10 communicata affeclivaty, vaubatty and wril- fan, in Engtish and Frenchr would ha an assai. Job fondions inctudè mail, daily daposil, Visa & Master- cerd entres, word prncessing, data antry, copying, ordars and invenlory. Onty successit candidates in lte seleclian process vett ha conlactad. Ptaase inctude axpeclad raie of pay. Sud reses: MAU.C.,IS auies 5100 South Service Rd, Unit 9, Qudington,L7L 6A5 ACCOUNTING SUPERVISOR Raquired for accounting office of Mwo. Must be able Io do full set oi computerszed bookcs te fisascial siaiements inctuding att govemmeni renitances. Sirong computer skilîs in Microsoft Escel, Word, aiong wtit hands on ee in Ia Microsoft net- worked systen are a must Esperience in Business Visions Delta wouId be an assai. Tihis position is avaitabta immediatety. Pies foreard your resume ta: Nor-Am Patient Care Products Limited 2388 Speers Rd, OakviIIe, ON, L6L 5M2 FOX <905825-050 Pvoc.ss Engineein TsMRchncan Requiremnents for positions are a Mechanical Engineering Technology/ Techoician Graduafe, Automotive experience an asset, good communicationl interpersonal skitts, have own car, must be mechanicatly inctined and able ta work atone. Please mail resumnes ta: H.R. MAIME, 1400 Adouas Rd.,Gellb, M, LOIL 6L6 N. phwa ois pleae CLDSIID 75-330 I June 18, 1999-25 Packagi*ng Technca Thre oakvitl pacagin facilhty of CanAmera Fooda oequues thre service of a Paekagng Téchnicdan. Wbrking on a diverse number of automnated and semlù-autooîsted packaging fines, you may be expecied toi operaoe a var"t of packagting nachmnery, such as Votators, filUers, formers, doisera, labeters, and case rickers. Odher tanks ay inude manual palleding toeefling, and noa-wasng. Succesafui candidte wlt have succssfnsly compteared Grade 12, and paoseas a demionueraerr merchanicat aptitude. Capabhlty of work"n shAh, and flcaihty tu adapt tu scisedule change a teessential, as s a democnstratedr abilimy t fianction safefy and maintain a dean work envinrnmenî. Candidates with packaging fine experience, aid knowtedge 0f GMP, ISO 9002, aid HAACP vaut be given preferrence. Cannera Foods rofeas a compeitivle wage aid an excelient bencfit progran. Quatfled candidates ehould fowad a resurne n later dhm Frlday, Jase 25th, 1999, to- C/0aOHUU55D5uirce Depurtemene ' . *Um ' 2190 South Seleeond Wet À M IIIMOakviie, Ontaro, L6L 5Nl Càj M- im-(M0) "69-2002 « 6 - hmdeove@oenamesshdrnem Corne foin us... .be la part of the Besti Due la contisued success sn lte togistirs fiaid, TUTi 11015 Exoas Logbuleiocs and Mil, a laading provider ai 3rd purty togistics solutions, is seelrîng a motivaied indîvidealtof assume a leadesip voie sn Oakvitte, Ontanio. OPERATUON SUERVISOR FILE # CA-DS-0699-1 Reportlng o tha Contract Manager, Ibis bey position wrît ha respussibta for: " Dispatcbing and monitoring pra-baotrad toads. " Updating information, trading and mamntaining traders. " Datà collection of information retating ta dispalcr, payrotl, invoicisa, sataty and comptiances and bey pelfonnancie measuremenis " Pmoviding cestamer service. " Shiff wnrr. Lagisiics, dispaicit or transportation experience is essential, as is computer liiaracy and provas customer service excellence. Tite rigit candidatea eut be proacliva ina busy, urgait environnent. Posi-sacosdary aducalios poeterrad. TNT Global Express Lugistics and Mail offers compotifiva and ravaarding compensation package & the opporlusity la apply your skills euth a recognizad industry leader. If you ara inlarasted in pursaisa this challange in the gracixa fiald ai conîrucl logislics, Pieus formaid feur ream, qeetlg the flei cniber, 0tno W u Joe 25, 1MS te: TN Global Expess Logistlcs and Malt 5800 Ambler Or., Sait@ 210, Toronto, Ont, L4W 4J4 Fax (905)-33-1694 Thank you for your interest, but only those selected for an interview will ha contacted. Telephone calis wiii flot ha accapted. Globol E.pm.is. Louel.&5iMan® black, Catitamnia car, surmmer drivon onl, T- roal, PW/PDIM/- Cruis, AMIFMICD, 107,000 mites. Asldng $8,900. 878-0369. Parlilmeffulltire 10 offer mnnovative legal coverage. Com- mi$$ion$ -ai daiiy Training provided. Taped message, 888-290-4494. MILLSIDE TOWERS 82 MILLStDE DR., MILTON NOW LEASING 1 Bedroom avait- able on bus route, fresbfy dorcoraoci, 2 appliances, an-aile tsundry, indludes att utililies (axcept phono &à cabne.) Free parking, no pets. RaIe rances raquiroci. 905-76-1249 By appointmorint only SELF GONTAINED bachetor sparmont, avaitabie Augustle1t. $560 inclusive. Caflt 878-3023, belvason 3 p.m. & 9 p.m. SPACIOUS 1,2 & 3 bedroams. Fresbty poinleri, brigbt. Com- potlitive rent. Burtingion b irse. Wall nain- PaFnd. Convonlont to- cation. <905)333-9646. Noon - 8 p.m. SPACIOUSIATTRAC- TIVE ono bedroom basanent aparimont, centrelty tocalrec. Fdicge, slave, woîldng poreon onl. Rofsronic- es. 878-6069, 878- 8965. NOTICE TO CREDITORS AND OTHERS U N THE ESTATE 0F JOHN BARTHOLOMEW NUNANI latreof 06136 9ih Une In the Town cof Milton, in the Province osf Ontaio. ALL PERSONS having clai againat the aite of JOHN BARTHOLOMEW NUNAN, laiteocf 6136 9ih Une In the Town of Mitton who diredt on the 2nd day of March, 1999, are horeby roquiroci to, send full particuiars of such ciaims 10 tho undarsignei oxerculor on or before the 30th day of Juiy, 1999 alar which date the estaie's assois rvl be dis- tributedc having rogard onty ta dlaims that have baon roceiverd and tho undersignod wiii not be hable la any porson of whose dlaim ho shall no thon notice. Daled at Milton this 1lat day of June, 1999. FRANK HALK 6150 M1 Line Homj:O t nro LOP1 EO GAAG ALE m - 1 dyUUe huos an a com ACCOMMODATiGri Petmie hs anr a. cti th required for deaf adult peitv srgamar cvii the- studenis, slarting 87-140 De~rm a H95>if Care Professional September. Rooms in Dy9/ 878-1240.1 famlv bomnes prerferrerd Fiesources Deveop- 1 A E R S M N R B,8825,x33 met anda Mn.Jne21 7308:0pl ONE berdroom Apari- mont for ybng working 1 i 6 rn S . Brlrgon maie. Non-amokerno pets. In ilton area. Cai EXPERIENCED Baby- SPORTS INJURY MANAGiEMENT 416-630-3948. aitter noeded for ane MASSAGE THERAPY chil, flexible houms. For clamae Meula Sept. w9 infornation oeil Cheryl at 878-3627. PERSONAL SUPPORT WORKER EXPERIENCED day-; Clmas 869111 Aag. 9, u9 ACTON, 3 berdroomn cars, Mother ai two. R. Vcoinsm 100 Creative crafis, ouin For Fre. Informatien Brochure Cali Us AIj itfa ei$00 nurtiu lunhe, ba- Large 2 bedroom aport- biles vasicome. 876- (905) si32-3200 ment w/basormen, $725 02.-Financial Aid May De Available pius ulliles. 519-853- 508 or 519-853-5352. AVAILAULE Juiy 1, 1999. Noar drowntown EXPERIENCED ci5511 PR EG N AN T? LOOKING for Kkchen-Mlo,2 ero ing ledy avoabie. Quai-~ . eriwaieriooi comue apariment, wiboIcny 4 1 leaning. Florason- Decsions to meks fori mmdos. Wut psy gos. parking tas fo idstWl Lyci., as $800.00 plus lceraes. Roforonces uIs were hors to iten. Phono 693-9..bt& ydo.Phn avaliab". Cati Dobtale, 875-1245.hat& ydoPon aloer 6, 876-2085. 876-06M. 1 1 - J

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